
Sinclair Discount

Strip Club Nation
Sunday, November 10, 2013 9:58 AM
I went to a club a while back and got five dances from an entertainer at $20 each. When it was time to pay, she was trying to tell me we did six dances. This pissed me off, and I was not going to overpay. I am kind enough to give her a Benjamin for her average performance, and this is how she is going to do me? I told her I was paying for five and if she thinks I should pay for six, I will report her bullshit to the manager. Just to piss her off, I gave her my wad of 100 singles still with the band on it rather than twenties or fifties. She then asked me whether I was sure there were 100 in the stack. I told her yes, that I was not at the stage all night and if she doesn't believe me, she should count them. (I doubt many strippers can even count that high.) In reality, the stack only contained about 80 singles. Fuck with me, and I'll fuck with you. I believe in discounts when you buy in volume. Heck, if you buy $35 of stuff from Amazon, shipping is free.


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Paying her off in singles is fine. A way to express your dissatisfaction. BUT cheating her out of the $100 she is due makes you NO better than she is as a ROB, and perhaps worse as you ought to know better. Unless it is your intention to be an Asshole and are one.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Not only did you do the right thing, you did a service for humanity. If you played baseball, Sinclair, you'd win the Roberto Clemente Award. All of you young, up and coming strip club hounds need to learn a lesson from this man.
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Good on you. Scew 'em, literally and figuratively, every chance you get. Aft er all that's what they try to do to us. The stupid bitch doesn't realize that had she not attempted to rip you off she might have made $100 off of you at another time.
  • sinclair
    11 years ago
    Alutard, thanks for the insult. And everyone knows I am a ROB already! [view link]
  • jabthehut
    11 years ago
    Al the Tard is a fine one to be preaching about morality. He's a dipshit asshole licker.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    I'd have to agree that shorting her was a dick move. No better than what she tried to do to you. Just because it came from Alucard doesn't make it wrong, any more than coming from Dougster does.
  • Essdub
    11 years ago
    That is pure justice, good one.
  • SoonerSam
    11 years ago
    jabthehut: "The stupid bitch doesn't realize that had she not attempted to rip you off she might have made $100 off of you at another time." This is what I've been saying for years. I'm willing to pay for your time, but don't kill the golden goose. If a stripper tries to nickel and dime me or ROB me by intentionally miscounting dances, or makes promises for more than what is delivered and thinks she got over on me, well the truth is she lost out in the long run. I'm willing to shell out good money every time I walk into a SC, but if you fuck me over one time, you don't get that money - it goes to another dancer. There's always another dancer willing to be honest. And I reward honesty. True story, in fact: a dancer and I did several LDs in a row. It was so good that we both kinda lost track of how many there were. I thought we did more than she did, in fact. I thought we did 5, she said we did 4. I paid her $100 and played it off as a tip because I felt wrong not paying for something I thought we got. And if we really only did 4 (I think I was right and we did 5), well she earned the extra $20. Don't kill the golden goose. Unfortunately for them, some strippers never see beyond the immediate. Rather than cultivate a long term investor, they try to get as much out of one as they can at the moment. Mistake. Long way of saying I think sinclair did the wrong thing for the right reasons. I probably wouldn't have done it, but I applaud him for doing it.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "but I applaud him for doing it" For paying her in singles or cheating her out of the $$$ due?
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Robbing a rob is fair and square to me. Shows the little cheat what it feels like.
  • SoonerSam
    11 years ago
    For robbing a ROB, Alucard. If she had successfully cheated him out of his money, you'd likely tell him be more careful and never trust a stripper. And besides, it's not like he did it for no reason at all. In fact, it was a very good reason. Had she not tried to scam him, he wouldn't have reacted like he did. I guess she should be more careful and never trust a PL she just tried to rob. Paying her in singles is pretty awesome, though.
