RL: last weekend I DFK'd a married stripper for almost an hour. She also let me eat whipped cream and strawberries out of her pussy and lick champagne from her nipples. I have to be honest, I paid more than five dollars but yes, it did provide pleasure.
Davids: You're learning. If she is really into doing something with you she will want to do it immediately. Most of the time the phone number stall means she either has a BF, kids at home or is setting you up for OTC for money-nothing wrong with that by the way.
I was frenching with a dancer in a vip last week ... I should have went for it that night ... she was a no show the next time she promised to be there and have an OTC night
I think a better follow up would be to meet her right after work and close the deal that night. Don't play the phone/dating game when the obvious next move is sex the same night. (I made that mistake once...)
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