Well...while I like SC a lot and occasionally go to a massage parlor, I have never done OTC or used an escort. I also have the rule of never doing FS in a club, parlor, etc but happy to seek out HJ or BJ from a dancer. In any event, was talking to a dancer who is becoming an ATF recently and she mentioned that she frequently sees guys outside of the club - sometimes at a hotel and sometimes at their place. While I have certainly thought about this, I don't recall ever meeting anyone that I liked that told me that this was an option and I was intrigued but very hesitant. So...a whole bunch of issues came up: 1) Never going to bring someone home - like keeping my personal life and my extracurricular activities separate - No one in my life knows I go to clubs and no one would suspect this either. This seems like a fairly risky thing to do. 2) Hotel - hmm...if it was cheap enough and I could pay with cash - maybe. I guess this is sort of like paying for the room fee but you can spend more than 15 minutes and total privacy. Kind of like the idea of snuggling with this girl, who is a total cutie, in bed, in addition to getting my rocks off a few times. Really don't like the idea of a credit card receipt - too many chances for embarrassing questions. 3) Does this mean I need to put the girls contact info in my phone? Is this a problem? Does this now mean she is going to know my first AND last name? 4) Do I use my car or just meet her? - I don't think she could find out my full name and address easily from my car but certainly not impossible. 5) She asked for $200 plus some food for a few hours of her time. Given that I can spend over $100 in just doing 10-15 minutes of LD where only limited stuff can happen, sounds like a great bargain.
So...really want to keep my identify safe and secure but I am a horn dog and also likes to save a buck too.
I don't want to discourage you from having a good time, but in my experience even when you pay in cash you have to provide a photo ID to rent a motel room (even a cheap one). Sometimes they will even make a photo copy. Now this is in my state AZ, so YMMV. I guess you could go old school and get a fake ID though. Now in regards to the girl finding out your name and other info; I find most of the girls I've OTC'd with have been much more interested in keeping their information a secret than finding out my information. That being said I don't know this girl and if that's the vibe you're getting from her I would suggest letting it go. From my experience the times we get in trouble is when we don't listen to those initial feelings. So let her be your ATF in the club and spend a little bit more.
As to putting her number in your phone, just put Rob as her name. I do that with the biggest rip off bitch whose number I have in my phone. The others I just put their given name. I even have one's husband's name. She doesn't strip anymore and he thinks she comes over to clean my house when she is really just cleaning the plumbing.
"Do I use my car or just meet her? - I don't think she could find out my full name and address easily from my car but certainly not impossible."
Picked up my OTC date once in my car, and being the gentleman I am, I held the passenger car door open for her. By the time I went around and got into the driver's seat she was intently studying a piece of mail I had forgotten I'd left in the car.
"I didn't know that was your last name, Steve" she said.. She was probably just curious, but all the same, if you use your car be sure to give it a good cleaning out first, lol.
Definitely OTC. Far superior to fun in the club. I recently posted an article on my first OTC experience if you want to read the story. I am very glad that I did it, and in continuing with regularity.
Here are the answers to your questions. PM me if you have any follow-up questions.
1. Yeah don't bring her home. Just like the girls, keep your club and outside the club lives separate. 2. Buy a prepaid gift card with a visa or MasterCard logo with cash. You can get them all over. Use that card to pay for the room. There is no record that in any way ties the card to you. I doubt that they will require an ID but even if they do it's not a big deal. 3. Best option is a burn phone. Second option if you have an iPhone or android device is get an ap you can use to store private data (I use firebox but there are many others). Also get an ap that let's you make phone calls and send or receive texts anonymously. I posted a discussion topic a few weeks ago about this as an alternative to burn phones. I use textme. There is no reason to give her your first and last name, and do not do so. 4. You should each drive separately and meet either at the location to eat or the hotel. I usually meet at a restaurant that is near the hotel. She is not going to find your identity using your license plate. She's a stripper. Be realistic. 5. Very reasonable prices.
Being nervous about the first time is understandable, but if you know and like the girl you should definitely go for it. If she's been a stripper for a while and does OTC with some regularity, it should be fine. But if you run into any bad stripper shit (unreasonably late, drugs, demanding money beyond what you agreed to, etc) just walk away.
