
Porn Stars Facing Bank Account Closures

Thursday, May 29, 2014 8:56 AM
Have you read the stories about porn stars having their bank accounts suddenly closed for no reason by their banks few weeks ago. Chase close one stars account without notification and she found out at the ATM. No reason was given. At first the article made it sound as if Chase was doing this on their own but I have read subsequent articles stating the banks are being pressured by the Federal Justice Department to close out "undesirable" customer accounts or face severe scrutiny and increased audits. [view link] Just another way to control every aspect of our lives. They give lip service to freedom but go in the back door to take your freedoms away. The way this society is you cannot live without the banks. You can't pay your bills because no one takes cash or money orders any more. If you are a business, church, bar, or any kind of business entity you must pay your taxes via bank account direct with-drawl or you are in violation of federal law and subject to closure and arrest. Paying your personal taxes with direct bank account with-drawl for individuals is coming soon. That means the government is given direct access to your bank account to withdraw the taxes it thinks you owe. Currently as a business your only protection is setting up an separate account for your taxes only preventing the government from "accidentally" emptying your account. By forcing the bank to close out what the government considers an "undesirable" person's accounts then demanding taxes be paid through a bank account forces those people out of work, into a different job or face jail. They will start with porn stars, then small gun shops, Then political enemies, then ammunition manufactures, then churches, gas stations (pollution), private schools and then eventually only government sanction businesses will be allowed. Fulfilling every politicians dream of total power and we become subjects not citizens.


  • samsung1
    10 years ago
    PayPal has been shutting their accounts down for years
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
  • Electronman
    10 years ago
    And the financial geniuses who developed credit default swaps that contributed to the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and caused thousands of Americans to lose their homes, get off with no penalties and lots of profits. Something is really askew!
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    That isn't the only business being persecuted by the democrats - gun stores are finding their bank accounts closed too. All part of the socialist thinking going around. But, we voted for it... even if we didn't vote!
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    Oop - news today, pay day lenders (those not backed by big banks)are loosing out too.
  • Tyres
    10 years ago
    Plus I hate the way the democrats are forcing constitutionally legal abortion clinics out of business too.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    ^^^Not me-I'm making a killing with my underground abortion clinic. It's like a speakeasy for sluts. Low overhead. Close hangers are cheap. Punches to the gut are even cheaper.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    If the federal government goes overboard, some states will likely start using their own currency. It's like Obama authorizing the military to attack US civilians in an uprising, the democrats might think they found a way to take over and create a communist or socialist state but if civil war broke out, our currency would become worthless as anarchy reigned and massive unemployment made our economy broke. I doubt the guys in the military would be willing to fight other Americans for free. When your dept of homeland security buys up millions or billions of hollow point bullets to use against other Americans, it makes you wonder what kind of creeps are running our government. Of course half the public or new York, California and the northeastern US keep voting for more and more of this. I've been putting the blame on the people in these areas. I'll add in Illinois. Obama blames global warming every time a storm tears up the northeast. I blame a higher power sticking it to the people who voted for this. Whenever we get a new president, I would love to see Obama's precedent followed, it was all Obama's fault for the next 8 years after he leaves office. lol
  • PredragDr
    10 years ago
    Don't they have their own credit union to join?
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    In reality this is a back door way to circumvent our constitutional protections. They won't make porn illegal they will just make it impossible to pay your employees. They won't make religion illegal they'll just make it impossible a church to pay its bills. They won't make guns illegal they will just make it illegal to operate a store to sell them. They won't make it illegal to disagree with the state it will just be impossible to get a job to feed you and your family if you dare to openly disagree with the party line. If you do not believe me go to DC and carry a sign in front of the white house stating you think Obama should be removed from office and see what happens. In fact just get one of the signs carried in front of the white house from 7 years ago and substitute Obama's name for Bush's on the sign and see if you don't get jailed. It is a brilliant strategy that sneaks up behind you and before you know it the government controls everything and you are not allowed to shit without permission... oh what you have to have that now its called a low water flush toilet. Remember they started with porn because it is publicly shunned by a large portion of the population. Actually they stated with smokers. I am a nonsmoker and always have been but I support people's right to smoke and am tired of their rights being taken away. If a bar owner or restaurant owner wants to allow smoking that is their right and people offended by smoking do not have to work or trade their. Keep in mind guys if strip clubs lose their bank accounts they cannot pay their taxes and will have to go out of business. If you think this will stop with porn stars you have your head in the sand.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    She should have fired her accountant.I have several accounts that will whet their appetite before they reach the mother lode.
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