
Would you or wouldn't you?

Avatar for occurious

Went to a club for lunch this afternoon that extras are pretty easy to get. Had this very hot blonde (8+) chat me up. Within 5 seconds I realized she was high as a kite, talking to her for the next 2 minutes just reinforced this belief. This particular club has cheap ($10) VHM laps so I figured what the hell if she can dance stoned I don't really care. Within 30 seconds of starting the first dance she offered me FS for the price of the $100 VIP. I have no problem paying for extras of any variety and this was clearly a really good deal but I declined because of her condition. Not because I felt I would be taking advantage of her but because who knows diseases she has, even covered it freaked me out. Normally I don't think about that at all but this one was just too obvious.

So given the same situation would you or wouldn't you? I have no doubt she would have let me do anything I wanted with her in VIP. Part of me says I was a fool for such a cheap fun time but a bigger part of me says I was smart.


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Avatar for jerikson40

Flamingo, right?

Yeah, go for it. She doesnt give a shit about you, so dont be a white knight. If you're at Flamingo youre there for sex with hot chicks for reasonable prices so go for it.

Avatar for jerikson40

And if youre really so concerned about diseases, WTF are you doing having sex with chicks who do it for a living? If a condom isnt enough for you, then its irrelevant if she was high or not. Assume all strippers who do FS might have diseases, even if theyre stone cold sober

Avatar for captainned

Where is the flamingo? I would love to take her to vip for 100!!

Avatar for jerikson40

Anaheim, California. Just down the street from Mickey Mouse

Avatar for shadowcat

As long as she isn't so fucked up that I'm worried about getting barfed on or having her pass out in my lap, she is fair game.

Avatar for captainned

Wonderful! I don't think I will be driving cross country for a 100 FS. I think I can get plenty in ESL

Avatar for TxVegas

If your spidey senses tingle, pass on the opportunity. You have been doing it enough to know when to pass.

Avatar for luvthepus

I've had one barf twice not on me just in the corner guess I went a little deep or saved it up to long.Some time you got to watch how you hold your licker got let her come up for air.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

"High as a kite"? As subjective as that is, probably not. Buzzed? Yeah. Wasted? No.

Avatar for occurious

Ok so as I said it had nothing to do with me worrying about taking advantage of her. As for worrying about diseases the thought is well taken it's not like we're dealing with virtuous women anyway but seriously there has to be a lower limit right?

When I say high as a kite I mean it, she was not just buzzed. She was talking to me in a very slow almost insane voice and her eyes would close and open without any real sense of anything. She was fried.

Jeriskson40, yes it was Flamingo. On a brighter note all of the girls were very hot when I went unlike many other times lately. I was offered a "lot fun" in VIP by a really nice very hot blonde right after the stoned one but I got the feeling it was just a pitch since she wouldn't actually list a menu.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Probably best to follow your intuition/gut – with all my SCing I’ve learned that when my intuition tells me to pass on a dancer; more often than not I’m right (not always; but often).

It’s not as if she is the last dancer on earth giving extras.

Plus for me a f’ed up dancer is often bad news either in terms of terrible performance or they becoming unstable/unpredictable in terms of their behavior.

Avatar for Pole_Doc

She offered to fuck for the low... and the problem is ... What, exactly?

Avatar for cbthree

Drunk or high means the same to me...NO GO! But like mentioned earlier, it makes no damn sense to complain about STD's from hookers because you've been doing it and will get caught up. Just enjoy it and hope it's one you can get rid of lol. I choose to watch, have fun and cheer people on.

Avatar for Clubber

To me, if you are worried "...because who knows diseases she has...", you have the wrong hobby. Of course, if you're aged, then there should be less concern, I would think.

Avatar for Electronman

No go for me. I prefer sex partners who can actively participate not just a stoned and incapacitated partner even if she's a 10.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Totally depends upon how horny I am. If I'm thinking clearly, probably not. If the little head is doing my thinking for me, then I probably would.

Avatar for sclvr5005

They don't call the Flamingo the "dirty bird" for nothing. I would have passed on her offering too. I want her head (and everything else) in the game.

Avatar for lopaw

I agree with the others who like their sex partners to be somewhat cognizant of what is going on.

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