
Ee've had the bath room troll diaries. Now here is the janitor's.

Atlanta suburb
Meet the man who cleans Bloomington's only strip club



  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Read it top to bottom. I really feel for the guy. Makes me want to go to strip clubs less. At least he's a dedicated fellow who you know will assure his club has no black light stains.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    First off, Shadow, where do you find these amazing articles? Second, I have a certain respect for the man. Life ain't easy and doesn't always go our way. Like Estafador said, I feel for homeboy. But in the scheme of things, his job ain't that bad. Now the squeegee guy at a slaughterhouse, he has a bloody bad job, literally. You have a big squeegee attached to a pole, like a push broom, and your job is to push that squeegee along the floor, where slots in the floor drain the blood and guts into a lower level for further processing. Back and forth, forth and back, all day long, blood and guts. That sucks.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Slick - It's a dirty job but somebody has to it. :)
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    @Shadowcat, true but I rather not it be me. Where is the bathroom troll diaries. I'm interested in reading it.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    I owned a restaurant on the Jersey Shore for ten years.Employed three Mexicans,one Black guy and one White guy in the kitchen.The Mexicans never stole a thing from me,they appreciated their paycheck and two squares.It was the White and Black guy that I caught stealing from me,and they had to do a time out in the freezer before they were shown the door.Point of the statement is that is really the little guys that are the nuts and bolts of most operations.
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