There are customers who SPEND MONEY on a stripper because they want her FRIENDSHIP. These customers are not just looking for SEX (although they may WANT SEX). These customers are looking for AFFECTION and a REAL RELATIONSHIP and/or FRIENDSHIP with a stripper but they will NOT ADMIT it. These customers LIE. Some customers like the ones described POST ON MESSAGE BOARDS and tell the strippers what the strippers want to hear/read
RL, why are you so angry? Precious few dancers read the discussion board and if they do I'm sure that most would be turned off by your ranting. Seriously, what do you expect to accomplish here by insulting people? People go to clubs to be entertained. No one cares about a dancer's boyfriend or husband and aren't thinking about their own wife or girlfriend while at the club. It's all entertainment and fantasy - pure pleasure without anger, angles or tricks. -T