1st time at the strip club.

avatar for BirthdayBoy
This was my 1st time going to a strip club, in some ways it was kind of a disappointment.

The place was very clean, the bouncers were friendly, and the atmosphere was good.

What disappointed me were the girls, which was more than just their body.

As a bit of a side note, NEVER wear jeans. My brothers insisted I wear jeans. Unless you like the feel of sandpaper on your junk, don't wear jeans.

I noticed most of the guys there wore jeans. I think slacks or sweatpants would work better.

All of the girls were very skinny. While this is nothing bad in itself, none of them had boobs. I am being very serious, none of the strippers had over 32A breasts.

I got a lap dance from one stripper. What took me back is that they allowed to you to touch (just not the crotch area). However, since the girl(s) had no boobs, it really felt no different than if I place my hands on her rib cage.

You would THINK that a strip club would hire women with a decent sized breasts. What guy doesn't like big boobs? That would bring more people and more tips. I don't mean huge jugs, but at least a B cup.

One stripper kept smashing my head into her "boobs". When a girl is 32a, your nose doesn't go into boobs, it goes into ribs, and my nose is still store.

I got a lap dance from one other girl, who was black. She gave an excellent lap dance, as most black girls know how to shake their butt.

Now here is the part that pissed me off...

Around 2am, some of the "regulars" showed up. All the "stageside" girls hovered around their tables. Some of the strippers even sat on their lap for over 45 minutes (not making this up, I had a watch on).

They paid no attention to us, frequently walking by us, I did manage to get a couple "dollar dances" out of them, but that was it.

It seems to me as if the strippers can tell if you have a lot of money. You could be the best looking guy in the world, but if you don't appear to be rich, they don't pay any attention to you.

The whole part that the stripper tries to get you to "fall in love with her", is false, none of the girls seemed "flirty".

I did have a good time otherwise. It was my Birthday, so none of this what out of pocket.

If the girls had larger breasts, and paid more attention to everyone there, it would've been better.


1. Resubmit your story as a review.

2. Your experiences were perfectly normal. We've all had those things happen to us in the various clubs we go to. Choose a different club for your next outing. Keep experimenting with different clubs, different days, and shifta. It'll get better.
avatar for BirthdayBoy
12 years ago
I probably won't go to another one on my own accord. I can't see spending money to see naked women when I have a girlfriend of my own. If I was single it would be a lot different.
avatar for hounddogdeltaboy
12 years ago
Hey BirthdayBoy, which club was this?
Skinny girls are NOT typically the norm. Thicker girls, some who should not be dancing, have taken over some clubs.

And I see more large breasted women (mostly fake) than what you saw. I get the impression you went to a "lower end" club.
avatar for BirthdayBoy
12 years ago
I dunno if I want to review the club, I don't want any kind of retalliation.
I agree that you should post this as a review for the specific club. That shares the information and gets you 4 weeks of TUSCL access.

About the girls deserting you at 2 A.M., that's the business model at work. The guys that the girls depend on for money WILL ALWAYS get their attention. The only way to combat that is to supply the ladies with plenty of your group's money. Or drinks. Or drugs. You get the picture.
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
It's likely that the "rich regulars" you saw at 2am were pimps and drug dealers.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
12 years ago
Birthday Boy, don't give up just because of one crappy experience !!! Going to a club can be a BLAST !!! Tiny titties are NOT typical in clubs. Many girls have big, soft, bouncy boobies that they do wonderful things to you with.

Try a different club. Son, trust me, when a hot dancer gets down on her knees and wraps them big nasty DDD boobies around your dick and starts jacking you off for a mere $10 lap dance, you'll be back for more !!!

And the thing with regulars...yeah, probably the one thing that pisses me off the most about going to clubs. A lot of a-holes who think they can horde all the hot dancers, and are stupid enough to lay out tons of cash just to have a girl talk to them. But be careful, a lot of guys in this forum ARE those loser regulars, so don't be too negative. They're very sensitive too....

Just relax, and have fun. Check out some other clubs. Sounds like you got a dud that night. As here for advice, and you may actually get it.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
12 years ago
Whoa...Birthday Boy...I just noticed you reviewed the club and you're in Davenport, Iowa...

Um, dude, yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe you shouldn't go to anymore clubs. Might just be a waste of money. Maybe I'm way off, but I don't think Davenport Iowa is the home of great strip clubs...