I usually have them get the room. First thing, when you are done, you can just leave. If there are any damages, any complaints, any issues, it's not yours to deal with or an unexpected call when in certain company. Second, a lot of dancers who do OTC service are going to see multiple clients in an evening, so they are going to want the room anyways. And lastly, if she has the reputation as an escort or the cops show up later, nothing is in your name.
OMG I never thought OTC was rocket science or a Tom Clancy op!!
There are hotels with 4 hour rates. Use one of those; you can pay with cash and all they want is your license plate # so they don't tow your car. NEVER bring a pro sex worker to your house unless you know her very well. I've been to theirs and if you like squalor you'll be fine.
I have dancers info in my regular cell phone because I don't give a shit, but if your wife's looking is an issue don't put a female name. You can get a burn phone but that's a HUGE red flag if a wife ever sees it!! I think you're safer using your own.
If you're worried she'll know your last name, you probably are with the wrong girl.
The reason to use a burn phone or private communication ap is not mainly because of a concern over how to list her in your contacts. Instead, it's mainly because she may keep texting you to set up future dates. I don't know about everyone else, but sometimes my wife sees details of my texts.
blacky -- go for it. The advice above is excellent. You'll be fine. Never bring her home or give her your address. Pay with cash or a money card -- never use your credit or debit card. Think paper trail. If you can convince her to get room in her name (so she can use it for more than 1 PL), tell her you'll pay for it. If it is in your name, when you leave, make sure she leaves.
Lastly, you're legally responsible for anything in your car. If you are driving her and you should happen to be pulled over and she drops her drugs under your car seat and denies that it is hers -- say goodnight. Make her meet you there!!!
Much good advice here. There's an older article about using Google Voice to keep in contact with strippers. Be aware that while properly utilized GV provides many advantages, and hides your real identity from the people who call you, it is *not* a guarantee of complete anonymity. Any app that knows your phone number for forwarding texts and calls can be made to give that up to LEO.
As others have alluded, you will *not* find a hotel/motel that is both anonymous *and* worth staying at. Most will take cash, even if they want a credit card for deposit, but every single place of repute will at least want to see your identification so they'll have somebody to go after if the room gets trashed.
The advice to never let an unknown quantity in your car is so excellent that you should engrave it on your brain. Asset forfeiture means the cops get to take and keep your car if it's used in the commission of certain crimes. Felony drug possession being just one of those.
As for using a prepaid card, many of those now require registration with your social security number, so that the IRS can track money it thinks should be taxed. Certain logoed gift cards may be an exception, but not all hotels will take those.
Shadowcat is correct that this is complicated, but that's the price we sometimes must pay for pussy. It is quite a bit easier if you do this in a way that you don't need to hide the hotel room, like during a business trip. But that didn't sound like an option for the guy that posted this thread.
I was in a horrible marriage for a very long time. It got so bad that I had to avoid doing anything which could rock the boat in any way. So I had to keep all outside friends separated. This mean using my middle name and giving nothing else.
So once I finally did get the wife out the front door, I went out and about on the side walk and at familiar haunts and started giving people my complete name and contact info. It was like I had risen from the dead.
So I am with Shadowcat, I don't want to have to stay hidden or to do things in secret. I want to be able to hand people business cards, invite them to my residence, and introduce them to my other friends. I suffered long and hard to be able to have this.
I really believe that we need to start putting money into a scholarship fund. The only way that these strippers are going to be able to help guys with their marital problems is if we can send them school and get them qualified to practice divorce law.
Some stripper escorts maintain places of their own for sessions. The best of these are the same sorts of places AAMPs use, gated communities with limited sight lines to the front door.
What people say about motels is true. If it is in your name, you cannot leave her alone in it. Don't know what will happen.
As a practical matter, in most states there is no way for a civilian to get from a car license plate number to a name.
Most of these stripper escorts will not try to bite back at you, but you never know. Most people don't keep their cars fully sanitized of personal information.
The idea about using a man's name for the phone entry is a good one. Don't make it a perturbation of the girl's name either.
But most of these precautions could be dismantled by law enforcement if there were need.
One serious matter that I know of blew up because the man's car was stolen.
In Thomas Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities the trouble started when there was a fatality car accident. The guy didn't want to be forthcoming with police. Then the infidelity aspect of it made it political news and made the case worse.
