
MIAMI MEET Today's the day!

OK fellow TUSCLers, the Miami meet is today.

Time: 5pm
Location: Tootsie's 150 NW 183rd Street

AS mentioned before, Papi_Chulo, has stepped up in a big way. If you are attending, PM either he or myself and we will provide a phone number to call. That way, on your arrival, you can be directed to our location. A major thanks to Papi!!!


  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    Wish I could go......have fun guys...please come back.and tell us.how it goes
  • canny
    11 years ago
    I ended up being in Pennsylvania so I won't be there. Have fun guys!
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    We want pictures. :)
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    And video too!
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Videos already up at pornhub.com :)
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    Jealous, but hope y'all gave a good time
  • chimark
    11 years ago
    hope its a good time... hope to read a recap review of tootsies soon!
  • londonguy
    11 years ago
    Yeah, some good POV Video would be nice.

    Seriously though, hope you guys have a great time. I'd join you but it's a bit of a journey for me.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I'll be there at 5.

    I hear Tootsie's dancers are giving free lap dances to all TUSCL members--tonight only.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    ^ lol, jack, you're awesome.

    I SO wish I could be there. I've never been to Florida and it would be cool to meet some more TUSCL members. Not to mention you guys will be in Miami- the land of lovely Latina's.

    Ah well, there's always next year I suppose. Have fun, guys.
  • gsv
    11 years ago
    Yeah, would love to get me some latina action down there.

    Next year if you do it sometime late May I'd be 100% down.
  • rh48hr
    11 years ago
    I tried to get my schedule to work for it, but just couldn't do it. Hope I can pull it off in the future. Hope everything goes well!
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    We expect full TR's from you guys!
    Enjoy and be safe.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Send a postcard.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    'Twas a mess for me, but we did get there. I got caught in a horrendous rain storm on the way. Arrived drenched to the bone and almost an hour late. Nearly two hours to ride the 42 miles and most on "expressways".

    I called Papi_C when I arrived and met him when he came outside. There I was sitting on a bench in a pool of water. :)

    Anyway, went in wet or not. Met alligatorman jack, who was already there. A bit later silk came in. I had spent most of my allotted time getting soaked, so mostly we talked and watched the ladies. I had to leave about 7 for SO time.

    The ladies I saw, not much for me, and Papi, didn't seem to find much to his liking. Anyway, the meet wasn't all about the ladies, so overall, I had a good time!

    Not sure I'll write a review, since this visit wasn't about the club.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    Lol.....no commint....
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Just a few notes on my end.

    4 TUSCLers made it to the meet:

    mua (Papi_Chulo)

    We’d had great weather over the last couple of weeks in So. FL but this whole weekend turned on us and we had bad t-storms Sat thru today (Monday).

    Personally I greatly enjoyed meeting the fellow TUSCLers and would love to meet more in the future. The TUSCLers I met always came across as nice folks on the discussion board; but they were actually nicer in person.

    Per Clubber’s comment above:

    “…The ladies I saw, not much for me, and Papi, didn't seem to find much to his liking. Anyway, the meet wasn't all about the ladies …”

    My main desire for the meet was to get to meet and talk w/ the fellow TUSCLers; and not necessarily do the Tootsies thing since I can do that year round. I think the Tootsies dancers are very attractive but per my numerous posts in the past, and per my avatar & profile pics; Tootsies dancers are not what I’m into although they are attractive IMO (Tootsies dancers are mostly petite white-girls or Latinas whereas I like them thick and prefer them ebony - Tootsies hardly ever has any women of color and if they do they are not thick), Having said this I still got LDs from two different dancers that were naturally busty and curvy. I had also SCed the previous night of the meet (Fr. night) and also SCed on Su. after the meet so I could get my “chocolate fix” & make up for my lack of dances on Sat. at Tootsies :)).

    Anyway, it was pretty much just a regular SC visit but we did manage to engage in some convo and get to know each and share a bit about our personal SC histories which was interesting to me.

    Personally would do it again though it would be nice if it was a bigger group (but that is often hard to achieve).

    w.r.t. clubber’s comment above:

    “…Met alligatorman jack …”

    clubber was referring to jackslash having taken a visit out to the everglades on Sat. morning. jackslash mentioned that he had actually fed an alligator if I remember correctly – good thing jack still had both his hands available for groping for his Tootsies visit later in the day.
  • silkypants
    11 years ago
    Glad to here everyone had a good time. I was pretty sure clubber was tired of me after only a few minutes as he left first. It is also good to hear that Papi_Chulo got a few dances since I thought I was the only one who spent any time with the girls at Tootsies.

    Only two to three regrets. 1) Felt I hardly talked to Clubber and thought maybe he thought I wasn't tough enough to go to his kind of clubs. Which is true. 2)Papi_Chulo invited me to visit a real Miami club and I turned him down. 3. After everyone left I lost control and blew through a ton of money but I had fun so I guess that is o.k.

    Thanks Jackslash, Clubber and Papi_Chulo for being so hospitable while I was in south Florida.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago

    Not at all my thoughts. Bottom line, I was pretty miserable. Soaked to the bone sitting in AC, that doesn't make for comfort. I had a pocket full of cash, but wouldn't even think of getting a LD soaked.

    I had scheduled 2 to 2 1/2 hours there, but with the weather, I didn't arrive till about 6PM. I actually stayed as long as I did waiting for you to show. I think when the other two started rubbing your silky legs, I figured it was time for me to go! :)

    Actually, Tootsie's isn't my kind of club. I'm the small club, afternoon Clubber. I do hope you enjoyed. I know I did as best I could. Take care.
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