Fudging dance count?

How often do you ever get the feeling a stripper tacked on one more dance than you got? And how do you usually respond?
How often do you ever get the feeling a stripper tacked on one more dance than you got? And how do you usually respond?
last commentI have little patience for this. I tell them I've been doing this a very long time, and I know exactly how many songs it was. I've never gotten a manager involved because when it happens it's usually just a one or two song overcharge. I also tell the dancer that if she insists on overcharging me she will get that extra $10, but will never get another dance with me, ever.
At my favorite Phoenix club, it's a high volume "wanna dance" environment, which is fine with me. There is a hot latina MILF dancer there that doesn't even make eye contact with me or ask me for a dance, because I told her a couple of years ago we were done, due to her trying to overcharge me. She's probably seen me in the club dozens of times since then, and I wonder if she thinks about the money she lost by trying to charge me for two fuckin extra songs. No patience, no forgiveness, no more dances!
Club I frequent has internet song source during the day that is controlled from the bar. They have a habit of running songs into each other without any usual DJ chatter between songs that helps me keep track. Sometimes with a new dancer I will politely verify how many we have done after two or three. Surprising how many two's are four's in dancer's mind. Obviously if she can't count, we are done. I will usually make an issue of it if I am pretty sure I can prove which songs we did...which is another problem for this old guy, as I am completely unfamiliar with most of the new music.
Just happened yesterday. 10 dances in VIP; she tried to tell me it was 15. I gave her a look that said it all and told her I'd be paying for 10. Gave her the money and walked out. She would have been by new fave at that club, and would be ringing up $200 from me per visit for months/years to come. Now, zero.
Always expose those robs in your reviews
They've tried it but I've caught them red handed. This one cheater said she counted right. I countered with name the 4 songs. I named the three songs. She could only name the last song.
One day in the techno future every VIP booth will have a LED song counter. You set it when you sit down. Check it when it's time to pay. Never happen--too expensive.
Slick - I wouldn't have been able to name any. :) Strip club music is just noise to me.
If the dances are so good that I lose count, then I'm just going to agree with her and consider any over payment a tip.
I was in the middle of doing 5 dances/songs with a fave when across the room we could hear a dancer yelling at a guy. "You did five dances. You're not leaving here just paying for 3!" I asked my dancer if that happens often and she said all too often. She says. That if she's with a customer she doesn't know after 2 she'll say "would you like a third dance?" That way she makes sure that they're on the same page.
She is a college grad. The girl I saw arguing I've known for a couple of years and question whether she can count past 4.
It happens to me more frequently than I would like.
For one; I go to all-black SCs for the most part. The black dives down here in Miami are even more prone to over-counters b/c dances at many are only $5 – so the dancers feel more pressure to over-count in order to make $$$ - also, in most of the black clubs I visit; most of the black clientele just hangs out at the club listening to music; drinking and/or smoking; and/or playing pool – so custies getting dances are in the minority so the dancers will try to squeeze $$$ out of the minority of the PLs getting dances.
I either pay $10 per song (which are supposed to be $5) – or I’ll tip them at the end – I don’t mind spending $$$; but hate being ripped off; i.e. I have zero tolerance for this and will challenge it almost every time. Most of the time the dancer will back down; at other times they get management involved.
I have yet to lose an argument when I’ve calmly explained my position to the manager. One thing that is on my side is that I often spend a lot on dances at the club and get dances from a lot of different dancers – when a ROB goes to the manager with her BS; part of my argument is stating that I’ve been getting dances all night with several dancers and non of them have complained about me shorting them (not taking my penis into account).
They can’t prove you owe them and you can’t prove they are over-counting – so it’s up to you to state your case clearly and calmly. Management knows these dancers are no angels and that many of them will try to take advantage of custies.
I always stand my ground and I’m prepared to leave the club if management tells me so – but has not happened to me yet.
It also depends on the type of club – in clubs where dances are given in a LD room where there is a counter (b/c dancer needs to pay the club for every LD she does); it’s harder for this to happen b/c the LD counter is also keeping count (unless the dancer and the counter are in cahoots – but even then I’ll fight it and I’ll be ready to leave the club if I lose the argument – but I won’t pay).
SuperDude is on the right track. Courts have consistently ruled in favor of dancers when presented with cases involving independent contractor status. The day will soon come when dancers will be paid as employees and timers will be used rather than counting dances.
From a recent review and why one needs to stand up for themselves in a SC:
“… First, the bad: Avoid Trina. Actually I don't know if that is her stage name here, but it is at Atlantis. Good quality dances, but tried to cheat on the dance count. When we were at the bar, said we could do $180 for a half hour champagne court, but just decided to do the $30 room. I am very conscious about the time, and I knew I did about 20 minutes, so was expecting 5 dances. When we were done, she said $240. I said WTF. Went to the dance counter, and he confirmed my 5. She tried to argue with both of us, I paid the 5 and went back to my seat pissed. He must have said something to her, as she came back about 5 minutes later and gave me $20 back …â€
Often! there are a lot of ROBs out there. OTOH I have also had dancers under count lappers. The latter I consider a compliment and (if the dances were very good) instead of correcting them I usually "tip" them amount equal to the number of dances undercounted.
Move on to another dancer who doesn't do that shit.