Titanic is a but of a cheat. Of course every guy is going to enjoy a ship sinking and lots of people drowning, so the second half was good enough to endure that stupid love story shit. Or are you guys saying you like that part too?
Chicago, yes it's a musical but how can you resist Catherine Zeta Jones and Rene Zellweger dancing around in lingerie most of the time. The music isn't bad either.
I openly admit to all I like & don't give a flying damn what my guy friends (all 3 of them) have to say about it. The girls love the fact that I'm versatile in more than one way.
I can't think of a single movie I like that I would be afraid or embarrassed to talk about among other guys. Well out of ones that played on a big screen. If you talk about movies not on the big screen, I did enjoy watching some Disney movies for entertainment that I probably wouldn't mention. Of course those were only entertaining one time so I wouldn't call them favorite movies.
last comment"You can leave your hat on..."
Fuck yeah!
It's a said said tail of a Pathetic Looser's search for ass love'n
Just about the time I was getting bored silly with the stupid love story the ship started to sink. Great timing.