Ever routinely visit the same club and hear dancers ask "So where have you been?

avatar for sharkhunter
I suspect they were working different days. I often visit the same day. When I'm off from work.

Do you hear this question a lot? I find it slightly annoying since the dancers don't even seem to realize they are the ones working different schedules working when I don't visit. Then they ask this stupid question like they've been working Saturday nights for example and wonder where you've been.

Have you thought of any creative responses? Last night I decided to say I've been around. Maybe next time I might say I went to Hawaii.


last comment
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I got a better line. I might tell them I was in alternate reality and that I've been visiting the club the same time on the same day for months. Then maybe add in, that was a really nice dance you gave me a few Weeks ago but I lost your number. You probably don't remember anything. You said you probably wouldn't.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
They are just trying to make you feel wanted, missed and "special". So you'll spend on them of course. But, barring some miracle, this is as good as it gets. The alternative are:

1) She is so hot she doesn't need to even try to bullshit in order to bank. She will almost never have time for you and her existence will merely serve to frustrate you.

2) She will try to sell you is ways that are totally stupid and annoying rather than vaguely stupid and annoying.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I guess I could have just asked her if she wanted to do a two for one lap dance to help refresh my memory of her.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
@ shark...I like the aulternate universe thing. I will try it.

I usually reply to a stupid question with a stupid question. Ask her the same question right back and make her explain where she has been
avatar for baconator
12 years ago
Crazyjoe, I did that a few weeks. Said "I was here last week, where were you?"

"I took a few days off"

"well, there ya have it. You weren't here when I was."

avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
Hey man, at least they pretend to care. So many guys come through the club we can't remember their names most of the time, much less their schedule. Unless they spend a lot of money, then we usually remember. Usually, but not always.
avatar for baconator
12 years ago
I actually try to remember a dancer's stagename, duo. But my wife and I have run into problems where a dancer changes her stage name every week or so. And we're each calling her a different name. Very confusing.
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
^ that's kind of unusual
avatar for she_is_covfefe
12 years ago
I do that, especially if that dude was somewhat of a regular (as in, a cheap regular).
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
No but one did ask if I was a terrorist.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
It had been a while since I've seen her. I might try asking what days she has been working or where she's been.

I did say something about the alternate reality thing to one dancer. She must have slipped into one. I haven't even seen her since then anywhere.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
When dancers ask me that I tell them that I've been visiting other stripclubs looking for new girls to canoodle with. Sometimes saying that has worked in my favor in that they step up their game to compete with that other club for my money.
avatar for rell
12 years ago
ive gotten that after only visiting the club twice prior
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I've gotten that line from girls who I'm absolutely certain I've never seen before. If it's one of them, I always try to find a way to get rid of them.

OTOH, I've gotten that one from my favorite dancers at my regular clubs. I always tell them I've been working, mostly because it's true. I wish I could come up with something more creative, but then they'd know I was bullshitting.
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
12 years ago
Bullshit in a strip club? Spew away.

Seriously, as someone who travels for his livelihood and is sometimes gone for months at a time, I hear this line from time to time. Usually I just tell them I haven't had the money to come in the club (if I want to shake them) and sometimes they get the hint
avatar for Player11
12 years ago
It's ss they are giving u to make u spend money. I usually tell them business travel to some neat place.

The reality is I have OTC girl w lower pop.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
I have been surprised many times by a girl in a club that remembers me from the last time I was in several months previous. I sometime visit the same club over the course of a couple of week when I ma working a particular town. I am pleasantly surprised sometimes when a dancer I had fun with come over, sits down and tells me she remembers me and my name. I guess the successful dancers feel it is their job and will get better tips.
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