
If a dancer sucker punched you

Talking to a really drunk/drugged dancer last night who was rambling about her insatiable desire to fuck the dancer on stage. Out of character for me but I replied "That's how bad I want to fuck you. How can we make that happen?".

Her demeanor instantly changed to seriously pissed and she said she wanted to sucker punch me. I played it off and the good time soon resumed. But, it did make me wonder how I would react if a dancer did unexpectedly hit me and make good contact. A sucker punch, even from a dancer, could do some serious damage.

Hitting back would be a ticket for an ass kicking from the bouncer and probably jail time. I've heard of dancers being arrested for assault in such cases but that would be an embarrassing hassle.


  • deogol
    10 years ago
    Just got to let them hit first, perhaps a few times, and then let loose some whoopin on her ass. Hit em in the gut though.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    I'd ask her to marry me.
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    My first instinct in any bad situation is to run. Maybe not literally run, but move quickly and get out of the situation. Escalate and there's a good chance there's a bouncer punching you 10 times harder than she could. You can heal, puke, come up with a story as to why you're bruised, etc., all much better on your own than I'd you get sent to the hospital.

    Of course, I have a pretty good sense for both avoiding people who are angry types and for sensing when people are getting pissed, so I'm thinking this will not be something I'll be encountering.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    A lot of dancers grew up in tough neighborhoods. They could kick my ass.
  • HitMan9
    10 years ago
    Suck her tits
  • deogol
    10 years ago
    LOL Hitman9 ^^^
  • bang69
    10 years ago
    I'd give her 2 choices. 1 cfs for free or going to jail
  • ReiDetroit
    10 years ago
    I didn't punch a guy, but I slammed a guy up against the wall by his throat for basically molesting me *after* already paying me for our dance. He was very drunk and fell down the stairs out of vip after the incident. A bouncer came up and asked me what happened and I was honest. He was tossed out.
    My rules (on top of my club's rules) are "no pinching and no biting." I slapped a guy for biting my breast during a dance and didn't get into trouble. Disturbingly, he liked it and wanted me to slap him again and harder.
    On the flip side, a dancer at my club was recently fired for hitting a guy. She was on stage and he went to tip her, but instead tried to shove his hand in her vagina. She jumped off of stage and went to hit him but he was blocking his face with his hand and holding a glass. The glass shattered on his face and he started bleeding and threatened to sue the bar.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Ask her if she's trying to act like family.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I would tell everyone she was hitting on me
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I've seen dancers turn an innocuous comment into some personal attack and get all pissy, and it's scary. Happened to me once too. If a dancer ever hit me I'd get a bouncer and threaten legal action. And maybe follow through if they didn't handle it right.
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    I was in a club in Centreville IL sitting at the tip rail getting ready to tip the dancer. She turned around just before I held my money above the rail on the edge the stage and put her bare VJ onto my hand. She spun around and reared back with her fist because I had touched her. I put my hand up and said I was just tipping you when you backed into me. The bouncer that was standing close by and had seen calmed her down and later told me she was a full time carpet muncher and hate men and would not even do private dances only table dances and worked there to keep an eye on her girlfriend. To bad she cause was a looker.
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