I was in a a Taco Bell in Seattle was while ago and the was a cute spinner 4'11" girl ahead of me in line digging for change as she needed like $.03 rather that break a bill. I gave her the change more or less to move the line along. I thought I recognized her as a girl I had seen at a club a couple of days before but did not say anything. I was actually on my way to that very same club later that evening. After I had settled in at the club she came up and sat in my lap and thanked me for the change. I said I did not recognize her until after gave her the money she turned around. She asked me if we could go for a lapper and she would make it special to repay my kindness. I thought what the heck and she made it worth while and pushed the limits (it was a DeJaVu club). We hung around for a while and she did her stage rotations and rounds. It was a slow night and about 10 she asked it she could get off would I take her home. It was not far out of my way and I was ready to leave so I said why not. We stopped at a hotel for a couple of hours on the way home. One of the few OTC I have done and I found a small kindness can go a long way! We continued to see each other while I was working in the area.
I was recently in traffic court for a speeding ticket overturn and saw a 5' 2" ish damsel that looked familiar. Brunette ( no longer blonde ), this short ( without stripper heels ) , attractive young women no longer danced but had a litany of driving woes that had my case easily dismissed. Thanks Jade!
You were lucky. I have ran into a few dancers outside the club and have been nice, letting them in line in front of me or even helping one into her locked car once, and all it usually gets me is them telling me not to tell people there not to say how I know them. I once even saw one at a convenience store on her was to work trying to buy cigarettes and their debit card would work and I bought them for her. She said to me that she would "square up with me later or something" as she put it. When I saw her at the club later that night she wouldn't even acknowledge that I helped her out earlier. When I said something to her ( and I was nice about it), she told me she wasn't there, it wasn't her (it was). Same old stripper shit, all about the money!
It's usually a bad idea to talk to a dancer in public, especially if she's not alone. The last thing they want is to see people who know them outside the club. There are exceptions of course, but if I ever saw any of my regulars on the street, I'd wait for them to initiate contact.
I was with my daughter at a fast food place when I noticed one of the local dancers in line in front of me with a guy. When she turned around, it was obvious that she recognized me, but looked a little scared. I just smiled that vague smile you sometimes give when you catch a stranger's eye on the street and stepped up to the counter.
Later that week, I saw her at the club, and she thanked me for not recognizing her with her boyfriend. I thanked *her* for not recognizing *me* with my daughter.
She was a good little girl. Too bad the H is killing her.
I have, and it was just recently, but she didn't recognize me. But I wasn't expecting her to because I've only seen her in the club twice and we only interacted (talked and had a dance) one of those two times.
I've seen a couple, but never any interaction. However, one time there was interaction, but reversed. I was in Key West working. After work one evening, the manager of the concern took us all out to dinner. Afterwards, a few of us went to a SC. I don't remember much of that evening at the club. The next day I was back at work and a woman walked up to me and asked how I was. I replied I was well. She then said, "You don't remember me, do you?" I acknowledged that fact. She then told me about the night before. DAMN, I wish I had remembered it. Sounded like I had a lot of fun.
It's never happened to me around here but the closest club is 30 miles from my house. but I have run into 3 "sister" at Applebee's in Memphis that I later found out worked at the infamous Memphis Platinum Plus.
It has happened to me several times at the Waffle House just down the street from the Columbia SC Platinum Plus.
The most spectacular was the first time I soon to be ATF OTC. It was a the IHOP in Columbia SC and she was with her husband. I saw her and she saw me as soon as I sat down. He had his back to me and she waved to me. During my breakfast every time that I looked in her direction she smiled back at me. As they were leaving she again waved at me.
Later at the club I tried to tell several dancers about our change meeting but they had already heard it from her.
It seems to be the general philosophy on here that if you do encounter once OTC to let her make the first move.
Yes, one worked at a lingerie store in a nearby shopping center. I liked her very much and she liked me. I also saw her in a fashion show they later put on.
Another one pulled her car over and called out to me when I was coming out of a public place I frequent. I also liked her and she liked me.
Yet a third I crossed paths with in the same public place. I liked her and she liked me, but she was mad at me because I was not pursing a relationship with her. So I figured it better not to try and speak to her.
