I know there are way more homos than me on the board, and we will not be left out!
Let's play.
Your choices are
Alutard RickyBoyDugan BonedBrother
Me myself I would go with
Alutard - FUCK this fuckin' retard
BonedBrother - do KKK members have any place in this world? I say no!
RickyBoyDugan - we'll just don't expect him to be loyal or practice safe sex. marry and divorce a year later. he probably cooked the books and the business is broke but best shot out of the three of them
Well to start with. I have some very close & personal friends that are KKK members. I don't agree with there raciest preaching. It all comes down to this simple think. Treat people the way you want to be treated. @TDHQ Good thread
last comment@TDHQ Good thread
I have no beef with Ricky.
Stone B-Bro to death.