
East Coast/West Coast

Blue Ridge Foothills
Ten years ago, when ASSC was in its prime, most of the posts were from California. I know computer and internet use got a head start there, but it was ridiculous how much banter there was about all the shitty clubs around Los Angeles, while Detroit and the whole Eastern Seaboard (Do people still say that?) were scarcely heard from. To read the newsgroup, you would have thought east of the Rockies lay a vast tech backwater where naked dancing girls were just a rumor. So, why is it the exact opposite here on this board? Do all the West Coast people hang out at Z Bone's site? (BTW, he was an ASSCer back then.)


  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    There are still some good clubs here in L.A., altho nowadays you have to look harder for them. I limit my clubbing to the LAX area, so I'm not too familar with the Hollywood/Westside/SFV clubs, which tend to be more "LA-like" (tons o' silicone, bee-lipped blond barbies, etc.) then the outlying areas (like LAX) which tend to be more down-to-earth & friendly.

    Oh yeah.....the mileage here at the airport nude clubs is still pretty damn good.
  • JC2003
    19 years ago
    If you want the latest on what's happening in San Francisco stripclub-wise, check out sfredbook.com. They get incredibly detailed about the dancers, down to individual dancers, their schedules, and their preferences.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence on me representing Florida, but I'm only really familiar with Tampa Bay. independentgirls.com has a decent strip club forum if you want info on South Florida, but they focus more on escorts, not strip clubs. I know that Orlando is dead and that Daytona and Cocoa have a couple nice clubs, but I know absolutely nothing about the Panhandle clubs or Jacksonville.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    I'm not sure what has happened to San Francisco clubs now that Deja Vu owns most of them, including Market Street Cinema! Mayor Newsom I hear is less tolerant than Willie Brown, but to what effect I can't say. Mitchell Brothers seems to be the only constant. I still can't get used to nobody posting about every development in that city.

    I'm sure LA has some good clubs, but it seemed like everything I read about ad infinitum on ASSC sounded lame.

    I think the East/West thing is mostly a matter of, now that computers are an everyday tool, the proportion of posts more accurately reflects the greater population of the East Coast.

    And FONDL, JC2003 posts about Florida.
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat, I don't know that strip clubs were in their infancy then but high contact certainly was back then. And maybe that's part of the answer to the original question. Do the higher contact clubs and areas get more reviews than lower contact areas? And if that's so, does CA (except for SF) in general have lower contact than some other parts of the country? Seems to me that CA used to be considered on the leading edge of the SC industry, but my impression is that isn't true anymore.

    There are some Left Coast people on this discussion board but I don't know if us easterners are represented out of proportion to our numbers or not. Of the regular posters here, seems to me we have one from New England, 2 or 3 from the Mid-Atlantic, several from the Southeast, a couple from the Midwest, and one or two from the West. We seem to have lost our FL representative and I don't recall anyone ever being on here from TX. Did I miss anyone?

    And yes, people still say Eastern Seaboard, but not very often.
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