Another meeting was arranged, one also worked cutting hair, and so she cut mine.
All 4 of these girls were from the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, which most regrettably is closed. This was the best place for talking to the girls, which is the best way of getting to them. As I told the management, it always had the smartest girls, mostly I think because it was more of a talking job.
I believe this meeting a stripper at a Taco Bell that you speak of would be a fabulous means of interacting with the girl, allowing talking and fraternizing with her at low cost. Once I paid the $.03 for her, I would try and get her to sit on my lap and start making out with me. I want to know the girl, to get under her skin, and to get her to surrender. Of course, to finish I would put her on her back so she could submit.
The one who cut my hair I met at the hair cutting place a second time, in a shopping center. We ended up going to fast food. It seemed to be very important to her that she get me spending money on her in some way. Then she had me also drive her to a more expensive place to eat.
At the time it seemed like she couldn't think beyond the strip club, and getting money out of guys. Now I also think it was just her way of getting me to feel that I was investing something in her and in building a relationship. It's kind of like how some dancers will just walk up to a guy and say, "Buy me a drink." What they really want is for the guy to start talking to them and to feel that he has some connection with them which he will want to maintain and extend.
As I think about this now, she was always talking about doing bachelor parties. Some of the girls talked about this and I guess some did really do this. Of course it would be a great way to make lots of money in a short time interval. It would also be quite an adventure for them. This one talked about it, but she said she was scared to do it. As I think about this now, I think she was suggesting to me a P4P session. I think she was just looking to see how I wanted to steer it.
At the Sunnyvale clubs some dancers will openly announce that they do bachelor parties with each guy they speak with. I assume they are being truthful, and that they really sometimes do do some such parties. But I think their primary meaning is to use that idea to suggest the possibility of 1 on 1 P4P, like that very night. Such parties are not that common, but they could do as many P4P's as they could get.
One of the reasons that I never pursued SC P4P OTC's was simply that I was married. I had to keep my side of the street clean. I believe in either making the marriage work, or ending it with one's integrity intact. While yes I do know that much of what I did do was marital infidelity, I still stopped short of anything which would make the marital situation worse. So I had to allow the marriage to continue, and I and I had to keep holding out the olive branch and trying to restore the necessary level of communications, until the exit point became clear. I knew that I would have to live the rest of my life, facing how I had handled a marriage which became more and more unworkable. I had to conduct myself in a manner which I felt was honorable.
So I never was interested in pushing all the possibilities which might be had with strippers. Besides, I think strip clubs give you a taste of a sexual aesthetic, but this does not mean that strip clubs are the best way of obtaining a regular sexual relationship.
The first time I ever tried to get a girl to sit on my lap was in a fantasy role playing game. I was a western gun slinger, and she was a non-player character saloon girl. So since she was under the control of the game master, it called for rolling a 12 sided die, the reaction role. It came up 1, the most positive possible result. So she sat down. But after that I really didn't know where to try and steer it with her. Mostly it just turned into an opportunity to spend money on her. And given that she wasn't real, and wasn't even a player character, there was no reason to try and continue it. I guess really I was interested in different types of games, the ones played in real life.
That was many decades ago, long before I ever first visited any strip clubs. In the many years since, I often encourage girls to sit on my lap. Most of the time they go for it.
In store front AMPs it is an excellent move. It is the alternative to backing her up against a wall. Both are ways to get her off script.
But I have gotten girls to sit on my lap in all sorts of public and unexpected places. One of the reasons it works is that they are not expecting it. Also, they are not having their movements boxed in by it. It is non-threatening.
About the only place I have not had girls sit on my lap would be in the local strip clubs, as that is completely prohibited. But at one nearby strip club I got a young cocktail waitress to sit on my lap. She was not expecting it, and she was not really up on all the rules which the dancers were subject to. It was not supposed to be allowed. Some things like that will work better with the cocktail waitresses than with the dancers.
Even though San Francisco is the place lap sitting started, some of the clubs do not allow lap sitting, because they figure they can make more money by channeling all the action into the booths. I say that we need to oppose this. Mostly all it does is raise the costs and lower the actual mileage. The most widely experienced dancers know that it actually lowers their income. It makes more money for the house and it makes it easier for the house to impose a mileage ceiling. It makes it so that the dancers have to engage with guys verbally, instead of hands on. Money gotten in booths they have to cut with the house. Sitting money is all theirs.
