
Do Women Really Hate Geeks?

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 10:17 PM
In my experience geekiness does hurt your chance with certain women. Namely the ones who don't have much going for them other than their looks and who, although above average looking, aren't the hottest ones anyway. The 7 and 8s w.o much brains. (Actually there are techniques we have learned to get to these women if we want, but they are beneath our standard, so we mainly just use them for warm-ups and practicing material on.) Now, OTOH, being a geek is most helpful with intelligent girls, of course, and somewhat oddly, the super good looking ones even if they are only of slightly above average intelligence themselves. (A sense of humor is also a must.) The tricks for geeks are to just be comfortable with who you are and your interests, and to be able to converse on things women find interesting: psychology and social dynamics are always great topics to talk with women about. Some become a psychology geek.


  • davids
    18 years ago
    corey: I also disagree that most women have a "type". If they like you they like you: doesn't matter what they thought their type was before. In fact if they like you (and think you like them) their "type" will change.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    Ok, it's just that T-BoneHead was trying to tell me that women hate geeks, when I've find quite the opposite to be true: If the geek can talk about thing girls find interesting and isn't scared to get physical, then geekiness is actually a benefit to the highest quality of women. T-BoneHead seems to think it's a liability, though. Guess he goes for lower class women. Just like Yoda. I can see it being a liability with them: Truth is that the geek is the one out of their leaguge and they know it. So they settle for losers.
  • corey
    18 years ago
    women don't like men who aren't their type. Just like men really don't like women who aren't their type. there is a kind out there for everyone. Sure geekiness probably affects you with some women but there are probably other who like that trait.
  • JC2003
    18 years ago
    They don't hate geeks. They just hate you.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    parodyman: Do they like SUBHUMAN HOMOSEXUALS like you and JC?
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Do STRIPPERS like PATHETIC LOSERS who are always trying to GET SOMETHING FOR FREE. Do they like being GENERALIZED and thought of as SEXUAL TARGETS for someone who has DELUDED HIMSELF into BELIEVEING that he is a SUPERIOR INTELECT to them.
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