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    Sinclair: I think you should have paid her for the dances received. Once she reveals herself to be the ROB she is, no longer use her services. But to rip her off is just plain wrong. Just my opinion.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Interesting. Not everyone agrees. I would go with the guys that say it's dishonest. So if she counts the money and finds out you shorted her, and let's say she tells the manager. Next time you're in that club and the manager is called in to arbitrate a dispute with a ROB, whose side is he gonna believe now?
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    I like SlickSpic's posts here; he always says what I was already thinking (or didn't think of yet) but I have to disagree in this case. If I tell a dancer, or anyone, that this is $100, it will be $100. That's just how I am. I think flashing a wad of 50's and 100's to a dancer who tried to cheat you out of $20 is a great way to make the point that she blew it. I have a zero tolerance policy to dancers who try and cheat me as do most of us here. If she needed that 6th dance money that badly, then that's up to her, but if I owe $100 I'm paying $100.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Don't want to come off as the do-gooder White Knight, but look at it this way. We all bitch about pre-paying for dances but actions like this is why some dancers insist on pay first.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @Sinclair: Yeah, too many girls overcount songs. I once did an experiment where I pretended I had lost track and found it was about 75%. So if dishonesty is the rules she plays by then she really can't complain if others do the same to her. So it's entirely up to you if you want to treat her like she treats her customers or whether you don't think it's worth the hassle and just want to ignore it.
  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    When I run into this, which is depressingly often, I make a show of counting out the exact correct amount of money, no tip. And let her see what's left in my bankroll. What's a little more difficult is when they pretend they don't know how many it's been, and "guess" on the high side. Hoping to rip you off without making it look like that's what they're doing.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Let's look at this with mathematical logic. A negative times a negative equals a positive. Negative(Dancer trying to rob Sinclair) X Negative(Sinlair not paying her $100)= Positive(Sinclair receiving a discount and dancer receiving a lesson).
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    The system of selling dances by the song lends itself to this ripoff, as well as honest mistakes. Better to do it with a timer, by the minute, generally with a minimum of three minutes. Strippers (and people in general) are like apples, if you're going to partake, don't panty bunch about it that some turn out to be rotten. Whatever revenge you might get is not going to be as satisfying as moving on and getting a good grind.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @SlickSpic: Let's look at it from an ethics point of view instead, "Two wrongs don't make a right."
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @GMD-But 3 Lefts does make a Right.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Sinclair was just quicker on the draw.Bravo.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I’m with those that say one should not short anyone – but under the circumstances I personally think Sinclair did a good thing – not necessarily for the sake of trying to stick it to her – but in my view if a dancer is let to get away w/ being a ROB she will most likely keep on being a ROB or even increase her ROB game b/c she gets away w/ it. Not saying that by sticking it to her she will learn her lesson; but by there being some consequences to her ROBing; she may change her ways.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    If it would have been me, I probably would have gone ahead and paid her for 6 dances and then busted her in my review of the club.
  • Essdub
    11 years ago
    Like most I would have just paid the $100 and been done with her, but I'm a little surprised at the negative reactions. If the tables were turned and the customer had been ripped off, people would likely just chalk it up as a lesson learned. Paying the $100 in singles would have been funny, but she would probably keep trying to pull that same shit repeatedly. She may not change her ways, but at least he gave her the opportunity to learn two valuable lessons for a measly $20. 1) There is more value in cultivating repeat customers than being a ROB. 2) Count your money before leaving the table. Bottom line, I think she deserved getting shorted for the exact amount that she tried to overcharge and I applaud Sinclair for doing it. If she learned anything from it, one could even make the argument that his actions were in her best interest.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    "Two wrongs don't make a right." I think that expression is best directed at people who don't target their revenge properly. If the OP was going to try to rip off all strippers because one overcounted on him, that would be wrong. If someone rejects a moral value, it makes no sense they should have the protection of that value. Adult entertainment is a form of dating. It's strong on the sexual gratification aspect of dating, but lacks the commitment and most of the companionship aspects of dating. Like all dating, you are going to waste some time and money on ROBs and other duds. If you get all focused on payback to the ROBs, you'll get bitter, stay home on weekends, get on TUSCL and call everyone a fag 5000 times, and get ignored.
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