As far as making out with them, if done in a storefront AMP, that is the sure fire way to get to phenomenal FS. It does not always work, but there have been so many times in which it has, and each of them has been mind blowing.
As far as other places, it all depends. It can start real gentle and be very nice. But no, I would not try making out with a girl in a fast food place. But I do believe that we can raise the service level in strip clubs. At the best black FS places they do help themselves to sitting on your lap and they give you very little choice except to start making out with them. I know this from multiple written accounts. They want results, and this is the most surefire way of getting it. Almost all of these places are far from me, on the east side of the Mississippi River. I would hope that maybe some on TUSCL would be willing to start talking about this.
On Stripper Web they don't like SC DFKing. But on the same board they talk about escorting, and they go all out for DFKing then.
As far as putting a girl on her back, given that it will have been our first time together, that can have an overwhelming effect on her.
Trying to explore ways of extending strip club service level. I know that there are many who could have much to contribute to this: www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID…
I have several times. The times where I knew the dancer's while story from talking to them in club where nice and social outside the club. These chicks claimed that their whole family knew what time it was, so that's probably why.
Once I saw a non-social dancer at Panera, she tried to hide and act like I didn't see her.
Another time I saw a social dancer when I was on a date with an escort. She just gave me a wink, a smirk, and kept walking. I visited her while she was dancing the following weekend. She gave me a big compliment on how hot my "girlfriend" was. I let that one ride. ;^)
In any case, I never initiated contact. Just let them do their thing.
I had the opposite happen. A dancer recognized me in the club (I think she was a student.) It was Halloween night and all the dancers were in costume. I couldn't get past the zombie makeup, so *I* didn't recognize her, but the "OH!" as she saw me in the light makes me think *she* recognized me.
But, according to RickyBoy, extras and OTC just aren't available in Seattle. Could it be that that ass-clown has no idea what he is talking about? As usual.
One was working at Big Al's as a server/waitress. I just glanced at her and she caught my look, we just stared for about 3 seconds and that was it.
Another was a waitress and one night while I was at Club Rouge she approached and called my name, I said how do you know my name? And she told me all about it, so I had to buy a dance from her after hearing her sad story. Told her she needs to get back to waitressing which is what she really wanted to do.
Saw a dancer at Bridgeport Cinema with the boyfriend, I was standing in line and they were in front of me. We never got the chance to even say hi, I just played it like she was a total stranger. We never talked about it when I was back at the club.
My CF at the time came into my store with her Mother and much younger brother who were visiting from overseas. When we saw each other there was a moment of uncertainty and then we both smiled and said hi. She was looking to buy her brother a gift so I ended up helping them out. A couple coworkers asked how I knew this hottie and I said she worked at my local pub and since I lived a half hour away they didn't know any better. Next time I saw her at the club I got a big hug and a thanks for not "outing" her as her mom thought she was a server. My next dance was the best I she had given and I joked that I was just recycling her money.
One dancer I liked I ran into her working temporary jobs at two or three other strip clubs and even ran into her with her being my waitress at Hooters. All were temporary jobs. Then she got a job as a bartender once again at another club. I saw her working in her new profession on the news just in the past few months. A dog was dragged and they were interviewing her because it was her job to tend to the animals brought to her as a vetenerian.
Sharkhunter - did you say a former dancer became a veterinarian? Vet school is tougher to get into than medical school. One of my kids is a vet and it cost about $50,000 a year for 4 years after earning the B.S. Degree and that was more than 10 years ago. Highly unlikely that a dancer could pull that off.
I have seen one at the grocery store, one at a water park. Did not interact with either one. One of my old faves stopped dancing and and became a hair stylist, she now cuts my hair
I used to go often to work and stay the weekend. Now, when I go I rarely stay. Only once since the building had been evacuated and I had to wait till the AM. Different companies.
I actually run into a lot of strippers, waitresses and bartenders from the clubs in divorce court. Never ceases to amaze me how many friends I have come over and say hi when I start talking to one of them.
