
Latest StripClubHound Rant: Bad Management & Sicko Custies

In the wind
Posted 5/19/14


"Online Reviews
I have taken to consulting a relatively new strip club board called BonedIn. It is a very useful site because many of the clubs in the Southern California area post roll calls on it.

As you may know, I think one of the many signs of a badly managed club is that the managers don't take every advantage to promote their clubs via Twitter and other social media. I cannot for the life of me understand why every strip club doesn't send out four or five Tweets per day listing their current lineup and promoting any special prices or special events.

If you're a strip club and men are subscribing to your Twitter feed, that proves they are interested in coming to your strip club. That is your target audience. Why are you not taking the opportunity to send free advertising to your target audience? Can you imagine a plumber who has the chance to send free ads to people who need plumbing? What kind of way is that to run a business?

Some of the dancers who are making money these days in clubs are doing this because their clubs don't do that. A common complaint of guys who go to strip clubs these days is that the dancers don't circulate. They spend most of their time in the dressing room or sitting off in some corner of the club on their iPhones.

Well, what a lot of those girls are doing is sending Tweets and emails to guys and saying "I'm dancing right now and I would love to see you". There are several dancers who Tweet me photos of themselves to entice me to come in and buy dances from them.

Why the fuck isn't the club doing that???

Many clubs do not Tweet their roll calls or do not Tweet them promptly. They do not post them on their websites. Some of them don't even update their websites. They don't use BonedIn or ZBone or even Facebook to remind their customers that they're open and that the place if full of hot girls.

I can understand if you have a weak lineup of dancers. I think most guys assume that if the club doesn't post its roll call it's because they don't have a club full of hot girls. They have three oldies and fatties.

I do understand though why some of them don't participate in ZBone or BonedIn. Some clubs have even asked to have their pages on those sites removed. This is because some of what gets posted on a website like that is mean and some of it is inaccurate and some of it is just plain bullshit.

Dancers have told me in the last few years of times when they were slandered on boards by sicko customers. They turn a guy down for extras and the next thing they know, the guy is on some website calling them names and saying they ripped him off.

There are dancers who do rip guys off. There are also customers who lie about dancers cheating them or who lie about dancers fucking them. I have seen both happen.

I have also seen one strip club have guys post shit about other clubs and dancers at those clubs. It is a way of driving people away from the competition.

The trouble of course is that there is no policing of this. If you're a dancer and some guy posts bullshit about you, what can you do? It may harm your income. These days in a lot of clubs, the dancers don't make so much that they can afford to lose customers to lies.

Recently, I posted this message from a dancer whose income was crippled by an asshole who wrote lies about her on the internet. It is a perfect example of what I'm talking about here. Even if 95% of what is posted is true, the other 5% still does damage.

One guy on BonedIn recently posted the name of a dancer and a club and he said that his dancer gave him a blow job and he got a disease from it.

Is this true? We will never know.

Even if the message has been taken down by the time you read this, a lot of guys will have read it. The management of BonedIn cannot be expected to police their boards day and night for that kind of thing.

If you read that message, how likely are you to go patronize that dancer? How likely are you to even set foot in that club?

The message may be true and it may be false but the damage has been done.

What can the girls do when someone posts horrible things about them, true or not? Often, they complain to the management of the club. I would bet that some of the clubs that have withdrawn from BonedIn and ZBone have done this for that reason. This is not a good solution.

The only solution I see is that someone needs to set up something like BonedIn that only posts roll calls. I wish there were a dozen different sites that posted reviews and one good one that just handled roll calls. When BonedIn started, that was what I thought it was going to be.

The reviews are a valuable service. The roll calls are a valuable service. However, the reviews are now preventing the roll calls from being reported so something is wrong.

There is one other thing the boards are good for. You see a lot of messages from sharp, clever guys. You also see messages that you can only look at and think "Boy, that guy has a real problem with women".

I used to see guys like that in my club. They couldn't relate to women in their normal lives. They felt rejected, humiliated or they just couldn't talk to women. They developed a hate for women and when their dicks urge to come near one, they go to strip clubs and because the girl is in charge and they have to pay the girl, they get angrier and angrier at women.

You see messages like this on some of the boards. They're not a majority but they are there.

The reason they're so angry is that they never have satisfying experiences with women unless they're paying and often they don't even get them when they're paying.

Do you want to know how to get dancers and women in general to treat you better? Read those messages and then try to be nothing like those guys."

TUSCLers' reactions?


  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Good insight from the Hound as usual – he makes some good points.

    Yeah – most SC “management” seems to hurt rather than help both the dancers and the custies.

    I know many on this board do not like the corporate clubs and there are valid reasons for it; but IME these clubs often offer better (or at least decent) customer service.

    I think SCs are waning instead of prospering. With the current economic climate and the fact there is competition such as cam sites and online escorts; I don’t think the SCs are doing enough; if anything; to attract and/or retain business.

    One of my latest pet peeves is song length – this is one of numerous areas where SCs seem to want to stick it to customers by offering shorter and shorter song lengths thus giving the custy less and less value – this may not be an issue for those that are mostly into extras – but it is an issue for those that like getting lots of LDs

    Interesting points – thanks for posting.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "You see a lot of messages from sharp, clever guys. You also see messages that you can only look at and think "Boy, that guy has a real problem with women"

    Pretty much sums up this board
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    If I feel like I get less for my money, I spend a lot less. I was at Platinum in columbia last weekend and dancers kept asking high prices. One girl finally offered two for thirty and then said plus tip. I bought two dances, tipped her as a farewell gift because I don't know if I will go back again. I only bought two dances and then left, not in any hurry to return. When dances were two for twenty, I used to spend a whole lot more, maybe two to three hundred more.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    If clubs continue to not make me want to spend money, my biggest concerns will be what to invest in with all the extra savings I wasn't expecting.
  • Duke69
    10 years ago
    I love the idea of roll calls
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