know this is something stripper web don't believe and most dancers don't want you to know about. that whole I don't date patrons is bull fucking shit. I don't know many bitches that truly go by that code. in my experience it seams like if a dancer finds a guy that she finds looks nice and has washed and knows how to handel himself and her of course they are more than willing to fuck you and gladly so after their work is over. hell if you can be open minded and can wash your ass any body can do this just because its true dancers love sex and love to have sex with fun men that know their way around a women. trust me I do dis
I second that. I'm on the fence about writing a up this stripper turned ex-stripper and myself. She has a Sugar Daddy yet I still get some free punani.
Thanks for the great advice. All I have to do is look nice and take a shower, and they all want to fuck me. I guess I'm done spending money in the clubs.
Spic you're getting that punani because you're a Latin lover. Her sugar daddy probably has a 4" dick and you know how to move your hips probably as well as a salsa dancer in Columbia.
Go get em!!!! Lol
OP is partially right, it does happen and most of these bitches love dick. After grinding on cocks all night a lot of them do get horny, although I think it typically takes a little more planning and talks over just showering and washing my ass. I find it hard to grab a girl out of higher end clubs at the end if the night, more common at lower end clubs... I also find that usually girls are more willing to meet outside for free if you've dropped a significant amount if money on them inside the club.
Strippers are usually lonely women. Lots of guys drool over them and throw money at them. But most don't really want to be involved with them. Also, many stripper are extremely immature if they get into a civilian relationship. They sabotage it.
No SJG, strippers are not lonely. The ones I talk to have friends, family, pets, a boyfriend. They are happy. They are usually not in the club looking for a date, but to make money. The ones that do OTC regularly? They're prostitutes. Different story.
My experience is that they are lonely and they are looking for a civilian date. Problem is, they get very few sincere offers of such.
The night shift girls are more likely to run off to a motel with a guy for OTC as soon as they get off. One dancer described it to me as "slut mode". Sure it was for the money, or that it how they rationalize it, but it was also for the affirmation.
Now she says she is not in slut mode, because she is more committed to her kids and she says, "I'm looking at remarriage."
The odds against the latter are substantial, but I didn't tell her that. I did say, "Sounds like your life is not going to revolve around the fact that a guy has got a hard on any more." She really liked that.
Another dancer, with two kids and on day shift, once she saw me paying attention to her and buying some $20 dances, she started telling me this big story about how she is engaged, and saying, "I got lucky!"
But I knew it was all nonsense right then. When she says, "I got lucky", she is telling me what her highest dream is. But no, it is not that way for her. She is telling me what she wants, and she is telling me what she sees a hope of when she is being so nice to me. In subsequent visits this was confirmed as she was trying to get me to extend myself further and try to set up some sort of outside liaison with her.
As it stands though she is happy to go on any sincerely offered civilian date with any guy who seems eligible, and she was always happy to go beyond the mid-level limits of that club and beyond what the other dancers were doing in the VIP room.
She was fun, and she was lonely, and she was very available.
Another dancer, working at a strictly zero mileage and no touching club in Sunnyvale, the Brass Rail, is sitting down with a guy at his table making out with him. Totally forbidden. What she is trying to do is to firm up an OTC with him. But why is she doing this when it will mean her job? She is doing it because she has gotten mad at the owners and this is her way of telling them off and quitting.
This was when I first got to see that dancers could be difficult and disruptive people to deal with. They don't quit by giving two weeks notice.
The guy she was making out with was wearing a sport coat and blazer. Everybody else is dressed more casually.
Except that is for me, I was dressed in a suit and tie. And, this girl had first approached me. She was talking to me, bending over and showing her real nice cleavage. I didn't really know how to respond to her though. She kind of caught me off guard.
See, what she is looking for is affirmation, not just money. If she hustled hard she could get more such OTC's. But she was soft in her approach with me because she wanted me to start coming on to her, because that is what would make her feel good. I didn't, but I guess her second choice guy did.
Sure, she will get some money from him. But she is going to treat him to an entire night of the highest level of PSE and GFE sex. Seeing how she dolls herself up, how she dances, and how she poses and flirts, I know that she meets and exceeds all the minimum requirements for such a night.
But again, the reason she is doing it is because she is mad at the owners and so as she is quitting she is more in need of affirmation. Of course she is lonely. She would have to be to be doing such things.
