
avatar for JuiceBox69
I like to have the option to be able to make omments on would help in creating local discussions with local clubers and about the clubs them selves...


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
That is what the club discussions boards were supposed to be for. Maybe some day Founder will bring them back like he said he would.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
Yeah – I think it would be helpful to debunk or give another side to the review if one is familiar with the club.
avatar for EarlTee
12 years ago
More flame wars!
avatar for Dolfan
12 years ago
I like that idea. I'd even like to even be able to comment on my own reviews, as sort of a followup in lieu of a full blown review.
avatar for endlesstempo
12 years ago
You can kind of comment on reviews by propping them.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"More flame wars!"

Exactly, along with a ton of meaningless shit, accompanied no doubt by slanderous comments about people working at the clubs, explicit comments about services rendered and by whom, guys taking issue because they didn't like how their clubs were portrayed (whether deserved or not), etc.

IMHO reviews should stand on their own. A savvy reader can generally tell which reviews look credible and which are obviously crap and there is a flag function to handle the truly ridiculous stuff.

avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I believe the ability to comment is there. It is called "Prop this Review".

"IMHO reviews should stand on their own"

I agree with this one comment.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
RickyBoyDugan: "and which are obviously crap"

I agree, I've read yours and they fall under the obviously crap category.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Club discussions were useful for clubs that had active discussions. For others you often didn't check to see if someone posted something new because there was no way to tell without clicking on it and more often than not, there wasn't. I would like club discussions with something like a date of last comment posted on the club review tab so you could know if something new was posted.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
LOL. A guy who hasn't posted a useful word on this site in 5 years, 44 toilet paper reviews and over 5,000 comments, is calling my stuff crap. Wow. Down is up and up is down in this crazy new world. :)

But hey, i's been fun watching you turn a tip to a bouncer into a gay porn event, along with the other never-ending spinmeister moves that you have perfected during your endless amounts of free time. I have no doubt that your Meals on Wheels delivery guy is also quite entertained by you. ;)

*sigh* I give and give and give and even treat Fraudster like a real person and this is the thanks I get. No good deed...
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
shark, I don't know. I could see the upside, but after seeing what has happened to the club discussion boards over on SCL I cannot help but wonder if the bad outweighs the good. Anyone who has something interesting to report can always write a review.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Think you've got it a little backwards RickyBoy. I've got many complements and props on my reviews. Yours on the other hand contain none of the type of information that people care most about or could not be obtained from just reading other reviews. Hence your reviews are pure crap and a waste of time to read. Oh, unless you're a gay guy who wants to hear about how the RickyBoy greased a bouncer in the outhouse in Kansas. Not exactly what people are looking for when they read reviews, RickyBoy.
avatar for txtittyfan
12 years ago
I find it amusing, that a website dedicated to the free sharing of information on strip clubs via reviews, has participants that contribute less than 2 reviews per year of membership, trying to to dictate what should be discussed or what the membership fee should be.

It appears to me, that the model put
forth by Founder is based upon the massess providing reviews for all to see, not to receive fee income from people that don't post reviews.

Or, to put it another way for the benefit of Alucard, we don't care about your opinion, it's reviews that matter.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Meantime txtittyfan likes to inflate his already low review count by posting reviews of the same clubs over and over again. Take away his short re-reviews and his review count/year is not that high either. I think he just keeps posting short, useless reviews of the same few clubs over and over again, because he is to broke to spring for a full membership (as cheap as it is) after all the money he lost shorting treasuries 2009-2012.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
tittyfag: "my financial advice is top notch!"

I sort of agree. It is top notch. Providing people do the opposite of it!
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
If a comment section for reviews and clubs were allowed, that would have to be moderated. There would need to be multiple moderators in order to weed out the shit that is present in the boards over at scl. The club comments section is a mess over there, and I fear the same would happen here.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
More info may mean more bullshit – but I prefer more info vs. less – thus I’d would be pro comments section w.r.t. clubs/reviews.

The Prop/Flag “comment” system is pretty much useless from the user’s point of view since one cannot see what it commented via the prop/flag.
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