About a month ago, a dancer that I hadn't heard from in a year or more hit me up and we met up for OTC. A real disappointing OTC. So disappointing, in fact, that I was about to write her off until some of the cooler heads let me know that maybe that experience was an aberration and to give her a second chance. Well, she called again and I gave her a second chance. Here is that tale.
It was a warm Wednesday afternoon in August when I get a call from Angie. She sounds a little melancholy. Normally she is a pretty upbeat individual. We converse for a few when she asks if I'd like to meet up at a La Quinta Inn. I thought about the last time and her poor performance. I also thought about the advice about second chances. Being the kind hearted, brown-eyed, handsome man that I am, I said why not. I love a nooner(take that Al Bundy).
I knocked on her room door and she greeted me in a pair of tight, white booty shorts and spaghetti strap tank. No bra or panties underneath. Her long, black hair was in a pony tail and she was looking hella hot. She greeted me with a hug and a light kiss. So far, so good.
We sit down on the couch and talk a little. Mostly small talk. We start making out some more, our hands roaming over one another. Slow and sensual, nothing rushed, still clothed. I proceed to take her top off and she paused her kissing. Something is amiss, I can feel it. I pull away from her lips, look her in the eyes, and ask "What's wrong?" That's when she broke down and started to cry. Being raised around many women, I'm use to women crying so I don't bug out from it. That being said, I don't like or wanna see a woman in pain. I keep asking her what's wrong but she says nothing. The crying continues and I'm hugging her, doing my best to console her. Just when I think that the waterworks won't abate, she hits me with the news.
She hits me with this-I had a miscarriage this May. Wow! Now the pieces are coming together. No wonder a happy-go-lucky gal like Angie is so different from before. My Mom, my older sister, and two aunts all have had miscarriages and I've seen firsthand their depression due to it. Damn.
Now I'm in a quandary. What do I do? Do I try to continue like the horn dog that I am? Do I leave? Do I try and help her through it? Seeing that I'm not a complete waste of human DNA, I stay and talk to her about the miscarriage. An hour later, I leave. She was much more calm and collected than before.
We never got down to bumping uglies but that's all right with me. She has bigger fish to fry. I left the money with her even though no services were rendered. I know that she needs the money(she sends monthly remittances back to Taiwan). It's probably why she's still doing OTC with former customers.
I don't know if we'll see each other again. Only time will tell. I'm grateful to all of y'all who gave me the second chance advice. At the least, I have closure. This has been SlickSpic, this time not so slick but much more empathetic.
Since you have a cash arrangement, she is NOT your friend. If she wants to see you for a drink, dinner, sex etc. for free, then she is. But as long as an OTC arrangement involves cash, you are strongly advised by me to stay away from her emotional baggage!!!!
Oh no dude. You got pity hustled. She didn't want to have to fuck you for the money, so she sucked you in and started that nonsense instead. It is a classic game run by less than eager girls on PLs.
Some girls can handle doing p4p and others really can't, yet some girls from the latter category try to do it anyway because they need the money. I no longer give girls who perform badly the first time a second chance because, in my experience, it almost never improves. All too often, it happens because they are struggling emotionally with giving up sex for cash. No gracias.
Slickspic, IMO you did what a decent person would do. If you feel good about yourself with what you did then you did what's right for you. Don't worry about what some on tuscl will say to you about being a white knight. With that being said I would be careful from here on out. Most women period, especially strippers will try to take advantage and continue the pity game.
$120 ain't that much, especially in Southern California. I also had seen this chick before this for almost 2 years. If it was a hustle, it was a stupid hustle. You gained $120 but potentially lost out on $240 a month, maybe even $2,880 a year if I saw her twice a month, which I use to back in 2009-2010. Her loss not mine.
OP that is exactly the way I would have handled it. There are incremental costs associated with this type of activity and the event you described is a perfect example of one.
Not sure w hy you left the money. You did all the work. She should be paying you for your time. You dun goof'd bro. Even if you want to be nice (being human does not equal nice) don't be a sucker. You may have gotten played. Maybe not. But you sure opened an incentive that your a free loan bank
Slick, it was 3 years since you last had that arrangement with her, which is an eternity in stripper years. These girls are not exactly known for reliability and emotional consistency and her head is obviously no longer in the OTC game. They also tend not to be long-term thinkers and I doubt she was thinking beyond what she could collect right now.
We live and we learn. Believe me when I say that I'm not posting this from any moral high-ground. After all my years doing this with countless strippers, I just had one basically use me as her drug courier just the other week, so I'm no more immune to misreading a situation than anyone else.
Anyway, it is what it is. At least it was a cheap educational moment - lol.
Slick: Whether it was a hustle or not at least you didn't lose that much. I'm sure we all have stories about dropping a hondo in a VIP session that was ended up wasted. Besides, the mood was shot when she started the water works.
The fact that you left the money was a judgement call you had to make on the spot. Right or wrong - only you can make that decision. And if your read on the situation was right then good on ya mate. If not, as Rick says, an educational moment.
Any discussion of morals is clouded by the act of paying for sex anyway. Once you begin to layer on the hustle or real life event decision and whether you leave the money or walk out with your wallet in tact...well that's just too many damn layers now, isn't it?
I would have handled it the same way. And if I thought the next opportunity would be better, I'd probably give her another round. Probably because she's Thai :). I agree with line wolf on that one. I would be wary after that of getting in the friend zone where she's dumping all her emotions on you though.
120 gets me pussy here. I got it yesterday OTC from mine.
You got hustled but never heard of that one. If it becomes obvious u won't get pussy or she did something that killed the mood, simply put your pants on and walk away. Never pay if no services rendered. Read my article on dealing w dancer drama.
