I am interested in the opinions of others with experience at both destinations.
Let's say I am from out-of-state and am traveling to L.A. for two days (one night -- technically, Anaheim, CA). Understanding different strokes for different folks . . . if a monger was determined to pursue skin on skin fun, would locals in the know recommend . . .
a) negotiating extras in COI (a 30 mile trek across crowded freeways with no "guarantee" of successful "completion") or
b) Tijuana (a 110 mile trek and a border crossing with the potential of a "sure thing").
Or, is there somewhere else in Southern California I am unaware of that is a better or more convenient alternative than COI? Maybe Pahrump, NV? (while legal, that's 5 hours away and much more expensive, right?)
I'm just having a difficult time sorting out cost, value, quality, convenience, hassle, certainty, etc.
Yeah, yeah -- I know, try them all -- maybe I will someday -- but for now, given time to do one and only one -- which would tuscl experts recommend???
You must be really desperate for pussy to consider driving those kinds of distances. If you have only one night, why not go to a club in OC or LA? They aren't the best, but there is mileage to be found with hot girls. If you insist on the long-distance travel, in my opinion COI is the only reasonable choice. I can't imagine driving from Anaheim to Tijuana and dealing with the border crossing given such a limited time period. In any event, don't do either at rush-hour. Going to Nevada from Anaheim for just one night would be particularly insane.
I've never been to COI or TJ. Lots of people write about the high mileage in COI. But these folks are mostly of the greater LA area. People don't make pilgrimages to COI. There are also other high mileage places in LA itself.
I see that you have reviewed clubs in Illinois and Indiana. I know that there are high mileage clubs there too. The East Saint Louis area is well known for this, as are places near Chicago, both in Illinois and Indiana.
People do make pilgrimages to TJ, lots and lots of people. Read TMojo's article. That Hong Kong Bar and its Cascadas Hotel are like nothing else in this world.
Maybe someday Ciudad Juarez will be back in action. It could become just as good. So for now it is TJ.
Also two Anaheim clubs, Flamingo and Sahara (close together) are known for high mileage, but the quality of girls is low. The advantage of COI/ La Puente is that there are six nude clubs all very close together. Most are pretty well-known "mileage machines." It's easy to go club hopping in that area. If you don't like one, there are five others close by. Also, as Shadow mentioned, the Tropical Lei, in Upland is a convenient drive from COI/La Puente.
Never been to TJ for clubbing but I'm very familiar with the COI clubs. Hard not to get top mileage in most any club there. I'd recommend either Synn or the Rhino.
Hit up Slick or Lopaw for more SoCal info. There might be some OC clubs that will fit the bill. With only 2 days forget about TJ. Too far.
I'm over here. Was busy watching Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes. Listen to Shadow. Go to Tropical Lei. Great mileage, hot chicks. I like it cause they got these two East Indian Barbies that really know what the Kama Sutra is all about.
It's funny that TL is down the street from 5 colleges, a theology school, a botanical garden, and a cool, old neighborhood.
I live in the OC, I've never been to clubs in TJ but years ago I would go to TJ a lot. I would never go there now, it was always a dump of a place to go but now it's a particularly dangerous dump of a place to go. There's no point in traveling all that way for what you are looking for and risking your life in the process.
As others have said COI is great for virtually guaranteed mileage that doesn't cost a lot but the traffic can be bad. If you aren't looking for 9's and 10's try Flamingo, very cheap and incredibly high mileage. Most of the girls there are 5-6 but every shift there is always at least one 8-9. They aren't shy about wanting your money and being willing to work for it.
There is another close alternative but it can be expensive. Go to Extacy in Santa Ana (really on the boarder with Costa Mesa). The club is very low key, they always have a ton of dancers that are mostly 8+ and the nude bed dances are fantastic. The bed dances are expensive however but with the right girl they can be amazing.
