Out of Phoenix

avatar for IronFox22
I will shortly be moving from Phoenix to a city in the East. I've lived in Phoenix for many years and have really gotten used to the $10 dances and the high-mileage options. I don't travel for business so likely will not have a chance to explore other cities in detail.

So, this may be the last hurrah for me. I don't have a lot of extra cash right now, but I figure I better head out and get at least a few lap dances in the next few weeks before I leave.

Anyone else ever move from a "friendly" city to a city where high-mileage dances are harder to come by? How did you handle it?


last comment
avatar for Hard4Dancers
11 years ago
Simple. Only move to cities that have higher mileage than your previous city.
avatar for Hard4Dancers
11 years ago
I really do take Mongering into consideration when moving to a new city. If the clubs are lame I'll pass. LOL
Yeah – if one is moving from a city w/ good SCs to a city with sucky SCs – that *is* a bummer – even depressing LOL.

On the one hand – if the clubs in your new area suck – then try to abstain and save your money and try to take some weekend SC trips – then again if you have an S.O. or are very tight on $$$; then you are SOL.
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
I moved from LA to Nevada. I found the offerings in Nevada/ Vegas to be so distasteful that I now limit my clubbing to whenever I can get back to Cali, which is about once a month.
avatar for snowtime
11 years ago
I travel for business so it is not an issue for me. I live in Atlanta which used to be known for air dances. Fortunately, that has now changed, but in the past I would do my clubbing on the road.
If you move to a low mileage city, you will just have to arrange for road trips to a more friendly city. My good friend Shadowcat used to drive 200 miles to Columbia, SC each month when Atlanta did not offer any decent clubs. I am sure you can find a good club within a reasonable driving distance of your new town.
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
Do you go for ten dances in one stretch?

Had a good time with the seven dollar dances they are awesomely cheap.

Nothing beats that. Arixons i will be back.
My background is similar to Scvlr. I moved from L.A. to Seattle in 2006. In the first couple of years, Seattle was still pretty good, even though (legally) lap dances are bikini, only, here. After just six months here of not even being able to get a legal topless lap dance in Seattle, I started doing OTC. No problem getting what I want in that arena. Like Scvlr, I made several trips back to L.A. and some to Las Vegas, to attend more interesting clubs. By 2008, I "stayed home."
Not exactly the same issue, but I go out of my way to arrange business trips to cities with high mileage strip clubs and try to avoid trips to cities that are locked down (or arrange to travel through more stripper friendly cities). In some ways, the OP might ask, how far and how often will you travel to get access to a high mileage strip club city?
avatar for IronFox22
11 years ago
I've moving to one of the old rust belt towns near western Pennsylvania / northern West Virginia.
avatar for sonic_r6
11 years ago
IronFox22: I was doing research for a road trip to Columbus Ohio; West Virginia is on the way, and my research showed that Fantasies in New Cumberland West Virginia is a high mileage club.

I will be there in 4 weeks; so PM me or if I remember I will report back. Also, Columbus Ohio, is a hot bed of affordable ($150) TER reviewed escorts. It is kinda far at 3 hours, but a weekend road trip for fun would make sense.

In short, where there is a will there is indeed a way. Have fun. Always.
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