A weird twist on this. About a year ago I went to a local club around noon on a Saturday, they open at 11am but when I got there the lights were all on and there wasn't a person in the club, not even any music playing. As I was about to leave the music came on and they basically pushed a dancer on stage. She had to be the oldest dancer I've ever seen, or at least she looked old. I mean we're talking late 40's easily and she looked like she was in her 50's. She did have a good body though.
So I didn't want to be rude and I stuck around for her set and tipped her. When she was done she came running over to me before I could escape. She sits down and starts chatting with me going through the usual questions and when she asks if I live close I tell her yes. Then she tells me she does too and starts talking about where she grocery shops etc. It was very weird, it was like chatting with my mother but then as she's going on and on telling me about going to this local place and that I'm looking at her more closely and I realize I've seen her at these places. Worse than that I realize I've seen her with other people I know who are all much older as well.
Talk about bizarre and a total turn off. I got out of there as quickly as I could.
I have a VP level job at a local company with several hundred employees, and I always go to clubs about an hour's drive away so as to minimize the chance of being recognized. Once, during a growth period when we were hiring probably a hundred or more new employees every month, I walked by a group of new hires taking their orientation tour of the facility, and one very hot girl in the group looked at me and smiled. I recognized her immediately, but didn't know from where. A few minutes later, I ran into the tour group again, and coming very close to this girl, I made it a point to say that she looked familiar. She sort of giggled and got close to me and whispered the name of a much-visited strip club in my ear. I thought, CRAP....now this chick will start telling everyone how she knows the VP from a strip club and the rumors will fly. I was planning to talk to her and ask that she not mention recognizing me, but she beat me to the punch by coming by my office and pretty much begging me not to mention her stripper background. I was relieved to say the least. However, soon after, she started to make excuses to swing by my office and chat, usually wearing very hot outfits, several of which were definitely over the line for our corporate dress code. I was very uncomfortable with her obviously flirty visits, but at the same time, they were often the best part of my day. Perhaps true to form for a young girl who had the peeler gene, she soon began to mess up on the job, causing drama and missing tons of time. In about 3 months, she was fired. I expected a visit from her requesting that I intervene and save her job, but mercifully she never appeared. I always thought that my proudest job accomplishment for that year was resisting the potentially career-ending temptation to bend her little ass over my desk.
There was once an 18yo Latina hottie, probable virgin, who was coming on to me in the work place. Next day she was wearing a high collar dress which came below the knees. She was in high heels and color matching makeup. Even though she was showing nothing, she was dripping with sexuality. She was there waiting for me in my office. I did not handle this well.
She was testing me and she picked up on this, and she never spoke to me again.
Early in fraternizing with strippers, back before cell phones when all women were more careful with phone numbers, one promised to call me, though she declined to yet give our her own phone number. When she did call me at work, I did not handle it well. She was also testing me. She never spoke to me again either.
I have learned from these hard lessons. It has been a long and hard road. But I am almost done reorganizing my life so that situations like this will never again be problem. If I am getting to know a stripper, the first thing I will do with her is introduce her to my female and male friends and coworkers. I'll start doing this during our first 'in between time'. I'll just call start calling some of them on the phone and then hand her the phone.
If one of them sees me somewhere, I may well have another stripper on my arm.
And so if one gets into my work place by some other route, then she will quickly find that my circles of association include lots of strippers that she already knows and that they are around me all the time.
This is how I want it to be! This is how it is going to be!
last commentLater that week, I saw her at the club, and she thanked me for not recognizing her with her boyfriend. I thanked *her* for not recognizing *me* with my daughter.
She was a good little girl. Too bad the H is killing her.
It has happened to me several times at the Waffle House just down the street from the Columbia SC Platinum Plus.
The most spectacular was the first time I soon to be ATF OTC. It was a the IHOP in Columbia SC and she was with her husband. I saw her and she saw me as soon as I sat down. He had his back to me and she waved to me. During my breakfast every time that I looked in her direction she smiled back at me. As they were leaving she again waved at me.
Later at the club I tried to tell several dancers about our change meeting but they had already heard it from her.
It seems to be the general philosophy on here that if you do encounter once OTC to let her make the first move.