Hmmm. Good advice. Will look into those suggestions locally. Just killing me to see HK and Adelita at the top of the list month after month and to have never given it a whirl. Always wondered about the safety factor, though. Grrr. Risk/reward . . .
Dude, you're only in Anaheim for one night?? Wow, that's a tough one...
IMO, Hong Kong club in TJ is the best place to go, slam dunk. HOWEVER, if you're only here for one night, i would NOT recommend it. In fact, it's so crazy only someone like I would attempt it. Why? TRAFFIC !!! Dude, unless you time it right, you're gonna hit crazy traffic getting out of Anaheim to Mexico, and also in San Diego. Personally, I think that by the time you make the 3 hour, traffic filled trip down there, and the 2 or 3 hour trip back, overall the great experience in TJ would be destroyed by the agony of the trip.
Personally, since you're already in Anaheim, I would highly recommend the Flamingo Theater. I used to be a huge Flamingo fan, and it was my vote for the best mileage club in Southern California. Sadly the dancer quality has eroded considerably in recent years, but mileage is still there and you might even find a hottie. And the $10 high mileage laps will, if nothing else, get your blood going. If that doesn't pan out, head down the street a half mile or so to Sahara Theater, with similar mileage but $15 laps.
If neither of those pan out, and if you love you some black booty, you can head to south central LA for some sure mileage with some hot (or semi hot) black chicks. But if you prefer Mexican chicks, head to City of Industry. I used to be a fan of the area, but no longer. But if you want mileage, it's not too far from Anaheim, and there are a few clubs to choose from.
Flamingo in Anaheim on Ball Rd has high mileage even in the daytime. VIP room is 150 and it is pretty much anything goes. Laps are $10 and hands can go anywhere even FIP. Most shifts have at least some 7 to 9's.
If you want guaranteed mileage then TJ it is. But like others have noted it would be a ridiculous drive. COI is almost a guarantee as well, but it won't be a given like TJ will. Since you're pressed for time you might want to just club in the Anaheim area. Besides the Flamingo (aka "the dirty bird") there is TJ's Theatre in nearby Stanton which is a bit divey but its relatively cheap and the girls are naughty. I've also had good success at CA Girls in Santa Ana. There is also a CA Girls in Anaheim but it is topless, not nude.
Tijuana might look a little dicey but it is actually pretty safe. The mayor there is bad ass and he has kept a lid on drug violence. A major misconception of Americans is that Mexico is dangerous. Mexico is dangerous for young Mexican males, not American tourists.
If you only want to go to one club and have guaranteed mileage, Tropical Lei is the place. If the girls there say no, I've never seen it.
COI has more clubs, so you can go from club to club to find what you like. If you are going on a weeknight, you should be able to hit several clubs without paying too much for cover. The cover charges will probably be cheaper than the tank of gas to get to TJ and back.
As far as mileage in or near Anaheim, I've only found it at the Flamingo. The only reason to try there in your situation is that OTC might be available if you are staying close by.
The only OC club that I ever visited was Imperial Showgirls. Its in Anaheim but the dancers didn't offer topless or nude dances-only bikini. But they danced nude onstage. Dances were $10 but the dance area was flooded with cameras and the bouncers were always in your face about touching. Never went back.
LOL at the people who think COI isn't a slam dunk. It can be expensive as hell, but going to Rhino in COI is about as close to shooting fish in a barrel as you can get. Stay away from Deja Vu there; while it is always busy, it seems like nearly every review I read on other sites talks about how so many girls do so little, and the few hot ones will be busy with regulars. Paradise has very high pressure Latinas, many a bit hefty but some hot ones (better for you if you speak Spanish), and Synn can have high mileage but the selection was dreary last time I was there. Driving out to SR Rialto where they have VIP bed dances can be a religious experience, though there's a lot of chaff to scrape through to get to the wheat.
Avoid Imperial Showgirls; years ago it was a destination club with hot dancers and sneaky high mileage; that is no longer the case IME. As mentioned, the Flamingo can be high mileage but the waitresses are annoying.
