Save-A-Stripper Simping

avatar for SlickSpic
So last Saturday night, I was chilling with my CF at the sc. Earlier that evening, I made some money off of the Genady Godovkin fight. I find that money won is best spent on strippers.

We were talking about this, that, and the other when she started pointing out different cats in the club. She was explaining which dudes are cheap, which dudes have bad hygiene, which dudes try to finger you, and a dude she labeled a Save A Stripper.

Now, I've heard of Captain Save A Hoe. But Save A Stripper is new to me. She explained that lately the club has been having a rash of Save A Strippers. They never tip ladies on stage. They waste the time of the strippers not dancing by not getting dances. All they do is try to get the strippers to stop dancing.

She said that some dudes use Save A Stripper as game to hook up for free on the outside. Other dudes think that they need to provide the stripper with a way out of their lifestyle. My CF laughed at these fucking momos.

Any one of y'all ever seen or heard of the pathetic phenomenom? Any Save A Strippers lurking on the board?


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avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
Yes. I've come across a Facebook page for an organization that sends young, pretty women into strip clubs so they can talk to the dancers in hopes of getting them to quit the profession. They bring small gifts for them as well. I'll look for it and try to post it.
avatar for JackFrost9
11 years ago
No I get strippers to save me....I don't work and im a joke but I'm young and dancers thank im cute and love sucking my plump 9 inches of Love so I hop from girl to girl and eat all their food, watch their tv, and fuck that pussy for free ....i get all kinds of gifts from them cause I treat them like shit....its a damn good life
avatar for inno123
11 years ago
Save a stripper might actually be somebody who thinks that this is the right place to do 'street ministry' and might not actually be what he seems to be, although playing it to get girls to meet you outside the club is a clever theory.
avatar for BagBoyJames
11 years ago
Damn i wish i had money
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
I'm Captain Save-A-Stripper. I tell them don't fuck for cash, only fuck for free and only me. That way they can't be labelled as prostitutes, just Shark hoes
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
I don't understand what your emocicon is trying to say?
avatar for goodsouthernboy
11 years ago
I think he's calling you a dick... I could be wrong tho
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Most of these dudes were of the stripping-is-a-bad-lifestyle choice direction. I agree with INNO that it could be a good strategy.
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
Its called the Sir Galahad complex and men trying to "save" women of ill repute has been a story line for only 10,000 years.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
I’ve read about this on SW on several occasions and the dancers really seem to hate it – guess it comes across as condescending to them.

It’s usually some guy custie telling them something along the lines that they should do something better w/ their lives.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
If you've ever read any of those articles how to pick-up or date a stripper, the first rule of the game is to never buy a dance. One the stripper sees you as a customer, then you're always gonna be viewed as a paying customer, never a civilian fuck.

I think it is separate from the Save-a-Stripper thing, but does explain why some guys never get dances.
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