Said no one ever!!!!!
Another one pulled her car over and called out to me when I was coming out of a public place I frequent. I also liked her and she liked me.
Yet a third I crossed paths with in the same public place. I liked her and she liked me, but she was mad at me because I was not pursing a relationship with her. So I figured it better not to try and speak to her.
Another meeting was arranged, one also worked cutting hair, and so she cut mine.
All 4 of these girls were from the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, which most regrettably is closed. This was the best place for talking to the girls, which is the best way of getting to them. As I told the management, it always had the smartest girls, mostly I think because it was more of a talking job.
A Night In Tunisia
Yes, Roundabout
I believe this meeting a stripper at a Taco Bell that you speak of would be a fabulous means of interacting with the girl, allowing talking and fraternizing with her at low cost. Once I paid the $.03 for her, I would try and get her to sit on my lap and start making out with me. I want to know the girl, to get under her skin, and to get her to surrender. Of course, to finish I would put her on her back so she could submit.
Deep Purple, "Smoke on the Water" 1975
At the time it seemed like she couldn't think beyond the strip club, and getting money out of guys. Now I also think it was just her way of getting me to feel that I was investing something in her and in building a relationship. It's kind of like how some dancers will just walk up to a guy and say, "Buy me a drink." What they really want is for the guy to start talking to them and to feel that he has some connection with them which he will want to maintain and extend.
As I think about this now, she was always talking about doing bachelor parties. Some of the girls talked about this and I guess some did really do this. Of course it would be a great way to make lots of money in a short time interval. It would also be quite an adventure for them. This one talked about it, but she said she was scared to do it. As I think about this now, I think she was suggesting to me a P4P session. I think she was just looking to see how I wanted to steer it.
At the Sunnyvale clubs some dancers will openly announce that they do bachelor parties with each guy they speak with. I assume they are being truthful, and that they really sometimes do do some such parties. But I think their primary meaning is to use that idea to suggest the possibility of 1 on 1 P4P, like that very night. Such parties are not that common, but they could do as many P4P's as they could get.
One of the reasons that I never pursued SC P4P OTC's was simply that I was married. I had to keep my side of the street clean. I believe in either making the marriage work, or ending it with one's integrity intact. While yes I do know that much of what I did do was marital infidelity, I still stopped short of anything which would make the marital situation worse. So I had to allow the marriage to continue, and I and I had to keep holding out the olive branch and trying to restore the necessary level of communications, until the exit point became clear. I knew that I would have to live the rest of my life, facing how I had handled a marriage which became more and more unworkable. I had to conduct myself in a manner which I felt was honorable.
So I never was interested in pushing all the possibilities which might be had with strippers. Besides, I think strip clubs give you a taste of a sexual aesthetic, but this does not mean that strip clubs are the best way of obtaining a regular sexual relationship.
The first time I ever tried to get a girl to sit on my lap was in a fantasy role playing game. I was a western gun slinger, and she was a non-player character saloon girl. So since she was under the control of the game master, it called for rolling a 12 sided die, the reaction role. It came up 1, the most positive possible result. So she sat down. But after that I really didn't know where to try and steer it with her. Mostly it just turned into an opportunity to spend money on her. And given that she wasn't real, and wasn't even a player character, there was no reason to try and continue it. I guess really I was interested in different types of games, the ones played in real life.
That was many decades ago, long before I ever first visited any strip clubs. In the many years since, I often encourage girls to sit on my lap. Most of the time they go for it.
In store front AMPs it is an excellent move. It is the alternative to backing her up against a wall. Both are ways to get her off script.
But I have gotten girls to sit on my lap in all sorts of public and unexpected places. One of the reasons it works is that they are not expecting it. Also, they are not having their movements boxed in by it. It is non-threatening.
About the only place I have not had girls sit on my lap would be in the local strip clubs, as that is completely prohibited. But at one nearby strip club I got a young cocktail waitress to sit on my lap. She was not expecting it, and she was not really up on all the rules which the dancers were subject to. It was not supposed to be allowed. Some things like that will work better with the cocktail waitresses than with the dancers.
