"Wait until my shift is over"

avatar for shadowcat
Ever hear those words from a stripper after negotiating an OTC P4P? Then they spend the next 3 or 4 hours trying to get you to spend money on them while you wait. It's been quite awhile since one tried to pull that shit on me. I learned to tell them that if I spend any more money on them ITC, I won't be able to pay them OTC. It usually winds up with the OTC never happening. I don't play that game anymore.

My very first OTC was with a dancer at the infamous Memphis Platinum Plus. She agreed to go right now of I paid her tip out. Knowing what I do now, I wouldn't do that. Too easy to get scammed. But it worked out fine. She showed up at my hotel room 30 minutes later fresh from a shower.


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avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
I've about recovered from the serious cases of blue balls I experienced waiting for the OTC events that never happened. About 30 years ago I had my first OTC experience and it was also in Memphis back when that city was pretty much an open market. Based on that good experience I foolishly believed several other dancers around the country when they promised to meet me at my hotel "When my shift is over." It's hard to get to sleep at night lying in bed waiting for a dancer to knock on the door. It's even harder when you lie there with such a hard on that you don't have enough loose skin to close your eyes. LOL>
avatar for Subraman
11 years ago
This happened to me exactly once, the strippers played my buddies and I masterfully, and we had no idea what was going on. Afterwards, when they all had to run home, my buddies shrugged and were like "on, bad luck". They didn't even see what had happened. I was like, "those girls played us like suckers and it worked perfectly, hat's off to them." Never happened to me again though! And actually, these days I don't even ask for OTC until I've seen her a few times ITC
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I had a dancer ask me to wait until her shift was over for OTC. The problem was that it was 9 pm and her shift ended at 3 am. I gave her my number and let her know that if she's still down after her shift to call me. I'll wake up. No call but a great night's sleep. Mr. Brightside would appreciate that.
avatar for canny
11 years ago
If you get a call from them 6 hours later, you know they had a bad night at work and didn't earn enough money. If you don't get a call from them 6 hours later, they earned enough ITC to not need to earn more money that night.
avatar for SoonerSam
11 years ago
My first OTC experience, I suddenly remembered, was about 17 years ago. I had forgotten completely about it, or I had not counted it as OTC. However, we definitely met OTC for some extra curricular activity. This hot chick that I actually had known and gone on a date with before was stripping in a club in Des Moines that I used to attend semi regularly. I saw her on stage and was immediately taken aback but highly turned on. She sees me and I go over to her. She says, "Hey baby, want a date?" I'm thinking, "Yes but when?" She says, "Right now." I say sure, and she comes down from her stage set and gets dressed in the middle of her shift. We leave together, and go to a parking lot where we get in the back seat of my car and do the deed for $100. Ah, the good ole days!

It's funny how I never equated that to an OTC experience. We actually did that one other time, too. It's odder still that she was able to leave the club with a custie in the middle of her shift and come back with no trouble whatsoever. But then again, maybe not so odd considering the club, which doesn't exist anymore. Still, good times.
avatar for inno123
11 years ago
This is what gets me about you OTC guys. You put up with all this run-around and chance of being stood up when most likely for less money you could have just used an escort service and paid less.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
Yes, but you see a hot girl in an add, and get bait and switch with the services if there's no reviews on Erotic Review. With OTC you get to know the girl and lust after her a bit first. That's the thrill.
avatar for shadowcat
11 years ago
Not to mention it is a lot easier to get caught in a LE sting searching out an escort.
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