
The cunts on the pink site are confirming what I predicted.

Avatar for nickifree

I took a look over on the pink site for shits and grins. All the bitches are complaining about how slow and bad business is. I know I've ranted about how the ghetto vibe has infested strip clubs, and now the girls get to see the ugly side of it too. Most guys with 'where it all' didn't it there by being ghetto. Yet the large majority of dancers are absolutely ghetto- be they black, white, Asian or Hispanic.

Ghetto mentality IS a turn off for most men. The problem is the kind of guys these current crop of women are attracted to, are the exact opposite of the type of men they need to make a good living off from dancing in strip clubs. And for the guys, the women are not suitable unless your just totally into extras.

This ghetto mentality in strip clubs arose about 15 years ago with the rise of rap/hip-hop. I for one am glad to see this ghetto cunts get the type of low rent money they deserve. I know strip clubs may never ever be what they were 15 to 20 years ago, but at least I'm old enough to have enjoyed the higher, much more desirable dancers before the current crop of despicable ghetto ho's now on staff.


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Avatar for TortillaChip

You should rewrite and repost thsi after you come down from your meth/dmt cocktail.

Those are dangerous, btw!

Avatar for standupguy81

I don't understand why people complain about clubs, go to another if you dont like it. Ghetto clubs are usually fun and very cheap. If you can't find a suitable club to accommodate your personal preferences, maybe you should open your own spot.

Avatar for SlickSpic

You can learn a lot about our fellow members by the discussions that they start. Some of us like to crack jokes. Some like to ask questions. Some like to tell stories. Some like to offer advice. Some like to troll(Juice!Juice!Juice!).

And some, love to complain. That's not the fault of strip clubs or of a ghetto mentality. Some people ain't happy unless they bitch and complain. Now, I'm no psychologist but I do have the ability and resources to go over fellow members discussions. And some people, well, they not only seem to love to bitch, moan, whine, and complain, they live for it. It's their very essence.

Avatar for Dougster

Spic: "and some people, well, they not only seem to love to bitch, moan, whine, and complain, they live for it. It's their very essence"

The most prominent trait of passive-aggressive personality disorder, which some think should be called "negativistic" or "oppositional" instead. jestie214 and jerkoffson40 are the boards best examples.

Avatar for steve229

Dr. Slick - So what does it mean when someone "bumps" the same 2-3 threads over and over...is that some kind of OCD thing?

Avatar for crazyjoe

I like your point of view slick. Well said.

Avatar for mikeya02

OP......"why don't you quit cry'n and bring me some bourbon"

Avatar for Dougster

I wonder what you would call a middle guy who is jealous of those who make okay money; who has the interests of and acts like a 16 y/o girl; who can only feel motivated to do things like exercise and eat well when a stripper pretends to like him because he pays her money?


Avatar for sharkhunter

Example, I wait until a second or third song to tip a dancer and the stupid dancer thinks I want to see her shake her ass when she just took off her top. I may not buy dances from her or tip her very much. She shouldn't be too surprised but if she's ghetto, she might think everyone is stupid and wait to see her ass after waiting until she takes off her top.

Avatar for sharkhunter

In case someone on the pink site reads this, if I wanted to see you shake your ass and didn't care about seeing your tits, I could tip you on the first song or when your top was on. The question you need to ask, did I? This might be a clue about what I want to see.

Avatar for Estafador

@dougster you can't call him a hoe because he don't get enough pussy lol

Sorry you feel that way sport. did you expect things to stay the same forever. Time move forward even if you don't. want it classy to your standards. Go to a strip club that charges $50 per floor dance and $1200 per 30 of VIP. That'll have just what you need, after all its premium right? Or are you only able to afford them "ghetto" prices. I myself don't mind. I got the money, the hoodlum experience (21+ years since birth) and class enough to impress and get them to behave. I think I can handle myself based on these criteria

Avatar for Dougster

Yes, that's what I'm thinking. Said guy (or is he a 16 y/o girl?) has been having a pretty obvious middle life crisis for sometime now. Undoubtedly he is in a very modest place in the social hierarchy and has a very modest pay check. Far below where he thinks he deserves to be. So he looks at others who make more than him, maybe because they broke out of being bureaucratic lifers and successfully run their own businesses, and his reaction is militant denial.

Also, because he is far below the real success he hoped for and doesn't think there is time for a second chance, he refuses to accept his age, and takes on the interests and behaviors of a 16 y/o girl. (Why not a boy, though? Guy has some pretty clear homosexual leanings.)

The lack of motivation to do things, unless it is due to a stripper who is paid to pretend to like him, is a pretty clear sign of depression. Undoubtedly regarding his lot in life and unlikelihood that there is time to change and get where he thinks a guy like himself "deserves" to be.

Avatar for jester214

Then there are the posters who claim to be earning hundreds of thousands each year but choose to spend their free time bumping topics that they initially created with an alternate account.

Avatar for nickifree

No. I will keep up my anti-ghetto position. You see I'm waiting. I'm waiting for the clubs to get so ghetto that the money dries up in the club. You see I'm waiting for the clubs to hit rock bottom. From there they'll get much better.

There's only two or three topics that I ever complain about and confront. This one is the main one. Expect more posts from me. If you don't like then take the similar advice you gave to me and don't read them.

Avatar for SlickSpic

@Nickifree-I'm not against your complaints. Just give them some zing, like Adam Carolla. He complains with sheer brilliance.

I got a cousin. Blonde Argentine chick. Natural tan, real cute. No kids. Late 20's. She's a nurse. She makes good money. She loves to complain. Lives for it. Nicky, can you say, love connection?

Avatar for nickifree

Read this post from Yelp. It's from the owner of both one of the best(Perfect 10) and one of the worst (Sugar's) strip clubs in Austin.


Avatar for georgmicrodong

Here we go again. "Strip clubs are doomed!"

Avatar for SlickSpic

Hey, GMD. You looking for a match? I'm hooking up my bros. If you like complaining chicks, I got one for you...

Avatar for motorhead

When I first heard Rapper's Delight on the radio in the late 70's, I thought, this is nice catchy novelty song. It's ok, but let's get back to Plant & Page. Who knew?

Avatar for mikeya02

Gee, I thought the first rap song was "I've Been Everywhere" by Johnny Cash

Avatar for steve229

One should also take note of the role of the New Wave group Blondie's 1980 hit "Rapture,"

"Rapture" is a combination of disco, funk, and hip hop with (lead singer Debbie Harry's) rap section forming an extended coda. The song title "Rapture" served to indicate this element. While it was not the first single featuring rapping to be commercially successful, it was the first to top the charts."

Avatar for mikeya02

I wasn't kidding, rap rhyming started somewhere :)

Avatar for mikeya02

Lol...... good ole Hollywood

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@SlickSpic: Is she hot? Does she give good head? I can put up with some complaining, even bitching, if the head is good enough.

And just to be sure, is she a "she" and was she born that way? Just askin'.

Avatar for nickifree

Well a couple of weeks ago I started a review with "I've seen fire and I've seen rain, but I hope to hell I never see what I saw in this club again". However the review was not approved. It must have been the ghost of Yoda pulling an old Jedi mind trick.

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