Maybe I just like those kind, the broken hearted Ronnie Spector and Amy Winehouse girls. They are always giving all that they've got, but they always still end up alone any way. Because of this, it is they who end up being labeled as "bad girls", I love them, every single one of them, and there certainly are a lot of them.
Dude, I would never tell you, or any other guy, anything about what you have, or have not, experienced. It is what it is. However, I think you're putting way too much analysis into it.
Just remember and ask yourself, "Whar would Captain Picard do?" Situation. You discover a new heavenly body. Spock says it is called planet Pussy. What would Picard do? Picard says let's launch a probe to get more data on the situation.
Shark, what about what Captain J.T. Kirk would do? That horn dog would seduce the girl (human, Vulcan, Ferengi or shape shifter), save the universe, retire and become a cop, lawyer or travel shill. What a man!
last commentAt the end of the day, a stripper is still a woman. That is why, when it comes to strippers, every situation is different.
Go get em!!!! Lol
OP is partially right, it does happen and most of these bitches love dick. After grinding on cocks all night a lot of them do get horny, although I think it typically takes a little more planning and talks over just showering and washing my ass. I find it hard to grab a girl out of higher end clubs at the end if the night, more common at lower end clubs... I also find that usually girls are more willing to meet outside for free if you've dropped a significant amount if money on them inside the club.
"I don't date customers" = "I don't do P4P OTC"
The night shift girls are more likely to run off to a motel with a guy for OTC as soon as they get off. One dancer described it to me as "slut mode". Sure it was for the money, or that it how they rationalize it, but it was also for the affirmation.
Now she says she is not in slut mode, because she is more committed to her kids and she says, "I'm looking at remarriage."
The odds against the latter are substantial, but I didn't tell her that. I did say, "Sounds like your life is not going to revolve around the fact that a guy has got a hard on any more." She really liked that.
Another dancer, with two kids and on day shift, once she saw me paying attention to her and buying some $20 dances, she started telling me this big story about how she is engaged, and saying, "I got lucky!"
But I knew it was all nonsense right then. When she says, "I got lucky", she is telling me what her highest dream is. But no, it is not that way for her. She is telling me what she wants, and she is telling me what she sees a hope of when she is being so nice to me. In subsequent visits this was confirmed as she was trying to get me to extend myself further and try to set up some sort of outside liaison with her.
As it stands though she is happy to go on any sincerely offered civilian date with any guy who seems eligible, and she was always happy to go beyond the mid-level limits of that club and beyond what the other dancers were doing in the VIP room.
She was fun, and she was lonely, and she was very available.
Another dancer, working at a strictly zero mileage and no touching club in Sunnyvale, the Brass Rail, is sitting down with a guy at his table making out with him. Totally forbidden. What she is trying to do is to firm up an OTC with him. But why is she doing this when it will mean her job? She is doing it because she has gotten mad at the owners and this is her way of telling them off and quitting.
This was when I first got to see that dancers could be difficult and disruptive people to deal with. They don't quit by giving two weeks notice.
The guy she was making out with was wearing a sport coat and blazer. Everybody else is dressed more casually.
Except that is for me, I was dressed in a suit and tie. And, this girl had first approached me. She was talking to me, bending over and showing her real nice cleavage. I didn't really know how to respond to her though. She kind of caught me off guard.
See, what she is looking for is affirmation, not just money. If she hustled hard she could get more such OTC's. But she was soft in her approach with me because she wanted me to start coming on to her, because that is what would make her feel good. I didn't, but I guess her second choice guy did.
Sure, she will get some money from him. But she is going to treat him to an entire night of the highest level of PSE and GFE sex. Seeing how she dolls herself up, how she dances, and how she poses and flirts, I know that she meets and exceeds all the minimum requirements for such a night.
But again, the reason she is doing it is because she is mad at the owners and so as she is quitting she is more in need of affirmation. Of course she is lonely. She would have to be to be doing such things.
Maybe I just like those kind, the broken hearted Ronnie Spector and Amy Winehouse girls. They are always giving all that they've got, but they always still end up alone any way. Because of this, it is they who end up being labeled as "bad girls", I love them, every single one of them, and there certainly are a lot of them.
Dude, I would never tell you, or any other guy, anything about what you have, or have not, experienced. It is what it is. However, I think you're putting way too much analysis into it.
Situation. You discover a new heavenly body. Spock says it is called planet Pussy.
What would Picard do?
Picard says let's launch a probe to get more data on the situation.