Some of them are real flakes - find a girl who is serious about fucking u for money not just some rip off bitch.
Taiwanese and Thai are two different nationalities. Taiwan is an island, formerly known as Formosa. It's where Chang Kai Shek went to during the Communist Revolution. Thailand is a country on mainland Asia, formerly lknown as Siam.
It's probably real, or at least I would believe it, cause it's too terrifying for a woman to fake a miscarriage. Still, it's not your obligation to take her emotional baggage. Nor should she be encouraged to take advantage of you, even if it is a true story.
I think you did a good deed helping her, but if I were you I wouldn't see her again, not until the whole sorrow goes away.
In the past I’ve always helped out people when in a tight spot.
But strippers are a different animal IMO. I have personally gotten the “oh it’s nothing†line before and in the end I was being conned (although it seemed super real at the time).
One dancer I was involved w/ about 8 years ago even went as far as to tell me her dad had died of a heart attack and she needed money to go to the funeral in a town about 6 hours away. The dancer called me sounding blue and when I asked what was wrong I got the “oh it’s nothing line†until I persisted and she told me about her father’s death. Long story short; I gave her the $$$ but later found out it was all a lie and her father was alive and very well.
Like I said; I’m one for giving people the benefit of the doubt and helping anyone in distress that I can help – but IME giving dancers the benefit of the doubt has almost always back fired on me and they were cunning me.
This chick called *you* up; greeted you all sexy; and then after calling you; and making you go over to her; she pulls that shit (she could have told you over the ph and you two could have talked it over).
It’s hard to know for sure; but I’m def in the “you got played†camp – IMO she may be spending your pity $$$ w/ her bf.
A stripper calling you out of the blue and then giving you the “oh it’s nothing†line is playing on your/mine male/PL heart strings (many strippers have the “woe is meâ€/damsel-in-distress act down pact.
I wouldn't have given the money to her. And that's not just tough talk. I recently wrote a thread about a horrible, multi-hour OTC bait and switch where the girl spent almost the last hour crying about being homeless and being broke because she spent her shift with me instead. I truly believed that she was broke as she obviously used an earlier advance of $50 to buy drugs. I eventually dumped her at some apartment complex at 3:30 in the morning, with no lights on and nobody outside waiting for her, and gave her a $20, which was as much compassion as I had in me.
If she had done the deed, she would have been paid. Simple. I don't reward bad behavior and I don't kick out cash to girls who run pity hustles. And a girl who runs that type of game is a horrible future OTC target as well, so the theory that it is a payment against future services is stupid.
last commentSince you have a cash arrangement, she is NOT your friend. If she wants to see you for a drink, dinner, sex etc. for free, then she is. But as long as an OTC arrangement involves cash, you are strongly advised by me to stay away from her emotional baggage!!!!
Some girls can handle doing p4p and others really can't, yet some girls from the latter category try to do it anyway because they need the money. I no longer give girls who perform badly the first time a second chance because, in my experience, it almost never improves. All too often, it happens because they are struggling emotionally with giving up sex for cash. No gracias.
We live and we learn I suppose.
We live and we learn. Believe me when I say that I'm not posting this from any moral high-ground. After all my years doing this with countless strippers, I just had one basically use me as her drug courier just the other week, so I'm no more immune to misreading a situation than anyone else.
Anyway, it is what it is. At least it was a cheap educational moment - lol.
The fact that you left the money was a judgement call you had to make on the spot. Right or wrong - only you can make that decision. And if your read on the situation was right then good on ya mate. If not, as Rick says, an educational moment.
Any discussion of morals is clouded by the act of paying for sex anyway. Once you begin to layer on the hustle or real life event decision and whether you leave the money or walk out with your wallet in tact...well that's just too many damn layers now, isn't it?
IMO you made the right call.
You got hustled but never heard of that one. If it becomes obvious u won't get pussy or she did something that killed the mood, simply put your pants on and walk away. Never pay if no services rendered. Read my article on dealing w dancer drama.
Some of them are real flakes - find a girl who is serious about fucking u for money not just some rip off bitch.
I think you did a good deed helping her, but if I were you I wouldn't see her again, not until the whole sorrow goes away.
In the past I’ve always helped out people when in a tight spot.
But strippers are a different animal IMO. I have personally gotten the “oh it’s nothing†line before and in the end I was being conned (although it seemed super real at the time).
One dancer I was involved w/ about 8 years ago even went as far as to tell me her dad had died of a heart attack and she needed money to go to the funeral in a town about 6 hours away. The dancer called me sounding blue and when I asked what was wrong I got the “oh it’s nothing line†until I persisted and she told me about her father’s death. Long story short; I gave her the $$$ but later found out it was all a lie and her father was alive and very well.
Like I said; I’m one for giving people the benefit of the doubt and helping anyone in distress that I can help – but IME giving dancers the benefit of the doubt has almost always back fired on me and they were cunning me.
This chick called *you* up; greeted you all sexy; and then after calling you; and making you go over to her; she pulls that shit (she could have told you over the ph and you two could have talked it over).
It’s hard to know for sure; but I’m def in the “you got played†camp – IMO she may be spending your pity $$$ w/ her bf.
A stripper calling you out of the blue and then giving you the “oh it’s nothing†line is playing on your/mine male/PL heart strings (many strippers have the “woe is meâ€/damsel-in-distress act down pact.
If she had done the deed, she would have been paid. Simple. I don't reward bad behavior and I don't kick out cash to girls who run pity hustles. And a girl who runs that type of game is a horrible future OTC target as well, so the theory that it is a payment against future services is stupid.
No play, no pay.