
Dancers as commissioned sales employees?

"Club is still fun but big changes coming soon. Dancers are now being treated as commissioned sales employees. They will be punching in by fingerprint scanner and getting a check at end of week for difference between dances sold, and money declared versus minimum wage. The lap dance arae has already been moved into open area and 4 new "Cabana" style new private curtained rooms added where the old lap dance area was. The prices will be increasing for VIP rooms about $ 25 across the board. Lap dances will be going up to 25 per dance with house now keeping $5 per dance. The Back Bar was reinstalled and is now the Manager / Dance purchase Station and They stare directly at the Lap Dance area. And Very soon the Lap Dances will only by sold by purchasing Dance Dollars in blocks of $25 or CREDIT CARD. The only cash that can be exchanged between customers and dancers will be tips. Dancers will have to turn in the DANCE DOLLARS at the end of the shift to be reimbursed or paid for the lap dances they sold. Most Dancers and observers agreed business has been down for a while and it will be very interesting to see what impact the new prices and systems have on the girls ability to earn money. The club has invested heavily into updated the POS system to track employee/dancers, new decor, a beautiful water wall/neon wall behind back bar, new Cabanas. and other things to freshen up the place"


I used to frequent this club, but have not been there since my return. The reviewer is a reliable source however.


  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Yeah – in my professional opinion – the direction this club is taking is the wrong direction – wtf?

    Something in my protruding belly tells me this may be a sign of things to come (in other SCs) – thanks Obama.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I'd stop spending about 90% of what I spend now and visit a lot less.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Doesn't amount to a whole hill of beans where I am. I caught wind that the Baptists are gunning to shut the whole shooting match down where I dwell.Word to the Turd.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    I would never go here because I go to get dances and the idea I would hand my credit card to anyone in a strip club is beyond stupid. I won't even run a tab because of privacy issues.
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Dancers and regulars will find ways around this. Cash under the table in the dark for extras?
  • busta_nut
    10 years ago
    The changes haven't all happened yet but are in progress. Part of the reasoning for this has been the lawsuits from dancers against clubs. Several girls from here were involved in one such suit and won. A major reason also is that many states and IRS are now coming after club owners for unpaid sales taxes on the revenue collected from lap dances and house fees,etc. The VIP rooms here were already taxed. So this club has decided to kill two birds with one stone. The system will track dances given by use of the Dance Dollars and The revenue generated by the dancer will now be tracked by computer as well as the VIP rooms revenue and fees collected. This will now track income generated in the club vs hours worked for the dancers and eliminate any claim about wages. The dancers will get a "pay stub" weekly which will indicate if they did or didn't make enough money to cover minimum wage and will now also give them traceable income for a W2. Any cash from tips is theirs to keep. Going to be interesting.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "many states and IRS are now coming after club owners for unpaid sales taxes on the revenue collected from lap dances and house fees,etc"

    Just 20 dances paying a $70 per night house fee would be $500k a year. I've always wondered how much of that gets reported.

    " The VIP rooms here were already taxed"

    I remember paying the bartender for the VIP rooms, her ringing up a sales ticket and the charges being odd amounts because of the sales tax. I always rounded up and let her keep the change as a tip. I've wondered what the state considered VIP room revenue - lodging? entertainment? Lol
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