
Strippers or just girls??

Monday, August 26, 2013 4:43 PM
A lot. Of u guys are older than me so u may not go to regular clubs as much but im curious how often u try to pick up regular girls or just go for strippers. I try a lot with just regular girls but sometimes turn them off if I talk about porno to early. I like to watch porno with girls an then fuck but a lotta girls are turned off by porno. Even some of my good friends even tell e I should watch less porno. Also, do u ever watch porno with stripper?? I gotta meet more strippers so i have girls to watch porno with and then fuck.


  • Player11
    11 years ago
    I don't waste my time with civilian girls. They want guys closer to their own age or younger. What makes it worse they have a problem with me being married and the singles bars have more guys than gals (most of them look like shit too) I go for strippers or gals from SA who hit my profile with winks and emails. I am rolling in money from my financial career and online business. I don't have time or care about dating in the traditinal sense. I see strippers and go to gals where a simple text can yield a fuck date. Sort of like a pilot who would rather fly jets than some slow prop job.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    I'm a young guy like you Candyman. I pretty much just go for regular girls now, my days of trying to pick up strippers are over, it's just not worth all the extra stuff you have to deal with. I pretty much go to the strip club now to tip girls and maybe get a few dances. I will say though all the strippers I have been with have been FREAKS in the bedroom.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Rank, I dig.I've been with the same stripper for almost two [view link] freak but not to much upstairs.Used to take the train into NYC in my younger days and have civies drop their biz cards in my lap,nothing better than the takedown.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Porno & civilian women is NOT usually a recipe for success, ESPECIALLY with Marriageable types. Have watched porn with a dancer. She decided after it was over to try what she saw on me. LOL
  • Dacandyman
    11 years ago
    I hear u Alucard. I often get told i am gross when I pop in a porno to watch thinkin I will get the girl in the mood. Porno gets me in the mood and I bet they get turned on to but feel they should say they don't like it. The way the stripper u talk about did it is what I want. I need to move some place with more stripper clubs so i can get more of that. No interest in a wife just horney girls that lik porno.
  • Dacandyman
    11 years ago
    Ranukam the freaks in the bedroom is what I rly want. But I live in a pretty small town so I just don't have many options. One of the reasons I think about jerking it all the time. Life gets so boring and I want more different girls
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    With strippers/pros there is no 'commitment' issues and I like it that way. Your chances of catching something are statistically all most the same with a pro as a promiscuous civilian and less likely to have a stalker.
  • RossVa
    11 years ago
    statistically more women watch porn than men.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Candyman-You'll have an easier time getting most gals of any stripe to watch porn than to watch documentaries.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    Every dancer I've ever met is somewhat of a flake and they make very bad candidates for a LTR. I'm like Player11: I like girls in their 20's for sex but not for actual dates (not counting my ATF; she's actually fun even without sex, but has a live in B/F).
  • brad123xyzzz
    11 years ago
    Both are fun, usually dinner and a couple of drinks followed by a jacuzzi get the panties off and is great. Sometimes a quick trip to Adelitas to have a 18 year old hottie is less work and you don't have to ask them to leave in the morning.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    HOLY SHIT Dacandyman has gotten better with grammar. What the hell is a singles bar. Either regular club or SC
  • Dacandyman
    11 years ago
    Estafador I got a iPhone and iPad. I've tried using the voice recog on the iPhone and is pretty good but doesn't know some words like jizz. It read it as Jesus and that is funny. But the iPad is great cause it does a lotta autocorrect. But I am always better when I writing than just posting cause i post to boards like a txt and I admit im sloppy. Plus the iPad does not catch everything. And Im gonna just ignore txtittyfag cause he never says anything nice. He does not say anything I find funny too. If other ppl find him funny that is fine but he is just an asshole in my opinion. This board is more fun if I just talk to cool ppl. So say what u want txtittyfag I just don't care. And I notice dc that my auto correct wants to spell asshole as asswhole. I always misspell it that way and I think the pad picked it up. Do any of u iPad users know if u can delete stuff like that??
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