ATF Experience
I had an ATF for approximately five years. I saw her weekly & spent about $500/month & about $5,000 - $6,000 a year just on her, not counting what I spent in the club. I always texted her at least a day or more what day I would be coming & I usually got there at about the same tine. I usually waited about 30 minutes for her to finish up with whatever she was doing. I spent about 1 hour to 1 1`/2 hours with her, including a 15 minute CR. I obviously like the girl, but ended up walking out just recently, as when I got there she was going to go into the CR with him. Anybody have a similar issue.
Her primary objective is to make money. She usually does a good job balancing the 3 of us. She made it up in spades the next time. I knew her hour in the CR with him would include BBBJ and frankly I don't like seconds, so I split. I can't blame her for one screwup. Another time I was with her at the club and while she was on stage, a stranger asked her for a one hour CR. She said no thanks, I'm tied up. If you can wait an hour or so I'd love to. She knew I was money in the bank, while she'd most likely never see him again. It's easy to get emotional about an ATF with other men, but that's a given, when seeing a stripper.
You pursue the fair maiden with love, gifts, money, and all your heart.
Just when you believe you have won, you find that your fair maiden dancer is really just a slut who is doing the same thing with other clients.
If it is any consolation Dan, you are probably the only one she loves.
I resolved these same emotional and psychological issues with my ATF a long time ago by coming to grips with reality by rationalizing things in this manner:
"She may be a whore, but she's my whore."
Some days your money can makes you the whale and other days it makes you a minnow. So the whale got the tail that day and your struggling with strip club reality.
Any dancer worth a shit has *lots* of regulars. If you want to be one, either spend more than the rest, or come at a time when the others aren't there and make that slow time worthwhile for her.
When my ATF was still working, I made it a point to arrive about the same time she did, because that was the slowest time of her shift for her; I was often the only customer in that club for the first hour or two of her shift. Since she was so popular, when the club was busy, so was she.
I didn't even have to spend a lot of money on her, at least at the club (I spent the real money on her OTC). I'd only buy her a couple of drinks during that time, and when things started picking up, I'd leave.