
Sex Drive: How Do Men and Women Compare?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Piggybacking on shadowcat's thread on “bi strippers” – I came across the following article.

The article is 3 pages long but it is pretty interesting IMO. Below is a section of the article that talks a little bit about bi-ism w.r.t. females.


What turns women on? Not even women always seem to know. Northwestern University researcher Meredith Chivers and colleagues showed erotic films to gay and straight men and women. They asked them about their level of sexual arousal, and also measured their actual level of arousal through devices attached to their genitals.

For men, the results were predictable: Straight men said they were more turned on by depictions of male-female sex and female-female sex, and the measuring devices backed up their claims. Gay men said they were turned on by male-male sex, and again the devices backed them up. For women, the results were more surprising. Straight women, for example, saidthey were more turned on by male-female sex. But genitally they showed about the same reaction to male-female, male-male, and female-female sex.

"Men are very rigid and specific about who they become aroused by, who they want to have sex with, who they fall in love with," says J. Michael Bailey, a Northwestern University sex researcher and co-author with Chivers on the study.

By contrast, women may be more open to same-sex relationships thanks to their less-directed sex drives, Bailey says. "Women probably have the capacity to become sexually interested in and fall in love with their own sex more than men do," Bailey says. "They won't necessarily do it, but they have the capacity."

Bailey's contention is backed up by studies showing that homosexuality is a more fluid state among women than men. In another broad review of studies, Baumeister found many more lesbians reported recent sex with men, when compared to gay men's reports of sex with women. Women were also more likely than men to call themselves bisexual, and to report their sexual orientation as a matter of choice.



  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ""Men are very rigid and specific about who they become aroused by, who they want to have sex with, who they fall in love with," says J. Michael Bailey, a Northwestern University sex researcher and co-author with Chivers on the study"

    I disagree with the last part of this statement.
  • whoneedscialis
    11 years ago
    I think men are more particular about choosing a woman for friendship but this choice becomes humble and moderate when it comes to enjoy some intimate encounters at the initiative of lady. However, regular use of [url=http://www.whoneedscialis.com]Viagra Alternative[/url]may help the males to retain Girl friends for more time by satisfying them with slow arousing interests.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    A lot of this is deeply buried in our biological makeup & brain chemistry. And totally beyond our conscious control.
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