I remember years ago at a conference. I found myself captivated by an attractive sales rep, in a short skirt and high heels. When the session adjourned she approached me and said something which sounded harmless on the surface. But her real meaning was, "Okay, right now, lets go." I was flabbergasted. If I was seen doing that I would have been discredited. The other guys in my company were married and they didn't do stuff like that. I realized that this was not this rep's job, it was just the way she did her job. If I was seen as having some special emotional connection to her, my credibility would be gone forever. So of course I declined.
PS, Yes this talk about drugs and asset forfeiture is a serious matter. Maybe it is not likely to happen, but another thing which kept me from welcoming stripper into my personal life was their propensity for contraband substances and addictions, and just for lifestyles which I do not accept. Fortunately not all of them are like this. Actually I find it to be more among the whites. These whites are the family blacksheep, the designated scapegoats. If they could face this it would be find. They could protect themselves and organize politically and fight for justice. But as they can't face it, they just live shithead lives.
With the ethnics it is different. Usually they are self aware and responsible people who are taking care of themselves in a world which is profoundly unfair.
I’m not much of an OTCer but I think you are way over thinking it.
Men have been hooking up w/ women for P4P since the beginning of time – ask shadow :).
And there have been countless tales of OTC here on TUSCL and I have yet to hear of a PL whom was “tracked down” by a dancer – most of these women are just interested in the $$$ and avoiding the drama.
No-tell motels often rent by the hour – most large enough cities should have these “lovers” types of motels and although they are not 5-star they are often good enough – and they often take cash although they usually require an ID. As others have mentioned; you can ask her to rent to the room w/ her ID and you give her the $$$ for the room.
Picking her up in your car is not the best idea but sometimes unavoidable since many dancers seem to have transportation issues along with their other myriad of issues.
Just take the common sense precautions given by others but in life one cannot completely eliminate risks down to 0%.
Folks - Thanks so much for all of the feedback and advice. Yes, I am sure I am overthinking this but I live my life outside of the SC to remain unphased because I am a horny guy that likes to have a good time with strippers!! I had never thought about OTC prior to yesterday and then had all of these questions / concerns. You guys mentinoed a whole bunch of stuff I never would have thought about, especially about any drug issues. I have known this dancer for a while a she doesn't strike me as a user but I am probably not the best judge for this. Also, I am not concerned she is going to be a ROB - have done enough dancers with her in 2 different clubs to know that she has never acted that way with me in the club and have certainly seen that behavior before from others. So, all of the questions are me just being paranoid about doing something riskier than going to a club and trying to avoid all the potential pitfalls. I think I will take her up on her offer as it just seems like a no brainer from a value perspective and the club is getting more and more restrictive so it is getting harder to have a good time there. Any other comments, please PM me - again, thanks for all of the great comments.
@blacky: "Also, I am not concerned she is going to be a ROB - have done enough dancers with her in 2 different clubs to know that she has never acted that way with me in the club"
As with stocks and mutual funds, "past performance is no guarantee of future returns."
I had met with a dancer a couple of times OTC, as had a number of other guys. Then one night, she took the money for the room, we walked into the hotel, she said she needed a bathroom break, turned the corner to the restrooms and ran and out the back door to her waiting accomplice. Sure, it was only $50, but I'd been prepared to give her $200 for the romp, and let her *know* that's what was on the table.
After I'd waited a bit, I texted her and asked what was up. No response, so I went into the ladies room after knocking, and no one was there. I let her know that I was going to report her behavior on web site with which she was familiar, but never heard from her again. A couple of guys said she contacted them, but they'd read my report and told her to fuck off. :)
Fantasy will always be better than the reality, because the bad consequences have been controlled. U increase risk with little reward in OTC other than getting your rocks off, over a period of a few minutes to half an hour. Is that worth it? If you have nothing to lose it is, but if you have too much downside potential then consider it a bad idea. Only you can answer this question. I personally can't afford to lose what I've built with career, family, and secured lifestyle. When I was single it was a different story. I've heard visiting Vancouver and other jurisdictions where the stigma of sex work isn't as negative is worth planning a trip some day. This way if you've invested enough time and money, this way you can save yourself a lot of risk. Maybe off tangent, but the point is weigh the pros and cons and you'll get the right answer.
With all these points you articulated above, I would recommend you NOT doing OTC.
