
Superheroine Strippers

the speed force!
Sunday, April 21, 2013 10:36 AM
In the spirit of prolonging 4/20 let's talk some crazy shizzle...what superheroines would you most like to see stripping? Number 1 for me is Power Girl. Those titties be the bomb. A 500 megaton bomb. Fuck, they're the Motherfucking Tsar Bomba! How do you think PG trims her pubes? Number 2 is Emma Frost. I think Emma has a really thin landing strip. Like 1 cm wide at most. Mmmm...Emma pussy... Others? Let your geek flag fly my brothers...your PL flag is already flying proudly! Peace out!!!


  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    And the chick who played Chloe on Smallville. That chick need to get naked. I would totally jerk off to a Chloe sex tape. I bet she is like totally shaved. Or maybe a little blond hitler moustache. Fuck yeah! 420 on my brothers...just done use comic book pages as rolling papers!
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I'm probably showing my age but I'll go with Farrah Fawcett of the famed "Charlie's Angels".
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Or the Bionic Woman
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Don't forget Xena!
  • bigman226
    11 years ago
    Storm. Animated, drawn or live-action.
  • JayJay15
    11 years ago
    Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter version from back in the day).
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Number 1: Emma frost. Given her stripper background and her huge tits, she was ready made to be a stripper. Number 2: Black Cat. FUCKING DIME A 500 dozen
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I like super girl. [view link]
  • likes2look
    11 years ago
    Mikey you stole my answer. If I ever see a stripper that is rocking the Xena look she is going to own my bank account.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I actually preferred her innocent little blond sidekick Gabrielle.
  • baconator
    11 years ago
    For those saying Xena, you might wanna check out Lucy Lawless in the series Spartacus.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    11 years ago
    @zipman68 [view link] Personally? A little butch for me, but TRINITY from the matrix trilogy. Now that would make for some athletic stage and pole work !!
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Supergirl is definitely a good one Mr. Shark, no argument on that one. But for over the top tits I still say "ya gotta give it up for Power Girl!" [view link]
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    And, of course, there is more! [view link] Not that there isn't some pretty groovy Supergirl art out there as well... [view link] And... [view link] Gotta love the seedy underbelly o' the geek world! (And tumblr...there be some twisted shizzle on tumblr)
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    And that is def a good one Hugh-g-dude! Two thumbs up!!!
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