
Give me a break!

Sunday, February 23, 2014 9:06 PM
Just checked in this evening and nothing, repeat, nothing but old threads. As much as ten years! People, get a life or just read what was said then. Things don't change that much!


  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    You're right. It's like deja vu all over again.
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    Dougster constantly bumps threads without comment. Call him out.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    It's just trolls, Clubber. Pretty much every old thread that has been upped tonight has been by a troll. There are some weird and bored motherfuckers on this site. In a million years, I'll never understand someone who spends their time trolling a discussion board.
  • Hard4Dancers
    10 years ago
    ^^Just ask the Member above you. He knows that realm all too well.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    "Dougster constantly bumps threads without comment. Call him out." Yeah, he does it all the time. Over and over again he'll bump threads that pretty much every other TUSCL member will ignore besides himself and the rest of the people who are very clearly trolls. Dougster is a really, really interesting character. He seems very intelligent and will provide some very insightful posts at times, but then he has all these weird posts- like constantly bumping old threads that nobody posts in and attacks on other members of the board. I guess that's entertainment for some people, but I'd never expect that kind of behavior from someone who seems as smart as he does.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Break me off a piece of that kit kat bar........
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Lol joe
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Evarything old is new again.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    10 comments and I barely saw half as the others are ignored. That pretty much sums it up!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    It's Sunday retro night
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Guys with big ignore lists tend to have small penises.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Dougster,don't stop.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Club,did Shadow make you sleep on the couch again?
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @Clubber -- When life gets you down just say the following: "Juice you seriously must of been high as a motherfucker when you wrote that. You brutalize the English language. I made a New Year’s resolution that you would be sent back to whatever hole you crawled out of. Or better, that the wh0re of the woman that shat you out never would have ingested the spunk of the monkey which produced you in the first place" Say that mantra and all the negatives of the TUSCL bored come oozin' out o' yo' pores. But don be advocatin' dat nobotty be band. Dat be bad mojo! Just contemplate the weird time loops implied by the New Years resolutions.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    And please my brothers...if you're going to bump threads. Make it IMPORTANT treads. For example, one could bump a thread about Jennifer Lawrence's love of butt plugs. 'Cos JLaw be HAWT 'n butt plugs be coo-el when used in close association wit' a HAW chick. WEEE-YAWWW!!!
  • juiicebox69
    10 years ago
    My bro zip is rite ! Olny bump emportent threads like he alweys duz wit mine ! Gives him mo chances to suk my sick !
  • juiicebox69
    10 years ago
    Lol !
  • joker44
    10 years ago
    Clubber, I had same thought. Sunday night seems to be a regular playdate for the trolls. It's not annoying as much as it's boring: nothing really new, provocative, interesting or funny. None of them seem the least bit creative...sad. One saving grace: it's easy to add names to IGNORE list.
  • Prim0
    10 years ago
    You're right. It's like deja vu all over again.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^ you must be talking about the same 2 or 3 trolls that go nuts. A lot of guys posted, and some of it was pretty funny.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Here come ole flat top,he come groovin up slowly,he got joo joo eyeball,he one holy roller.
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    I'm going to look into this butt plug story! Lol!
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    "The Big Bumper" Jim White KMOX Radio
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Sunday night seems to be a regular playdate for the trolls" Maybe that's when the inmates get their Internet privileges?
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… It's Sunday retro night …” LOL – that shit was clever and funny!
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    ^^^ Juiice, you know you're like the retarded lil' bro I never had, but I KEEP tellin' you it ain't me suckin' your dick! I'm 99% sure it is one of the other patients in your special hospital. I'll tell the nice warden...oops...nurse about it. Of course, it might be one of the doctors. What was the name of that really creepy dude that claimed to be a doctor? Oh yeah...Phil. I know a rather disreputable DoctorPhil that might suck the dick of a toothless inmate in a prison for the criminally insane. Yeah...he's a real sicko. I doubt that he's even a real doctor. Probably an orderly. Tell me Juiice...does the dude that sucks your dick clean your bedpan? If so, I bet it is that DoctorPhil sicko!
  • juiicebox69
    10 years ago
    Luv u zipbro ! Jes keap suckin my dick !
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    The whole time, I thought that this was going to be a thread about OTC with Nell Carter. Boy, was I wrong.
  • juiicebox69
    10 years ago
    Lol nell be sum hot bootay !
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Here ya go, Beetle. [view link]
  • juiicebox69
    10 years ago
    Nell b fine ! ! !
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I'd break her off some carne asada.
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