
New Vegas strip club web site..Looks to be very informative.

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, June 28, 2014 6:24 AM


  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Thanks for sharing, interesting opinions.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    The site looks pretty good
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    The problem is all these clubs are in Vegas. I only go to Vegas to work and leave as soon as I can. The entire town is designed to separate you from your money with the least return to you as possible. Vegas, Atlantic City... all of them are overpriced ripoff towns. I would rather go clubbing in Detroit.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Overprice ripoff town? In regards to the strip clubs? Really the only difference in most cases is extras are uncommon. As far as the rest of the city goes I've never really thought it was that expensive. Hotel rooms are decidedly cheap when you consider what you get compared to most large cities. Food is no more expensive than most tourist places and cheaper than many, quality is also usually very good. Gambling is what's expensive. And you have 100% control over how much you spend on that.
  • samsung1
    10 years ago
    Detroit has [view link] for local reviews on their clubs
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    jester's right. I was in Vegas in July of 2012 and was pleasantly surprised by the price of the hotels. My buddy and I stayed at the Mirage (a nice hotel) and for all but two of the nights (was there 5 days total) we were there, the price was less than 100 bucks per night for the hotel room. The two nights that it was over 100 bucks, it was only SLIGHTLY over 100. And keep in mind, this was during the summer--the time where you would think prices would be highest due to the large volume of people on vacations. The food also wasn't overly expensive unless you went to a super duper fancy sit down restaurant- which we only did once. I'm a light gambler, so I didn't spend much. I spent more on the strip clubs. And although they aren't the best, the women are undeniably more beautiful than most other cities. But yeah, the idea that Vegas is some overly expensive expensive city compared to most places is not true
  • pop
    10 years ago
    Summer is the off season in vegas. You can get good hotels for less than 50 a night. The cheap rooms are all part of the scheme. After you get there everything they do, including strip clubs, is designed to get all your money. What's amazing is that most people leave broke but they're sorry to leave.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    pop is correct, summer is the off season in Vegas, Vegas hotels are very cheap in the summer.
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