Even though San Francisco is the place lap sitting started, some of the clubs do not allow lap sitting, because they figure they can make more money by channeling all the action into the booths. I say that we need to oppose this. Mostly all it does is raise the costs and lower the actual mileage. The most widely experienced dancers know that it actually lowers their income. It makes more money for the house and it makes it easier for the house to impose a mileage ceiling. It makes it so that the dancers have to engage with guys verbally, instead of hands on. Money gotten in booths they have to cut with the house. Sitting money is all theirs.
As far as making out with them, if done in a storefront AMP, that is the sure fire way to get to phenomenal FS. It does not always work, but there have been so many times in which it has, and each of them has been mind blowing.
As far as other places, it all depends. It can start real gentle and be very nice. But no, I would not try making out with a girl in a fast food place. But I do believe that we can raise the service level in strip clubs. At the best black FS places they do help themselves to sitting on your lap and they give you very little choice except to start making out with them. I know this from multiple written accounts. They want results, and this is the most surefire way of getting it. Almost all of these places are far from me, on the east side of the Mississippi River. I would hope that maybe some on TUSCL would be willing to start talking about this.
On Stripper Web they don't like SC DFKing. But on the same board they talk about escorting, and they go all out for DFKing then.
As far as putting a girl on her back, given that it will have been our first time together, that can have an overwhelming effect on her.
Trying to explore ways of extending strip club service level. I know that there are many who could have much to contribute to this:
Do You Feel Like We Do
Once I saw a non-social dancer at Panera, she tried to hide and act like I didn't see her.
Another time I saw a social dancer when I was on a date with an escort. She just gave me a wink, a smirk, and kept walking. I visited her while she was dancing the following weekend. She gave me a big compliment on how hot my "girlfriend" was. I let that one ride. ;^)
In any case, I never initiated contact. Just let them do their thing.
Another was a waitress and one night while I was at Club Rouge she approached and called my name, I said how do you know my name? And she told me all about it, so I had to buy a dance from her after hearing her sad story. Told her she needs to get back to waitressing which is what she really wanted to do.
Saw a dancer at Bridgeport Cinema with the boyfriend, I was standing in line and they were in front of me. We never got the chance to even say hi, I just played it like she was a total stranger. We never talked about it when I was back at the club.
When we saw each other there was a moment of uncertainty and then we both smiled and said hi.
She was looking to buy her brother a gift so I ended up helping them out. A couple coworkers asked how I knew this hottie and I said she worked at my local pub and since I lived a half hour away they didn't know any better.
Next time I saw her at the club I got a big hug and a thanks for not "outing" her as her mom thought she was a server.
My next dance was the best I she had given and I joked that I was just recycling her money.
I used to go often to work and stay the weekend. Now, when I go I rarely stay. Only once since the building had been evacuated and I had to wait till the AM. Different companies.
So I didn't want to be rude and I stuck around for her set and tipped her. When she was done she came running over to me before I could escape. She sits down and starts chatting with me going through the usual questions and when she asks if I live close I tell her yes. Then she tells me she does too and starts talking about where she grocery shops etc. It was very weird, it was like chatting with my mother but then as she's going on and on telling me about going to this local place and that I'm looking at her more closely and I realize I've seen her at these places. Worse than that I realize I've seen her with other people I know who are all much older as well.
Talk about bizarre and a total turn off. I got out of there as quickly as I could.
She was testing me and she picked up on this, and she never spoke to me again.
Early in fraternizing with strippers, back before cell phones when all women were more careful with phone numbers, one promised to call me, though she declined to yet give our her own phone number. When she did call me at work, I did not handle it well. She was also testing me. She never spoke to me again either.
I have learned from these hard lessons. It has been a long and hard road. But I am almost done reorganizing my life so that situations like this will never again be problem. If I am getting to know a stripper, the first thing I will do with her is introduce her to my female and male friends and coworkers. I'll start doing this during our first 'in between time'. I'll just call start calling some of them on the phone and then hand her the phone.
If one of them sees me somewhere, I may well have another stripper on my arm.
And so if one gets into my work place by some other route, then she will quickly find that my circles of association include lots of strippers that she already knows and that they are around me all the time.
This is how I want it to be! This is how it is going to be!
Bill Maher
Maybe she was a veterinary assistant which many chicks get into.