Happy Rent Day!
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
February 28th - one of my favorite days of the year. Not only is it the last day of the month, but of course February is the shortest month of the year, leaving the girls less time to earn their rent payments. February is also traditionally a crappy month in many clubs, which helps further in motivating the gals. Also, with so many school vacations and holidays celebrated during the month, MILF dancers have had even less time to earn their rent payments.
Clubs around the country are sure to be full with dancers hoping to make their rent payments by tomorrow. It is a good day to be a monger. ;)
Happy Rent Day!
Clubs around the country are sure to be full with dancers hoping to make their rent payments by tomorrow. It is a good day to be a monger. ;)
Happy Rent Day!
I don't need the T-Shirt. ;))
I tells you people are going to be shocked when he comes out with his book "The System: The Art and Science of Paying Hookers for Sex". They'll open it up, expecting to see five words "Just ask, then pay them", but instead they'll get chapter after chapter of brilliant insights like in the OP.
Some months later when I talked to her, she asked me,, "Well have you paid your rent yet?" That seemed to be her code for talking about money. And I guess I should have asked her if she needed help with hers.
I know that on Craig's List, the guys who were looking for "semi-pros" would post ads like, "Do you need help paying your rent?"
If the girls posts an ad saying she is a semi-pro, then she is actually a pro. To get a real semi-pro, one has to post their own ad. And the first meeting might just be a lunch date. Semi-pro's aren't likely to do instant sex with a stranger.
But if you are talking about strippers who don't have enough $ when the rent comes due, you are talking about screwy nutty women who do Lord knows what with their money.
If I were to engage with them I would insist that I pay by check to their land lord.