TJ is silly idea from Anaheim. Two hours south (with traffic), however much pussy you want, and then the trek back through US Customs (don't forget your passport). Been to TJ six times (I preferred AB to HK), but, as much as I lust after Latinas, I just don't think it's worth the effort after all is said and done.
Why the hell are you guys saying tijuana it's not worth it !? There is so much pussy in the zona Norte tijuana that you will go nuts girls pussy there is fresh and young especially in Hong Kong , forget about all the clubs in LA bitches here will rip you off and pretend they are not whores while in tijuana is cheap is and girls will give there pussy to you for less than 50$ !!! Forget all the clubs in coi don't waste your money there it's a waist , Tijuana gives you all you want .
I'm not sure if those who are talking about COI and LA clubs offering high mileage are really talking about the same kind of high mileage one would get in TJ. Likewise, pensionking has reviewed clubs in Illinois and Indiana. I know there are some notorious venues there which are straight up FS.
I think there is a need for greater specificity, especially when it comes to the COI and LA clubs, and California in general where extreme mileage seems to be the exception and not the rule.
Some have said Rio is very high mileage, but I don't know. Some say Starz and KHVIII are high mileage. Some say that Club Fantasy in Sacramento is very high mileage. I think there is a problem with lack of precision in terminology.
I have not been to these places myself, not yet. But I should now admit that I have a more than casual familiarity with the now defunct San Francisco Red Book and the Asian Massage Parlor community.
Red Book GFE meant DFK + DATY + BBBJ + MSOG ( meaning covered full service with 2nd pop ).
Most of the Asian girls did not do Cum In Mouth, Facials, or Swallow. That was special, beyond RB-GFE. Likewise they did not do Anal. BBFS was considered irresponsible and something which should not even be discussed.
I am an especial fan of MSOG. It is nice because there is some in between time which is real nice for getting to know each other. And then with the second pop, the girl does more to make it happen. She really has to want it and has to offer herself fully to make it happen.
I can't see doing this on the floor of some SC's VIP room in 30min. But at an SC / Brothel like the Hong Kong with hotel rooms, it would be an awesome experience!
We need though to be mindful of TMojo's excellent article and check in to a room. Otherwise you just get 30min. You also have to negotiate the extra time and 2nd pop with the girl up front. Sure it is more time and work for her. But I have found that if you are already DFKing with a girl and getting her softened up, then she will be flattered that you want to do MSOG with her and she will definitely be eager to do it.
Of course I know that with age things change. But what it is is that things get slower and more purposeful. All the more reason for an FS oriented venue, rather than short times in VIP rooms.
Maybe people don't want to get their favorite clubs in trouble? Or maybe there is just such a mileage disparity and the lack of a detailed terminology. I am a strong supporter of the RB-GFE terminology and as that being a basic standard for full service.
But this was with Asian immigrants. American civilian sex is different, influenced by porno movies. So the standard should be higher, like including Cum In Mouth, Facials, and Swallowing.
I am a big fan of DFK, DATY, and MSOG. This generally means more time, and more of a bedroom type environment than the "Jack Shack" booths you find some places.
But I know that some guys don't really want this and are instead more into HJ and BJ.
Again, more reason to get a more precise terminology instead of just "high mileage".
Can TUSCL be changed so that the discussions bump to the top of the list when someone comments?
On the top of the discussions page, you can sort by "Last Comment" instead of the default "Date Posted".
The terminology is usually fuzzy on purpose. If you want more specific information about what has happened at a particular place or with a particular girl, you may want to send one of the reviewers or comment writers a private message.
Without being too graphic, I will say again that Tropical Lei is the place to go, in my experience, for practically guaranteed mileage. If you want private rooms with bed, then Spearmint Rhino Rialto is for you. Obviously these places are strip clubs, not brothels, so MSOG is going to take multiple trips to the VIP area, unless you recovery period is about one song.
