
Football and fires/riots

Monday, October 20, 2014 8:41 AM
So, there is an argument that strip clubs are a blight on the neighborhood because of it's customers and their "thuggery." Can the same be said of college football stadiums now days? The convenience shop?


  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I will never understand the rioting and burning of cars when winning a championship. Rioting after losing - makes sense. Not after winning
  • crsm27
    10 years ago
    motor... you are 100% correct. Or rioting and looting after any event. Like in Fergeson. Now I am not trying to start a race debate. But it seems bad people look for an excuse to riot. Yep... I am mad lets riot... I am happy lets riot! It is a Tuesday... Lets riot. But I never understood the motivation for rioting and looting. Protesting yes....but why cross that line??? Now onto the question. the "thuggery" or so to speak is a more common element out in the world today. Or people look for reasons to be a "thug" or they are called a "thug" for no better choice of words. I coach youth football and had a parent call a players actions on the field a "thug". All he was doing was his job... making tackles and hitting the opposition hard. One parent from the other team said, "that number 35 was a thug out there hitting those kids so hard". He was playing his position at the talent level he is at. he wasn't playing down to the completion. See what I mean people throw out "thug" too freely. Sorry for a rant but this bugs the shit out of me.
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