

Saturday, July 12, 2014 2:27 PM
[view link] Fine quality whores out there


  • dollardollarbillyall
    10 years ago
    The picture of that chick? Ewwwwwww. Seriously, if you have Google exec money then you have enough to at least have the woman you pay to sleep with you classified as an escort, or some kind of respectable "woman of the night." You have enough money and societal place than you shouldn't be sleeping with a simple, common whore once the media gets wind it (as demonstrated by the Vitter maneuver). You just have to only employ whores who know better than to kill you. Maybe additional details have been added, but when I originally read this story they made it sound like she just magically injected him with drugs, like it had to be a surprise attack. And I thought that was ridiculous, as in did she Walter White her Jane and just break bad while she choked on vomit? If so, as in if he willingly put his arm up and let some druggy prostitute shoot junk into his arm, and that druggy prostitute walked away as he died, then I seriously feel no pity for him Where's the video? This is the 21st century, I could care less about the testimony in courts that I don't respect to begin with, why bother with this make believe secondhand reporting? There was that yacht footage, and I'm just supposed to take someone else's word for it? Please.
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    This is one of those stories where I'm sure we could find out as much as we want about it, but I don't really want to know. Considering how most of us here approach this mongering thing, it does seem like this could happen to any of us. I saw bits and pieces of the story, (ironically) Googled the woman and decided that was all I wanted to know. The woman? No, not really my type (a little tatted up for me), but I'm guessing many of us have gotten dances from the equivalent or worse. In the pictures you see in the Google image search, she doesn't look awful when done up. My thing is relatively simple: Sexually, I'm very open-minded. As long as no one is ending up with any unwanted children or diseases, hey, I'm pretty much game for anything. But when it comes to drugs: No thanks. In that way, I want to keep my system as clean as possible. Without looking deeper, hard to say whether this guy was willingly doing the drugs, too, or she basically killed him. Either way, probably best to get away from anyone who wants to get you involved in that kind of stuff. At least that's my feeling.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    No story underscores the bottom line on stripper/hooker vs customer/PL relationships better than this one. The girl is there for one reason. The money and/or the drugs. And she'll step over your dead body for a last sip of wine without the slightest tinge of feeling for you or concern over your dying body. If you don't think your current and past and future ATF is any different, you're dreaming. And no, YOUR ATF is not an exception.
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