I'm still recovering from last weekend. Just relaxing now thinking about and watching the weather channel discuss what if a powerful tornado hit DC. Buildings might get hit hard. The capital building just lost it's dome.
I'm thinking if I knew an F5 tornado was definitely heading my way, I'm going to check the radar and get away. I don't have any underground shelter and F5's wipe out all of a single family house. An F4 you can survive. They should start making homes have safe rooms or basements if it doesn't add more than a few thousand to the cost of a house. Hundreds of the dead would probably agree if they had a safe room. A safe room could withstand an F 5 tornado with the door closed while the rest of the house was destroyed. Ok I'll stop rambling.
last commentI'm thinking if I knew an F5 tornado was definitely heading my way, I'm going to check the radar and get away. I don't have any underground shelter and F5's wipe out all of a single family house. An F4 you can survive. They should start making homes have safe rooms or basements if it doesn't add more than a few thousand to the cost of a house. Hundreds of the dead would probably agree if they had a safe room. A safe room could withstand an F 5 tornado with the door closed while the rest of the house was destroyed. Ok I'll stop rambling.
We had snow all day today in Denver, about 8". Temp was in the 60's ueaterday. Crazy weather everywhere