I only have access to a small club with a wide open square room VIP area. I do not go to SC a lot, but enough some of the regular girls recognize me, including the bouncers. The bouncers also come check in often in the VIP area. So that decreased my interest even more of having some of the bigger and more illegal extras like BJ or FS.
But touching pussy is innocent enough, easy to hide and adds some pleasure. What is the best way to get this done? If its offered as part of the sale for a VIP dance then its no issue. But once I am in VIP most girls say no when I ask them.
Any tips to get this done while staying on the down low as much as possible? Should I only go after the out of town girls and offer them a tip if they say no the first time? How has your experience been just going for it and hoping the stripper lets you instead of freaking out and calling the bouncer?
Just play shy and chatter about how beautiful the girl's pussy. When she seems approachable, just politely ask if you can gently touch it without insertion. Once you have played with her pussy lips, something will pop out (not out of your pants). If you are good she will start to pant as you rub that little thingie that pops out. Hopefully you can follow your little head once this happens. If I can coach any further, just give me a call at 1 800 lik twat.
Girls are far more wiling to play with yours than they are ti have you play with theirs. I think it has to do with fear of disease and lack of pleasure.
I make the mistake of touching pussy in the club...im not sure if this is for all, they were hairy or just because its been a long day, but that shit be feeling crusty (well at least around the crotch h area). Another reason why not to pay for sex. You get the pussy as is, no time for prep
At some of the clubs that I frequent, the dancers themselves will let you either know that you can play with their pussy or they'll go so far as to place your fingers on or in their sweet, pink pussies. Out in the open but still discrete. There's an old saying about hiding your valuables out in the open. If I remembered it, I'd quote it.
last commentwhat shadow said: "When in doubt, just ask upfront "What are your rules?""