There's so many ways you can get bad results aside from the once you listed above. You have no idea what background does the girl has, she might have stayed several nights at the slammer, you just don't know.
To me you sound like you're going to shrivel and lose yourself when one thing goes bad.
Please for your peace of mind do not do OTC.
In my case, I know already walking-in into her she has gone through bad times. You know what I mean when I say bad times.
When I read the original post it reminded me how fortunate us guys this side of the pond are. If I worried to that extent I probably would never do it.
The way I see it is if you trust her and you don't damage any property there is nothing to worry about in renting a room. Hoteliers must get this all the time, couples booking rooms and only using it for a few hours at most before checking out. It's not just us guys fucking strippers either, it's escorts and people having affairs etc.
last commentPicked up my OTC date once in my car, and being the gentleman I am, I held the passenger car door open for her. By the time I went around and got into the driver's seat she was intently studying a piece of mail I had forgotten I'd left in the car.
"I didn't know that was your last name, Steve" she said.. She was probably just curious, but all the same, if you use your car be sure to give it a good cleaning out first, lol.
Here are the answers to your questions. PM me if you have any follow-up questions.
1. Yeah don't bring her home. Just like the girls, keep your club and outside the club lives separate.
2. Buy a prepaid gift card with a visa or MasterCard logo with cash. You can get them all over. Use that card to pay for the room. There is no record that in any way ties the card to you. I doubt that they will require an ID but even if they do it's not a big deal.
3. Best option is a burn phone. Second option if you have an iPhone or android device is get an ap you can use to store private data (I use firebox but there are many others). Also get an ap that let's you make phone calls and send or receive texts anonymously. I posted a discussion topic a few weeks ago about this as an alternative to burn phones. I use textme. There is no reason to give her your first and last name, and do not do so.
4. You should each drive separately and meet either at the location to eat or the hotel. I usually meet at a restaurant that is near the hotel. She is not going to find your identity using your license plate. She's a stripper. Be realistic.
5. Very reasonable prices.
Being nervous about the first time is understandable, but if you know and like the girl you should definitely go for it. If she's been a stripper for a while and does OTC with some regularity, it should be fine. But if you run into any bad stripper shit (unreasonably late, drugs, demanding money beyond what you agreed to, etc) just walk away.
There are hotels with 4 hour rates. Use one of those; you can pay with cash and all they want is your license plate # so they don't tow your car. NEVER bring a pro sex worker to your house unless you know her very well. I've been to theirs and if you like squalor you'll be fine.
I have dancers info in my regular cell phone because I don't give a shit, but if your wife's looking is an issue don't put a female name. You can get a burn phone but that's a HUGE red flag if a wife ever sees it!! I think you're safer using your own.
If you're worried she'll know your last name, you probably are with the wrong girl.
The advice above is excellent. You'll be fine. Never bring her home or give her your address. Pay with cash or a money card -- never use your credit or debit card. Think paper trail.
If you can convince her to get room in her name (so she can use it for more than 1 PL), tell her you'll pay for it. If it is in your name, when you leave, make sure she leaves.
Lastly, you're legally responsible for anything in your car. If you are driving her and you should happen to be pulled over and she drops her drugs under your car seat and denies that it is hers -- say goodnight. Make her meet you there!!!
As others have alluded, you will *not* find a hotel/motel that is both anonymous *and* worth staying at. Most will take cash, even if they want a credit card for deposit, but every single place of repute will at least want to see your identification so they'll have somebody to go after if the room gets trashed.
The advice to never let an unknown quantity in your car is so excellent that you should engrave it on your brain. Asset forfeiture means the cops get to take and keep your car if it's used in the commission of certain crimes. Felony drug possession being just one of those.
As for using a prepaid card, many of those now require registration with your social security number, so that the IRS can track money it thinks should be taxed. Certain logoed gift cards may be an exception, but not all hotels will take those.
So once I finally did get the wife out the front door, I went out and about on the side walk and at familiar haunts and started giving people my complete name and contact info. It was like I had risen from the dead.
So I am with Shadowcat, I don't want to have to stay hidden or to do things in secret. I want to be able to hand people business cards, invite them to my residence, and introduce them to my other friends. I suffered long and hard to be able to have this.
I really believe that we need to start putting money into a scholarship fund. The only way that these strippers are going to be able to help guys with their marital problems is if we can send them school and get them qualified to practice divorce law.
