Controversial sports team names (Washington Redskins)
OT: But, reading this made me wonder, is there ANYTHING in this world NOT controversial? Is there a single (name even one) item in the entire world that we ALL agree on? I think not.
Let's look at the above item. To be controversial, there must be at least two sides to the issue or there would be no controversy. That said, I am sure there are some that may be offended by the name. On the flip side, I am also sure many are not. OK, you say, but those offended are American Indians, and those not are not American Indians. Perhaps in many cases you are correct, but certainly not in EVERY case. Therefore, it stands to reason that the exact opposite of the controversy is correct. Some wish the name changed and others are offended by that suggestion. So which offended side should prevail in controversy?
I recall a personal incident some time ago. I went to Tallahassee, Florida to a Florida State vs. Miami baseball series. There were Seminole Indians outside the ballpark protesting the nickname "Seminoles". On the other side of the walkway, there were Seminole Indians protesting a change in the nickname. For God's sake, even the so called offended group couldn't even fucking agree!!!
OK, I've rambled a bit, or perhaps a lot. Bottom line, no matter the issue, item, statement, whatever, someone somewhere will take offense. So be it. Put on your big boy pants or big girl panties and live with it. The world doesn't fucking revolve around your ass!
Just imagine the alternative. A world in which everyone is exactly the same, has exactly the same thoughts, exactly the same wants, exactly the same wishes, exactly the same EVERYTHING! What a boring fucking world this would be!
Let's look at the above item. To be controversial, there must be at least two sides to the issue or there would be no controversy. That said, I am sure there are some that may be offended by the name. On the flip side, I am also sure many are not. OK, you say, but those offended are American Indians, and those not are not American Indians. Perhaps in many cases you are correct, but certainly not in EVERY case. Therefore, it stands to reason that the exact opposite of the controversy is correct. Some wish the name changed and others are offended by that suggestion. So which offended side should prevail in controversy?
I recall a personal incident some time ago. I went to Tallahassee, Florida to a Florida State vs. Miami baseball series. There were Seminole Indians outside the ballpark protesting the nickname "Seminoles". On the other side of the walkway, there were Seminole Indians protesting a change in the nickname. For God's sake, even the so called offended group couldn't even fucking agree!!!
OK, I've rambled a bit, or perhaps a lot. Bottom line, no matter the issue, item, statement, whatever, someone somewhere will take offense. So be it. Put on your big boy pants or big girl panties and live with it. The world doesn't fucking revolve around your ass!
Just imagine the alternative. A world in which everyone is exactly the same, has exactly the same thoughts, exactly the same wants, exactly the same wishes, exactly the same EVERYTHING! What a boring fucking world this would be!
Need you ask? :)
worth your time
Redskins, on the other hand, has never been anything but a derogatory term for a native North American. KC Chiefs, FSU Seminoles, Chicago Blackhawks - none of these were ever meant to demean. My high school teams were the Warriors (JV) and the Thunderbirds (varsity) and the local semipro lacrosse team, all Mohawks, called themselves the Warriors too.
I hope that Dan Snyder might come to see this and give serious thought to changing the name. I don't have a lot of hope for this since he doesn't seem to know how to run a team!
Of course the guy who wrote the article saying strip clubs suck probably would. be offended at just about everything.
That's a pretty ridiculous blanket statement. Can you imagine a world if that was a rule.
No strip clubs, no booze, no Big Macs, no movies, no TV ....
Thanks! I spent two hours on youtube looking for the Chris Rick routine! :)
Good point, but I am not sure redskins was always derogatory or is it even now? I am not that versed in the origination of the word. In my 65 years, I've never thought of it as derogatory or degrading. Also, meaning can change over time. When I was young, there were colored people. Perfectly acceptable term in those days. Now that would likely be derogatory.
That brings me full circle to my original point.
It could as simple as calling all illegal aliens, zoofees. Zoofees could be described as derogatory and offensive to all illegal aliens if enough people paid attention and started to get offended.
I class "redskin" with words like nigger, mick, dago, frog, sand nigger, chink, slant-eye and a host of others coined to make another human seem something less, even subhuman. That makes it easier to dump all kinds of crap on them.
Wetback-Self explanatory. The US Govt(INS) had a program in the 70's called Operation Wetback.
Oh well. While too many Americans complain about Mexicans, the Chinese learn Spanish and employ us while the Angry Americans fail to comprehend the future and adapt, improvise, and overcome-Camp Pendelton has a shit load of Mexicans and Asians serving in the core.
The use of "Native American" these days is nothing more than another item on the politically correct BULLSHIT pile! I am an American, not a German-American, Irish-American, Scottish-American, or even an English-American (???) I might be called a cracker, redneck, hayseed, hillbilly, white trash, or whatever, but do I get a damn, of course not!
Might be silly now, but as a child, this was simple and had meaning...
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.