
Slow Nights In The SC

Thursday, July 3, 2014 10:23 AM
You know the grind. You work too hard, get patted on the back, then head out at the end of the day. Somewhere down there is an urge to just wind down for the day and where else do you go on a slow Monday night? So you go to the SC and sit at the bar. The bartender is looking so fine and sexy you forget about everything else. She hands you your favorite drink and you simply just be cool as you can. Awesome looking ladies walk about passing you by, maybe one is sizing you up right that moment. But you don't care, you just sit there and enjoy the moment. The bartender is just right there chatting with you about stuff, yeah stuff. You look out there and throw your scanners around seeing the landscape and you find about at least a couple of dancers for eye fucking. Right that minute, planets align and you find bliss. You chug the last one down and head out to finish the day. Say, how do you wind down on a slow Monday (perhaps Tue of Wed) night?


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