
avatar for JuiceBox69
Weather you believe the gospal of juice or your a infadel.....point is perception........its kool that the holy gods has given unto me a fat cock, large sums of cash and ass.......thee skillz to mispeal words like a lyracal ipic genius.......I'm a rock star of des clubs and I clearly have a following any religion of divine sexual healling truth this will only grow over time......let those that believe in my advise be blessed with everlasting tight wet pussy and may those that don't be cast into eternalddick sucking.....but just for a min...for the juices wrath is not forever....he loves and will bless those that can not believe for the faather has not shown them unt me..:..remember I chose you not you chose me....this is a predestination thang playa


last comment
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
juice you have an ass?

is it nice?

avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Juice! You sure you got a new job?
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Juice is on lunch break and he got excited about the grape juice box he found in his lunch box today.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
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