
FKK Clubs in Germany - Tips, Advice, Hints

Estado de Mexico
Friday, March 14, 2014 7:42 AM
I will be in Germany on a business trip this coming week and interested in expanding my experiences. Having heard and read about FKK Clubs in various cities, I am considering visiting one. As I will be flying out of Frankfurt, that will be my focus. And with the extensive knowledge and experience from the members of this group, I am looking for input... Recommended locations in Frankfurt? Advice/tips for preparing for my visit? What to expect when I am there? How much in funds should have available? What should I watch out for while I am there to not get robbed or overcharged? I have read various reviews of different ones in other cities in Germany and other sites; but none see to offer more than a general overview. I look forward to all your input and I hope to provide an extensive in depth review/article when I return.


  • emmett
    10 years ago
    The Strip Club Hound blog had an interesting posting on FKK clubs: [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Not sure; but I seem to recall TUSCLer “londonguy” may have some experience w/ that.
  • knightwish
    10 years ago
    @Detroit248 They are amazing. If you post here, definitely make time for it. Imagine a good quality strip club where instead of LDs CFS and CBJ were the basic services with more negotiable. Food, drink, naked girls, sex. You'll feel like Caligula. And it isn't that expensive (though bring at least 500 euro cash). Expect to spend at least a few hours because you'll need time to recover between sessions. Oh and most of the girls speak enough English for you to at least transact the basics. In terms of getting robbed, your money will be in a safe you have access to. In terms of what to expect read stories online. Just remember you are going to be semi-naked the whole time and possibly swimming naked or something so be presentable nude.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ Damn – why can’t we have these kind of fine establishments here in the gold ole USA
  • Detroit248
    10 years ago
    @knightwish Thanks for the input. I am considering it immensely! From what I have seen so far, it will run me about 300 euro (75 for entry, 50 for basic services, 50+ for additional services, 100 for alcohol). And then not counting the cab ride. I was expecting to spend a few hours, the spa services will keep me there that long! As for looking presentable nude...I am by no means the most fit nor the most grossly obese. Other than some man-scaping I plan to do before I leave, I think I will be good. :-) @papi_chulo I think we need to open one in Nevada or Canada where the working girls have some protection with the law.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    Oase and Goldentime are both North of Frankfurt and are regarded as amongst the best clubs in Germany. I am hoping to go to either one or possibly both of them in the summer. I have a good friend that has been to both of these and more and he speaks very highly of them. On a good day you can see real high quality girls for a fraction of the cost you would pay for a comparable German escort. If you want any more help/advice PM me
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    And if you can get to Vienna then club Babylon is even better in some peoples opinion.
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    Sorry...me again. If time runs out and you do want the services of an escort then PM me for some great agency web addresses.
  • knightwish
    10 years ago
    @Detroit I think I was paying 70 euros 1/2 hr + tip (smallish). Some are cheaper but the quality of the women drops and this is a once in a lifetime experience. I doubt you will spend 100 on alcohol but if you drink that heavily then 300 would be cutting it much too close. No harm in having more cash with you, your money is in a safe the whole time.
  • rogertex
    10 years ago
    Detroit - be prepared to be depressed upon return.
  • TravelTime
    9 years ago
    There's a ton of info out there plus services to help newbies (It can be really boring in a non-English speaking country) try fkktour
  • TravelTime
    7 years ago
    You may want to try [view link] they've been in business for over twenty years and I've found their info to be the most accurate and up to date. Because there are so many clubs knowing your way around makes sense going with an expert. Plus with the new German laws as of July 1st 2017 You'll need to know people to get the best service
  • TravelTime
    7 years ago
    Your question about costs can be found at [view link] Actual customers Perpective [view link] What kind of women you'll find and actual photos of them [view link] Special offers and discounts on trips [view link] Videos on the inside of the clubs with girls [view link] Trip Planning [view link]
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    pure envy. damn. (wish i had budgeted better.)
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The guys in the organization I am building will be getting PS ( Pussy Saturation ) by FKK grade hotties 365 days per year, and at no additional charge beyond the moderate tax deductible membership dues. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ Hey bedbug, I just got myself a lizard. If you don't STFU, I'm going to let the lizard out of its cage each time I go out, and all night long. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    My lizard has a sticky tongue tixtitty. You won't last long. Think about it. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    [view link] Think about it tixtitty. SJG The Seven Hermetic Principles - Mark Passio, I don't go along with this guy. He seems to be yet another white male libertarian ninny. [view link]
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