Have you considered moving?
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
What you described is not necessarily in any way the norm at strip clubs. Plenty of clubs have very voluptuous girls if that's what you're into. Some clubs are also really good at presenting a variety. Either way, tiny tits aren't the "norm" - it just may be the case where you went.

I do 'sometimes' wear jeans to strip clubs, and it is not a big problem for me. A nice pair of dress slacks is generally better though, IMO. I have two pairs that I use almost solely for strip clubs because the material isn't too thick and I've been told they're comfortable for girls to dance on. You don't to wear pants that are on the tight side/uncomfortable either. You should look presentable, but be as comfortable as possible at the same time.

I haven't worn a 34A since sixth grade, just saying.
avatar for bman77
12 years ago
I definitely sympathize with you on the regulars taking over. I run into that and it is frustrating. I try to tip my dancer when she is good, but even then, if I make a repeat trip and one of her whales is there, she ignores me the whole night. I completely understand it, and can't blame her but it still sucks ass.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
I refuse to respond because it's not your fucking birthday anymore.
avatar for BirthdayBoy
12 years ago
Oh. One more thing I forgot to mention.

Telling a stripper that it's your birthday gets you nothing extra. Not 0.00001 extra seconds of a lap dance.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
If she tells you it's her birthday, she is expecting a tip of some kind.
Given your comments, yeah clubs probably aren't for you.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Good reading for the shitter
avatar for Drmoore1991
12 years ago
Yeah dude careful trying to wear sweatpants to the SC. Call ahead first as a lot of the more respectable clubs won't let you in wearing them. Also talk to the staff if a particular dancer you like is sitting with a regular. I'll usually grab a waitress tip her a buck to tell that dancer I want a lap dance. Their regulars are usually understanding that the girls have to make money. Or just start counting your money for everyone to see and you'll have plenty of girls coming over to see if you want a dance.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
It seems like this isn't the hobby for you. Good that you found out early on and didn't piss away too much time or money just to wind up totally disappointed.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
12 years ago
I see you went to Tuxedo's in Davenport, Iowa. I was there once. I think I wrote a favorable review of it at the time, but in retrospect, I'm not so sure I would really go back there. Girls didn't seem to have a lot of interest in dancing, although that could be partially because it was midweek and hardly anyone was there. In the Quad Cities, I'd have to give Daisy Dooks or So-Co some consideration, although I have absolutely no idea how things are at those places nowadays, as I've only been to each of them twice, on days I just happened to stay the night in Davenport (I travel on I-80 between my home in Omaha and the Chicago area at least once a year).

I think the idea of a strip club where all of them are A cups is weird. OTOH, I've been to some places where the idea of any girl having A cups is weird, too. I think they try to hire a wide variety of girls, but OTOH, they can only hire who walks in the door.

I can also sympathize with the idea of girls only hanging out with regulars. That's pretty much any club I'm not a regular at. OTOH, they do have to stick to their bread and butter.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
It isn't as lucrative to get a breast augmentation as it used to be.
Girls always go where the money is. I would rather have an A cup over a hard plastic D any day.
Why would tgey stick with you for your 20 or 40 bucks when they can go sit with someone who can make their night. I always tell whoecer I decide to spend my night with at the club that they need to show me special attention, and I will make it worth their while. Money talks in the club if you dont have enough and I steal your dancer away thats your problem not mine or hers.
I like thick women – and I tend to have a contrary opinion to what some have posted w.r.t. their being a lot of thick women in clubs.

I believe being thin and small breasted is what has been in vogue over the last 30 years. Women in the 50s and 60s were often celebrated for their curves and voluptuousness – now a days, those women are considered fat and not hired at many clubs IMO.

I also believe certain clubs will hire certain types of girls only or mainly – I’ve been to numerous clubs where almost every girl was thin and small breasted (except for the ones w/ fake tits) – this may be club and even maybe geographically dependent.

Also, if the OP does not have an affinity for strip clubs – good for him – I believe there are much better ways he can invest his time and $$$.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
12 years ago
Papi Chulo-
Gotta agree about how certain clubs seem to only hire certain types of girls. One of my regular clubs used to have a lot of big breasted girls, but over time, the only big breasted ones who last there have implants. They do have girls with real big breasts, which is a byproduct of those type of girls going to their amateur contest, which is the easy way in there, but generally, they don't last. The ironic thing is, they get female customers to tip and pull them onstage and strip them naked and pretty much all of them have big tits. Sometimes there, I prefer seeing the girls from the crowd get naked to the actual dancers.
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