Thanks for the heads up about "Last Comment". Though it doesn't have that for Articles, only for Discussions.
Spearmint Rhino Rialto? Again, as you say being fuzzy on purpose, do they have beds in the VIP room, or is it only in some special theme rooms with an extremely high price? My experience with such special rooms is that it means a fantasy and big money for the club, but not much delivery.
Being out of that area, but having generally followed Spearmint Rhino and DeJa Vu as being places with very attractive girls, but less mileage, I would be pleasantly surprised if there is extreme mileage for a sensible price at this Spearmint Rhino Rialto.
As far as one song recovery, that is indeed the issue. I have gathered that the guys who are into HJ and BJ are more into the dancer doing it to them. To me that's kind of like the old video arcade booths where you keep popping in quarters and doing DIY. Then there is the peep show version of this. And now, you have a real girl with real hands and a real mouth to do it for you.
For me that is okay, but just only okay. If she is going to give me BJ till completion, then I would rather that be in the context of an ongoing sexual relationship. That is, I want to be doing it to her. I want her to submit. So I want DFK, FIV, DATY, and FS. I don't want to do any of this measured in songs either. If it going to be like that I'd rather just play with them sitting on my lap, in the main room, and be feeding them some sitting tips. It's not so much that it is necessarily cheaper, it's that I stay more in control of it. Yes it is about control, about power, about seeing something I want and getting it.
My high mileage experience is not so much in strip clubs, but in AMP and AAMP environments. I do them slow and easy. Most of them are not expecting this either. So they really let go. One of the biggest variables though is if they can be gotten to DFK before hand. Often they will because they are not expecting it. If they do, then it will be a superb session. The flush will show in her cheeks and all the other girls will here about it and they will all be lined up next time for their turn.
Also, just to give our thread starter pensionking some advice which is not fuzzy, which is better then for him on his coming short stint in LA, Spearmint Rhino Rialto, Tropical Lei, perhaps Rio in Los Angeles, this Flamingo, or perhaps some of the black clubs in Gardena like Starz or KH8?
The VIP rooms at SR Rialto all have bed-like couches in them. The rooms are $125 for 15 minutes, although they are sometimes cheaper. Some girls there go all the way, some just dance. It varies from girl to girl.
I haven't been to most of the LA clubs, but I have been to several in Orange County and almost all of them in COI. My advice, which is the same as Slickspic's, is to go to Tropical Lei.
Ok, ok, ok. Three of us have mentioned TL. There are over 400 reviews for TL plus the old reviews for Hawaii Theater(same owner, many of the same dancers, same mo). If that is not enough info then your shit out of luck.
The dude from San Jose sez: "Some have said Rio is very high mileage, but I don't know. Some say Starz and KHVIII are high mileage. Some say that Club Fantasy in Sacramento is very high mileage. I think there is a problem with lack of precision in terminology.I have not been to these places myself, not yet."
Dude, seriously, do you find you need to comment on things you have absolutely no experience with? It's kinda funny. You have never been, but you have all kinds of comments.
Sometimes it's best to sit out on a discussion. Really.
last commentI see that you have reviewed clubs in Illinois and Indiana. I know that there are high mileage clubs there too. The East Saint Louis area is well known for this, as are places near Chicago, both in Illinois and Indiana.
People do make pilgrimages to TJ, lots and lots of people. Read TMojo's article. That Hong Kong Bar and its Cascadas Hotel are like nothing else in this world.
Maybe someday Ciudad Juarez will be back in action. It could become just as good. So for now it is TJ.
Hit up Slick or Lopaw for more SoCal info. There might be some OC clubs that will fit the bill. With only 2 days forget about TJ. Too far.
It's funny that TL is down the street from 5 colleges, a theology school, a botanical garden, and a cool, old neighborhood.
