
Tuscl members i dont miss

Sunday, January 12, 2014 11:30 AM
So I've been on this site for slightly over 3 years now. Read a lot of interesting discussions and seen members come and go. Stiletto25- Last seen: January 2013, which probably means she won't ever be back. Since I've been a member on this site, I thought she was the best dancer contributor to TUSCL. Stiletto gave great insight on a number of topics and she was the only dancer I can think of who actually posted on a regular basis for a long period of time. I mean, I've seen other dancers post here, but they either rarely post, or post consistently for a couple of months and just leave. Stiletto was around for a while and was a constant contributor to the board. She'll be missed. steve229- Last seen: February 2013, which probably means he won't ever be back either. He was a good guy. You remember him, right? Big Mila Kunis fan. Big cheerleader fan. This dude was awesome. [view link] I'm probably forgetting a few, but these are the first two that came to mind. I'm really curious why these people left TUSCL. I guess peoples lives change and you can't expect them to stick around forever. It might sound kind of silly, but after a while I feel like I get to know you guys in my own little way. Who do you miss?


  • .juicebox69
    10 years ago
  • Dracula
    10 years ago
    Fuck you both 68 and 69. I'm a valuable member
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I agree about Steve229. I don't PM often but exchanged some messages. He shared my love of posting movie quotes. Mr. Mojo Risin' or whatever. He changed names. Brief poster about a tear ago. Didn't last long but posted some good threads. He posted the road rage thread.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    juicebox69. It's too bad he got band. Hope he finds a way to make it back some day.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    hey Doug, how can you miss someone if they never go away?
  • Dracula
    10 years ago
    Their is no gods but Meeee ! Its science fictionly proven
  • Dracula
    10 years ago
    Fuck me ! Im "the" god
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    The WHOLE point of any commercial is to get your ATTENTION in any manner. Content is often beside the point. NAME recognition is what it is all ABOUT!!!
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    fuck u alucard i am tired of yur useless dribble!!! bring some qualityie discussion back to tuscl u little bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • bang69
    10 years ago
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    vincemichaels hasn't posted in a long time. I miss him. Bullwinkle has been absent. Hugh_G._Rection is one I miss for his name alone. But most of all, I miss AfricanLovePimp. The dude wrote some strange posts and club reviews, specializing in the disgusting strippers in Detroit's sleaziest dives.
  • pabloantonio
    10 years ago
    Well this used to be TUSCL. But now its mostly just: T rolls U seless shit S pammers C ocksuckers and L ow lifes
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