Some stripper escorts maintain places of their own for sessions. The best of these are the same sorts of places AAMPs use, gated communities with limited sight lines to the front door.
What people say about motels is true. If it is in your name, you cannot leave her alone in it. Don't know what will happen.
As a practical matter, in most states there is no way for a civilian to get from a car license plate number to a name.
Most of these stripper escorts will not try to bite back at you, but you never know. Most people don't keep their cars fully sanitized of personal information.
The idea about using a man's name for the phone entry is a good one. Don't make it a perturbation of the girl's name either.
But most of these precautions could be dismantled by law enforcement if there were need.
One serious matter that I know of blew up because the man's car was stolen.
In Thomas Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities the trouble started when there was a fatality car accident. The guy didn't want to be forthcoming with police. Then the infidelity aspect of it made it political news and made the case worse.
I remember years ago at a conference. I found myself captivated by an attractive sales rep, in a short skirt and high heels. When the session adjourned she approached me and said something which sounded harmless on the surface. But her real meaning was, "Okay, right now, lets go." I was flabbergasted. If I was seen doing that I would have been discredited. The other guys in my company were married and they didn't do stuff like that. I realized that this was not this rep's job, it was just the way she did her job. If I was seen as having some special emotional connection to her, my credibility would be gone forever. So of course I declined.
Girls love to be promenaded. Bill Maher's way is the right way:
X, Under Big Black Sun
PS, Yes this talk about drugs and asset forfeiture is a serious matter. Maybe it is not likely to happen, but another thing which kept me from welcoming stripper into my personal life was their propensity for contraband substances and addictions, and just for lifestyles which I do not accept. Fortunately not all of them are like this. Actually I find it to be more among the whites. These whites are the family blacksheep, the designated scapegoats. If they could face this it would be find. They could protect themselves and organize politically and fight for justice. But as they can't face it, they just live shithead lives.
With the ethnics it is different. Usually they are self aware and responsible people who are taking care of themselves in a world which is profoundly unfair.
X, White Girl
Men have been hooking up w/ women for P4P since the beginning of time – ask shadow :).
And there have been countless tales of OTC here on TUSCL and I have yet to hear of a PL whom was “tracked down” by a dancer – most of these women are just interested in the $$$ and avoiding the drama.
No-tell motels often rent by the hour – most large enough cities should have these “lovers” types of motels and although they are not 5-star they are often good enough – and they often take cash although they usually require an ID. As others have mentioned; you can ask her to rent to the room w/ her ID and you give her the $$$ for the room.
Picking her up in your car is not the best idea but sometimes unavoidable since many dancers seem to have transportation issues along with their other myriad of issues.
Just take the common sense precautions given by others but in life one cannot completely eliminate risks down to 0%.
I think I will take her up on her offer as it just seems like a no brainer from a value perspective and the club is getting more and more restrictive so it is getting harder to have a good time there.
Any other comments, please PM me - again, thanks for all of the great comments.
As with stocks and mutual funds, "past performance is no guarantee of future returns."
I had met with a dancer a couple of times OTC, as had a number of other guys. Then one night, she took the money for the room, we walked into the hotel, she said she needed a bathroom break, turned the corner to the restrooms and ran and out the back door to her waiting accomplice. Sure, it was only $50, but I'd been prepared to give her $200 for the romp, and let her *know* that's what was on the table.
After I'd waited a bit, I texted her and asked what was up. No response, so I went into the ladies room after knocking, and no one was there. I let her know that I was going to report her behavior on web site with which she was familiar, but never heard from her again. A couple of guys said she contacted them, but they'd read my report and told her to fuck off. :)
You just can't tell.
And so far, the reality has been way better than the fantasy. Just sayin'.
There's so many ways you can get bad results aside from the once you listed above. You have no idea what background does the girl has, she might have stayed several nights at the slammer, you just don't know.
To me you sound like you're going to shrivel and lose yourself when one thing goes bad.
Please for your peace of mind do not do OTC.
In my case, I know already walking-in into her she has gone through bad times. You know what I mean when I say bad times.
The way I see it is if you trust her and you don't damage any property there is nothing to worry about in renting a room. Hoteliers must get this all the time, couples booking rooms and only using it for a few hours at most before checking out. It's not just us guys fucking strippers either, it's escorts and people having affairs etc.