Sex Surplus

avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
A stripper once told me she knew this really hot guy, but she'd never fuck him again. She said he kept putting his dick all the way in, even after she told him it hurt.

So OK, obvious big chance this is pure SS. But it got me thinking. Are there really a fair number of guys out there who can get laid that easily? That they'd risk losing out on NSA sex with a hot chick because she asked for shallower penetration? Or is the guy more likely extremely stupid rather than extremely popular with chicks?

Me personally, I would always start fairly shallow. To be polite, and because requests to go deeper are damn sexy.


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avatar for bang69
11 years ago
That's total SS
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
obviously he was using a foot long cucumber. No way could that be made up. Of course there might be a small chance that she has a tiny vagina and that she needs a tiny dick to avoid pain.
avatar for canny
11 years ago
There are a few guys who can get laid that easily and there are also a few freaks of nature who are that big. I think all of them work in the porn industry. :)
avatar for Super_Mane
11 years ago
I always go 3/4 in
avatar for Super_Mane
11 years ago
What faggot would ever be so disrespectful to a women ?
avatar for Super_Mane
11 years ago
This guy !!!!!
avatar for Super_Mane
11 years ago
If I get to some pussy I'm all the fuck in...nuts and all Saul
avatar for Super_Mane
11 years ago
I mean really what consented person thanks he can satisfied her or himself while fucking with half his dick ?
avatar for Super_Mane
11 years ago
If that count can't handle a good dick tossing she needs to lick pussy
avatar for Super_Mane
11 years ago
And if I pay if I pay....I'm going all in unless of course I get half price....wrong I'm still going to kill that pussy whole
avatar for Super_Mane
11 years ago
And if I pissed you off pussy take it to stripper web with yonder.....real men fuck these sluts on tuscl
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
But Super_Mane, you only have a 3/4 inch member (your first post). I can't see any stripper being intimidated by that ;-)
avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
It looks like there's no makin that lady happy! Lol!
avatar for Super_Mane
11 years ago
avatar for alabegonz
11 years ago
Dude monster dick.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Never go full tard.
avatar for Super_Mane
11 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
We're certainly achieving shallow penetration of the original point of this thread.
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