
How to take care of a S/O that doesn't like you going to strip clubs.

Atlanta suburb
Thursday, April 24, 2014 9:42 AM
TRAVERSE CITY — A Traverse City man told police he strangled and tried to kill his sleeping girlfriend because she opposed his strip club visits. Sean William Jones, 30, faces felony charges of assault with intent to murder and assault by strangulation in 86th District Court. Traverse City police officers arrested Jones on April 15 after responding to a call about a woman screaming at a Boughey Street home. Capt. Mike Ayling said officers arrived and found Jones, who told them he had just tried to strangle his girlfriend. “He gave a reason for why he did what he did,” Ayling said. Jones' reason is detailed in a police report; he told officers he frequently went to strip clubs and his girlfriend didn't like it. “Sean stated that due to this fact and his obsession with going to the strip clubs, the only way he could see being able to go to the strip clubs is if his girlfriend ... was out of the picture,” the report states. “Sean then stated the only way to get (her) out of the picture was to kill her.” Court documents state the victim awoke in her bed with Jones' hands around her neck. She told officers she struggled to breathe and fought for her life as Jones wrestled her off the bed and continued to strangle her. The police report states Jones stopped the attack after a neighbor heard the woman's screams and ran up to their door. Jones told officers he planned to go to a strip club after the neighbor caught him, but police arrived before he could do so, according to the report. Jones appeared for arraignment in 86th District Court on Monday. District Judge Michael Haley levied bond conditions that bar Jones from having contact with his girlfriend, accessing the Internet or going into strip clubs or other “adult entertainment establishments.”


  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Kind of severe. Don't people just break up anymore?
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Now why did I never think of that. Such a simple solution! And just think, he'll get more sex from Bubba then he would ever have gotten on the outside.
  • LarryBird33
    10 years ago
    He was trying to break it off lol what a failure
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    Total failure. Surprised the girl wanted to be with him.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    10 years ago
    I suppose if she drops the charges he might just go buy her a present to make things right--- A choker collar !
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Funny story. He gives new meaning to the phrase "pathetic loser. "
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