With ranukam who had formerly sworn to be a life long strip club monger, now departing, the field narrows for who will be the last TUSCLer (of those on prior to today) standing?
I'm sure a few here today will join alutrard in clubbing until they die, but some are already up there in the years. I think it will ultimately be a horse race between me and Juice! Juice! Juice! come mid century.
I'll probably change names. Sharkhunter will likely disappear under the surf. I still liked it better when discussions were deleted after 2 weeks. However Dougster probably wouldn't get to enjoy bumping the same classic threads for months. If Dougster bought the site, I could imagine a new section called Classic threads. Fuck that whatever would be in there, the system would be in there, etc. etc. lol
I say having Motor be Founder's handpicked dauphin is a smashing idea.
Myself I am not a very high-activity TUSCLer, not being a high-activity SCber in RL, but I would certainly miss this place, the review pages are outstanding vs. other sites, and even some of the flamewars are sometimes amusing.
(But yes, most online sites lacking some sort of large corporate parent do seem to have the peak-then-taper-off lifecycle, and to suffer from a lack of a succession/renewal plan)
last commentLet's all take screenshots of our favorite threads so we may save them for posterity
Myself I am not a very high-activity TUSCLer, not being a high-activity SCber in RL, but I would certainly miss this place, the review pages are outstanding vs. other sites, and even some of the flamewars are sometimes amusing.
(But yes, most online sites lacking some sort of large corporate parent do seem to have the peak-then-taper-off lifecycle, and to suffer from a lack of a succession/renewal plan)