
Questions about first time to Tijuana

New Jersey
Monday, April 22, 2013 7:09 AM
Hey all. I'm heading down to Tijuana this weekend for the first time ever (visiting Adelita's Bar and Hong Kong), and I'm a little nervous / have some questions: 1. I'm going to take a taxi from the border. First, is there a parking lot on the US-side where I can easily park? As for taxis on the Mexican side, is there anything I need to watch out for - cops, etc? Also, how much should I be paying for the taxi ride to these places? 2. Do the girls take showers / clean themselves off between "sessions"? I'm a little concerned about going down on them / kissing them / putting my face in their tits thinking that probably 15 other guys have done the same thing that day. Is it worth it to have them take a shower in the room before we do the deed? 3. Seeing as most of these girls probably speak very little / no english, what are good conversation topics while I drink with the girl? Basically, what are some good basic conversations I can have with her to increase the chances of good sex later? Thanks :)


  • Rod8432
    11 years ago
    Prepare thyself for RTFF comments... :) Most of what you want to know has been well covered in prior reviews of Adelita's and Hong Kong.
  • Amberite
    11 years ago
    :) I read a bunch of the reviews for both clubs, but my three questions are pretty much unanswered in those reviews, or at least in the first 50 or so reviews for each place (sorry, but I can't read 700 reviews, haha)
  • baconator
    11 years ago
    Conversation doesn't matter. Cash is its own language.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Don't get too drunk and forget to wrap it up.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    11 years ago
    If you don't see it here try U S A S E X G U I D E dot INFO, the San Diego Forums, Tijuana Trips. This will direct you to a sister site for more info and if you RTTF there the questions you have that might be out of the normal line of questions for this site (especially the security/ border crossing/ where to park and pick up a cab questions). If you learn anything, write an article for the next newbie wanting to make the trip covering what they need to know to get to Adelitas and Hong Kong safely, plus whatever else you think an uneducated gringo should know. If written concisely it will earn you a free month on TUSCL and a fair amount of respect for you.
  • Electronman
    11 years ago
    Check out TJAmigosdotcom for some excellent tips on making your first trip to Hong Kong and Adelitas. You might also search the discussion threads on TUSCL-- I recall a few excellent discussions on the logistics of a TJ strip club trip. Enjoy!
  • xedin5436
    11 years ago
    I haven't gone down myself, but based on the reviews I've read, I can provide answers for question 1: There are parking lots on this side of the border where you can leave your car. They cost money, but I don't know how much. I had a co-worker who's car was stolen from one of those lots, but I've gone to TJ before (not for strip clubbing), used one of the lots, and not had a problem. Cabs should be plentiful on the other side of the border and you should probably negotiate $5 for your trip to "zona norte" or Calle Coahuila before you get in the cab, or just name the bar you're planning on going to (most likely Adelita's or Hong Kong, right? If not one of those, most of the other brothels are in the same area). Based on some of the reviews I've read, a decent amount of the girls speak some English, but speaking some Spanish yourself will obviously be helpful. Supposedly, sex workers in the area are regulated and have regular checkups and they require use of condoms and stuff in a way similar to brothels in Nevada, but that requirement doesn't really say anything about the girls' personal hygiene level. Also, this is Mexico, so who knows how diligent the enforcement of those requirements is. There's actually a decent wikipedia article on the Zona Norte that covers some of this stuff.
  • Otto22
    11 years ago
    Txtittyfag- Why do you need to cop such an attitude? The OP asked a simple question and appears to have researched a good deal. Why do you think you have the prerogative to insult him? For a relative newby, you seem to think you own this board. Yet you have posted a total of two reviews and not much else other than sarcasm and attitude. Learn some manners or go find another board to infest.
  • Amberite
    11 years ago
    Hugh and Electronman - thanks so much for the links! Those are some great sites and there is tons of info there. Again, thanks again this is exactly what I was hoping for when I made this thread :) Xedin - thanks for taking the time to post. I never knew this was regulated in Mexico, but as you said who knows what "regulation" really means down there, lol txtittyfag - If you had more people skills you'd see that other people don't have to be douchebags like you and actually like to be helpful instead of telling someone to sift through hundreds of reviews (which I already did anyways without finding answers to my questions). Comprende?
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    Good luck when the cartels feed you your own insides
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Personally, I think going to a foreign county to have sex with a girl who probably has fucked over a 100 guys a week makes you loco en la cabeza - but to each his own. Good luck and be safe amigo
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    Mr.head......spot on
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    You'd be safer staying north of the border.
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