Not sure what club those human traffickers I sold txtittyfan's daughter to are forcing her to work in. When I find out though, I'll probably go visit her for old time's sake.
I'm with Slick. Although I have several faves, I like to seek out new talent as well. I maintain a "dancer wish list." I'm hoping to knock up (er, uh, I mean knock off) two off the list this weekend. They're two unkowns that I read about in a review of a local club, followed-up by PMs with the reviewer.
I have particular cities/areas that I would like to SC visit – and I have about 3 or 4 particular SCs I would like to visit/experience but visiting a particular area/city and the several SCs in it is higher on my list.
No club list for me. In fact I sometimes think about just staying home and play a computer game. I did that the day after clubbing. I wouldn't have been able to do that if I had listened to one dancer who kept asking me "don't you want to take me home?"