As others have said COI is great for virtually guaranteed mileage that doesn't cost a lot but the traffic can be bad. If you aren't looking for 9's and 10's try Flamingo, very cheap and incredibly high mileage. Most of the girls there are 5-6 but every shift there is always at least one 8-9. They aren't shy about wanting your money and being willing to work for it.
There is another close alternative but it can be expensive. Go to Extacy in Santa Ana (really on the boarder with Costa Mesa). The club is very low key, they always have a ton of dancers that are mostly 8+ and the nude bed dances are fantastic. The bed dances are expensive however but with the right girl they can be amazing.
IMO, Hong Kong club in TJ is the best place to go, slam dunk. HOWEVER, if you're only here for one night, i would NOT recommend it. In fact, it's so crazy only someone like I would attempt it. Why? TRAFFIC !!! Dude, unless you time it right, you're gonna hit crazy traffic getting out of Anaheim to Mexico, and also in San Diego. Personally, I think that by the time you make the 3 hour, traffic filled trip down there, and the 2 or 3 hour trip back, overall the great experience in TJ would be destroyed by the agony of the trip.
Personally, since you're already in Anaheim, I would highly recommend the Flamingo Theater. I used to be a huge Flamingo fan, and it was my vote for the best mileage club in Southern California. Sadly the dancer quality has eroded considerably in recent years, but mileage is still there and you might even find a hottie. And the $10 high mileage laps will, if nothing else, get your blood going. If that doesn't pan out, head down the street a half mile or so to Sahara Theater, with similar mileage but $15 laps.
If neither of those pan out, and if you love you some black booty, you can head to south central LA for some sure mileage with some hot (or semi hot) black chicks. But if you prefer Mexican chicks, head to City of Industry. I used to be a fan of the area, but no longer. But if you want mileage, it's not too far from Anaheim, and there are a few clubs to choose from.
COI has more clubs, so you can go from club to club to find what you like. If you are going on a weeknight, you should be able to hit several clubs without paying too much for cover. The cover charges will probably be cheaper than the tank of gas to get to TJ and back.
As far as mileage in or near Anaheim, I've only found it at the Flamingo. The only reason to try there in your situation is that OTC might be available if you are staying close by.
Avoid Imperial Showgirls; years ago it was a destination club with hot dancers and sneaky high mileage; that is no longer the case IME. As mentioned, the Flamingo can be high mileage but the waitresses are annoying.
TJ is silly idea from Anaheim. Two hours south (with traffic), however much pussy you want, and then the trek back through US Customs (don't forget your passport). Been to TJ six times (I preferred AB to HK), but, as much as I lust after Latinas, I just don't think it's worth the effort after all is said and done.
Happy mongering!
I think there is a need for greater specificity, especially when it comes to the COI and LA clubs, and California in general where extreme mileage seems to be the exception and not the rule.
Some have said Rio is very high mileage, but I don't know. Some say Starz and KHVIII are high mileage. Some say that Club Fantasy in Sacramento is very high mileage. I think there is a problem with lack of precision in terminology.
I have not been to these places myself, not yet. But I should now admit that I have a more than casual familiarity with the now defunct San Francisco Red Book and the Asian Massage Parlor community.
Red Book GFE meant DFK + DATY + BBBJ + MSOG ( meaning covered full service with 2nd pop ).
Most of the Asian girls did not do Cum In Mouth, Facials, or Swallow. That was special, beyond RB-GFE. Likewise they did not do Anal. BBFS was considered irresponsible and something which should not even be discussed.
I am an especial fan of MSOG. It is nice because there is some in between time which is real nice for getting to know each other. And then with the second pop, the girl does more to make it happen. She really has to want it and has to offer herself fully to make it happen.
I can't see doing this on the floor of some SC's VIP room in 30min. But at an SC / Brothel like the Hong Kong with hotel rooms, it would be an awesome experience!
We need though to be mindful of TMojo's excellent article and check in to a room. Otherwise you just get 30min. You also have to negotiate the extra time and 2nd pop with the girl up front. Sure it is more time and work for her. But I have found that if you are already DFKing with a girl and getting her softened up, then she will be flattered that you want to do MSOG with her and she will definitely be eager to do it.
