
Not expected

Friday, August 2, 2013 7:08 PM
So my ATF has flaked out on me. My CF I have seen 3 times in the club when I ask if she will see me outside the club for a private show (notice I did not say OTC) and that I would take her for a nice dinner to start off the evening. I get a very quick sure I'll see you outside the club, no hesitation at all. This girl is very cute and innocent acting. At least I thought it was an act. After dinner I am walking her to her car and telling her which hotel to meet me at when she says " I've never done a private show before I hope you will be happy". We get to the hotel and she strips down and starts dancing. I ask if she will get completely nude and she says sure. Now I'm receiving the best dances that I have ever received from her but I realize that she has no clue what OTC is. She truly thought I wanted a private dance. I bluntly asked and there was actually a little shock on her face. She asked if she could have a second to think about it. Then she finally told me no but if she did not have a boyfriend she would seriously consider it with me. And not a deadbeat boyfriend. I do believe she was not feeding me SS. She asked if I wanted her to continue dancing and I said yes. The dances were super hot and we did pretty much everything else. She calls me a couple of days later and asks me to come to the club that it is not busy and she wanted to talk to me. I don't go that night but I go the next night. She actually wanted to know if I was mad that she did not do what I asked. The whole thing played out so innocent I could not be mad. I truly believe that she had no clue what I meant. Anybody have an OTC experience like this?


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Not quite. I wouldn't be upset but then again I would make it clear, for all future and further transactions, that if what I want is not on the menu, then I ain't ordering. You can always find another who will deliver exactly what you ordered.
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    Yes, similar situation. But never again. Always make sure the girl knows exactly what you are looking for.
  • Experimental
    11 years ago
    You should iron out details and expectation beforehand.
  • mmdv26
    11 years ago
    Did you offer a pay increase with the request to have sex? I think "I have a boyfriend" is code for "I'm not making enough on this gig".
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Is any stripper so naive that she would go to a hotel room with a customer and not expect him to want sex? I think mmdv26 has it right--she wanted more pay for more play.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I had one young dancer offer to do private dances and that was the only thing she did. Since I myself hadn't met up with dancers outside the clubs before, I didn't know just meeting up for only nude dances was not normal. I did feel frustrated. All naked no one else around, and that was all I got. I didn't meet up with her very much more after that. I did agree to go to her house a couple of times but that was all she did. I gave her some money for the dances as if she was in the club, nothing more. She started talking to me a whole lot more while I was there. One time I was in the area and just stopped by to visit, no money involved. I think she actually got attached to me without having sex with me. I didn't know it until her real boyfriend left but I was getting ready to move away from her. I was wondering why she kept calling me wanting me to come by and visit, go see a movie, or do something together with her.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    There was another dancer who I took home after leaving a strip club and we often went other places without sex being involved. I wasn't paying her anything though. She did make a move on me one night.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    The one dancer didn't have a car so she found it more convenient to leave with me whenever I visited the club. The club closed early at 2 am.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Calling it a "private show" is so creepy
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    For the general benefit, if you want OTC sex, please ask the stripper if she does any escorting. That way you are not guilty of soliciting prostitution. I arrange for no-extras dancing OTC, and the hardest part is developing enough trust so that she believes that it's not going to be an ugly situation where she's pressured or forced to do extras. Unless she winds up in the hospital, LE would probably just brush off any stripper who brought a complaint about anything that happened to her while doing OTC (or ITC or breathing). You have to avoid any behavior that may seem tricky, pushy or obnoxious, cause she's putting a lot of trust in you.
  • toysales
    11 years ago
    This dancer trust me so much that the last time I was in the club and she left to go dance for another customer, she ask me to hold her money, phone and drink. I was shocked, usually its just a drink or something to show other dancers that I'm taken. I get the drink thing a lot but if I want a dance from another dancer I just take it to the bartender and tell them who I was holding it for.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Yes the "hold my xyz" thing is a sign of trust, but it's also a way of keeping you from spending on another dancer.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    BW maybe you missed the thread about going through a stripper's forgotten cell phone. They would not leave their stuff with just anybody.
  • toysales
    11 years ago
    no way you're kidding. thanks for the information mister obvious
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Be careful that "will you watch my stuff" isn't a setup. Saw a girl do that to a guy in a club once, and when she came back, she accused him of stealing some of her money. Fortunately for him, management believed me when I told them he'd been sitting between me and the stage, and I saw him never touch her purse.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Toy, you should have been more direct long before you ever got her OTC. There are actually guys out there who will pay for non-sex private shows, as crazy as that has always seemed to me, so being clear upfront about what you are seeking is important.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I thought it was obvious I was addressing Bullwinkle, so apparently I'm not that obvious.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    No harm no foul – you asked for a “private show” and that is what you got. As rickdugan said; there are guys whose OTC may consist more along the lines of a date; i.e. dinner; drinks; etc (or even just LDs in a more private setting; and not FS.
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