Full Service Establishments

avatar for shailynn
Hello All,

I thought it would be good to start a thread about full service clubs.

I travel a lot for work, and with limited time to do research (both in person and on this board) sometimes finding the right club in a town can be a little overwhelming. So I think it would be helpful if everyone posted a club they have been to or frequent that a relative newcomer can walk into and find satisfaction without much of a fuss. By listing the club, city and the state each member can then research on their own further down the line.

I'll start off:

Flight Club, Inkster Michigan (Detroit suburb)


last comment
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
Lady Godivas 1and 2 Greenville SC
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
OP was accurate but added 6 too many words.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
There ARE 1 hell of a LOT more clubs in the Motor City where Sex is available than FC!!!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
Tootsies (Miami) – but can be a bit expensive

Actually most Miami clubs.
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
>Alucard yes sir I know there's a lot more available in the Motor City. FC is the only one I have had the pleasure of checking out - I have read your profile and have picked up some great advice - much appreciated that you took the time to list all your info.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
^^^ You are welcome! :)
avatar for deejaymedstu
11 years ago
Many clubs in El Paso, TX like Cabaret Club according to the reviews.
avatar for mjx01
11 years ago
excellent plan... let's consolidate all the information on which clubs allow extras. That will make it so much 'harder' for LE to figure out which clubs to crack down on. What could possible go wrong...
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
hey we get a list of where to go, LE gets a list so they can spend more time at Dunkin Donuts and Tim Hortons. Win win for everyone
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
O like to cum
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
11 years ago
@mjx01: I wholeheartedly agree! I know of a few more around the motor city and elsewhere where the menu is pretty much whatever the green you have in the pocket will negotiate but I have also seen some doors padlocked permanently in the past
(RIP Wood Six Cinema, Dizzy Duck Club, Tender Trap, Fancy Pants, Fannies Greenery in Gary IN and likewise a couple of clubs in Hammond)

Shailynn's intention might be good but instead of spoon feeding this info we really have to tutor newb PL's on how to read between the lines. The info is out there if you aren't too lazy to dig it up...
avatar for jack0505
11 years ago
Here's what happens when a strip club has full service blatantly available... http://www.providencejournal.c…
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
jack0505 - I think any club that hires 15 year old dancers is going to get shut down - case in point with that article, that's a different subject that where this thread had ended up.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Shailynn, this is not the greatest idea for a thread. While everyone in each area generally knows what's happening in the local clubs, and that includes LE, continuing to highlight it on a public website just throws it in everyone's faces.
avatar for Corvus
11 years ago
See my new thread to see an example of what many have said above.
avatar for crazyjoe
11 years ago
Your a dam cop
avatar for mmdv26
11 years ago
I don't agree with saying too much about the illegal things that go on in a club. But I suppose characterizing dances as "ultra-high mileage" are as much of a give away as saying they f**k in there.
avatar for jayy4533
11 years ago
In my opinion EVERY club is Full Service. No matter if its a dive or high end the girls in every club I've been to have a price. There's really no need to make a list. Just go to a club convenient for you, find a girl you like and tell her what you're looking for. Almost every girl will say a price.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
11 years ago

You have been a TUSCL member for 10 years and you still don't know how the game is played?

The reason your plan would never work is because stripclubs are not whorehouses.

Dancers in those "high mileage" clubs pick who gets the mileage. And some days you don't get picked. Sabe?
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
pabloantonio - I know how the game is played - trust me! In my experience I have been to clubs where such high mileage dances will simply not occur typically because management has too close of an eye on the dancers or there simply isn't an area in the club where such high mileage is able to occur privately.

My purpose of this thread was for someone to highlight a few clubs in their city. So for someone like me who frequently travels rolls into town, and sees that club A, B and C are near my hotel. With this information I know to avoid club "A" I have and club "C" since they aren't on the list and I would probably have a good time at club "B." Therefore I would pick club "B" and know what to expect.

One simple example would be looking up the clubs in Detroit. There are probably 50 clubs within a 20 mile radius of downtown Detroit and me being someone from out of town I simply do not know what cities/townships are close without google mapping it, then reading reviews. Next thing you know I have 2 hours tied up in just trying to find a club for the night. I do enjoy doing research but sometimes I simply do not have the time.

If I had known a thread like this would cause so much controversy I would have never started it. I think it's quite odd people are yelling about mentioning "high mileage" in a thread, but then their reviews leave nothing to the imagination and are rather explicit. Really people what's the difference from you writing a review under a club post that lays out the details compared to listing a club in a discussion forum?
avatar for Prim0
11 years ago
All I know is that Columbus has none of those that I'm aware of...Though I'm sure you can get whatever you want for an exorbitant price.
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
Xcapades in Asheville NC once I walk in...dim bitches love my juicy dick in their juicy boxes
avatar for staxwell
11 years ago
Crazy Horse in Forest Park, Ga.

Clermont Lounge on Ponce De Leon...you get what you pay for.
avatar for JuiceBox69
9 years ago
Fun memories
avatar for crazyjoe
8 years ago
Shailynns forst discussion
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