Of course I know that with age things change. But what it is is that things get slower and more purposeful. All the more reason for an FS oriented venue, rather than short times in VIP rooms.
Maybe people don't want to get their favorite clubs in trouble? Or maybe there is just such a mileage disparity and the lack of a detailed terminology. I am a strong supporter of the RB-GFE terminology and as that being a basic standard for full service.
But this was with Asian immigrants. American civilian sex is different, influenced by porno movies. So the standard should be higher, like including Cum In Mouth, Facials, and Swallowing.
I am a big fan of DFK, DATY, and MSOG. This generally means more time, and more of a bedroom type environment than the "Jack Shack" booths you find some places.
But I know that some guys don't really want this and are instead more into HJ and BJ.
Again, more reason to get a more precise terminology instead of just "high mileage".
Can TUSCL be changed so that the discussions bump to the top of the list when someone comments?
San Jose Guy
Stones, Pontiac Michigan, 1981
The terminology is usually fuzzy on purpose. If you want more specific information about what has happened at a particular place or with a particular girl, you may want to send one of the reviewers or comment writers a private message.
Without being too graphic, I will say again that Tropical Lei is the place to go, in my experience, for practically guaranteed mileage. If you want private rooms with bed, then Spearmint Rhino Rialto is for you. Obviously these places are strip clubs, not brothels, so MSOG is going to take multiple trips to the VIP area, unless you recovery period is about one song.
Spearmint Rhino Rialto? Again, as you say being fuzzy on purpose, do they have beds in the VIP room, or is it only in some special theme rooms with an extremely high price? My experience with such special rooms is that it means a fantasy and big money for the club, but not much delivery.
Being out of that area, but having generally followed Spearmint Rhino and DeJa Vu as being places with very attractive girls, but less mileage, I would be pleasantly surprised if there is extreme mileage for a sensible price at this Spearmint Rhino Rialto.
As far as one song recovery, that is indeed the issue. I have gathered that the guys who are into HJ and BJ are more into the dancer doing it to them. To me that's kind of like the old video arcade booths where you keep popping in quarters and doing DIY. Then there is the peep show version of this. And now, you have a real girl with real hands and a real mouth to do it for you.
For me that is okay, but just only okay. If she is going to give me BJ till completion, then I would rather that be in the context of an ongoing sexual relationship. That is, I want to be doing it to her. I want her to submit. So I want DFK, FIV, DATY, and FS. I don't want to do any of this measured in songs either. If it going to be like that I'd rather just play with them sitting on my lap, in the main room, and be feeding them some sitting tips. It's not so much that it is necessarily cheaper, it's that I stay more in control of it. Yes it is about control, about power, about seeing something I want and getting it.
My high mileage experience is not so much in strip clubs, but in AMP and AAMP environments. I do them slow and easy. Most of them are not expecting this either. So they really let go. One of the biggest variables though is if they can be gotten to DFK before hand. Often they will because they are not expecting it. If they do, then it will be a superb session. The flush will show in her cheeks and all the other girls will here about it and they will all be lined up next time for their turn.
Also, just to give our thread starter pensionking some advice which is not fuzzy, which is better then for him on his coming short stint in LA, Spearmint Rhino Rialto, Tropical Lei, perhaps Rio in Los Angeles, this Flamingo, or perhaps some of the black clubs in Gardena like Starz or KH8?
Rolling Stones, Hand of Fate, studio
I haven't been to most of the LA clubs, but I have been to several in Orange County and almost all of them in COI. My advice, which is the same as Slickspic's, is to go to Tropical Lei.
Dude, seriously, do you find you need to comment on things you have absolutely no experience with? It's kinda funny. You have never been, but you have all kinds of comments.
Sometimes it's best to sit out on a discussion. Really.